Chapter 27

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Ella POV ''What have you done, why did you break the camera,'' I screamed at Alex and she shook her head, looking at me. I did what was supposed to be done,'' Alex let out Wait, are you okay with the idea of someone spying on us from god knows where,'' She said and I huffed. ''Alex you know I'm not, but this is not how things are done," I let out as I ran my hands over my face in frustration. We don't know why that camera was there, to begin with, and right now I don't know, but you might have just killed us all with your actions. Ella... f**k, do I look like I care? We are already dead people walking, so right now we don't have anything to lose, so it was. So that I put an end to this useless insanity, and trust me, if I see any other camera anywhere you definitely know that I would be breaking them as well. ''I support Alex on this one, Ella," Olivia said, Everything is just so messed up, and knowing that we are being watched and recorded is even more disgusting,'' Olivia continued. ''How are you so sure that we were being watched or recorded? Maybe this is just another trick that this creepy island has to offer, and guess what, we just failed and now we don't know that creature that will come after us next,'' I said, shaking my head as the fear settled deep within me. ''Ella, what happened to you... why are you okay with any of this,'' Alex asked. Well, watching three of your friends die, can definitely do that to a person,'' I said as I turned my back against her. ''Ella, I know what you are thinking but, I couldn't let this go just like that,'' Alex said as she turned to me to look at her And I instantly knew for a fact and understood what she was saying. ''That's okay, I don't think we should dwell on this any longer, we should keep moving,'' I said and they all nodded and, just like that, we were on the move again. .............................................................................................................................................................................................. (Back at WIC company) Arthur's POV Everybody was on high alert at the office, the hunt this year was not going as planned. The boss was furious and everybody here was feeling the heat. They were still looking for a way to stop the subjects from going to the other side of the island when something else happened. Boss, there is a situation,'' A staff member ran into the room, nervously saying, ''Speak boy... I don't have all day,'' the boss yelled out impatiently. Sir, one of the cameras on the west wing of the island has been compromised,'' the man said, with a shaken island. What... how is that even possible,'' The boss screamed out again. He looked angrier than he was before. 'I don't know sir, it just went offline,'' the man said as she was scared out of his mind. Take me to it,'' the boss yelled and soon he was ushered to the technical department with me trailing behind him. ' Here it is sir,'' the man said, and the boss looked at the blank screen. His chuckles were filled with anger as he squeezed his chuckles so tightly that they turned white immediately. '' How did this happen,'' he asked in a hoarse voice. Sir, I don't know, it just went off,'' the man said. The boss looked at the screen for a while, then he said '' do you have a saved copy of what the camera captured before it went offline?' he asked ''Yes sir... I do,' the tech man let out Good show me,'' the boss ordered and immediately, the video was put up on the screen. 'It clearly showed Alex noticing the camera and also breaking it in a few minutes. ''Damn...'' the boss screamed at the top of his lungs. How did they see it,'' he let out as he began to pace back and forth the room. ''Why have these girls chosen to be torn in my flesh, everything is just going wrong,'' the boss murmured? ''What are we going to do,'' the tech guy asked softly. Do we still have any cameras on standby,'' the boss asked. Yes we do,'' the tech guy answered. Good, put them back online immediately, we need eyes on our subject 24/7,'' The boss said. And in an instant, the tech guy did exactly what the boss had ordered. ''Arthur... come with me,'' the boss soon turned to me, saying ''We need to fix this mess immediately '' Confused, I didn't know what my boss was planning and, honestly, I didn't want to know. So, without even asking him, my boss told me his plans. ''We are going to release the deadliest creature that is on that island. These girls can't reach the other side without the hunt being completed. The hunt must be completed, the cycle of 6 has to come to an end,'' he said, and my heart sunk at the thought of it all. '' Come on Arthur, we have work to do,'' he said, urging me to walk with him. He took me to the deepest part of the institute, to a place I didn't even know existed. The place was creepy but also fascinating at the same time. It was filled with creatures of different forms, colours or shapes. And also there were various buttons on a panel that was connected to the different cells that harbour mystical creatures all over there. ''This is incredible,'' I said as I feasted my eyes on the wonders of the creatures around me. '' Boss, I know we capture them and maintain order, but how do we get these creatures exactly,'' I asked curiously. And my boss sighed, looking at me in an uncanny manner. 'That information is way above your pay grade, so it's best you don't ask about it,"' he said. We are here to release the deadly creature as I said, so come with me,'' my boss said as he guided me to a particular red button. ''This is it, the deadliest of them all. No one survives her,'' My boss laughed as he opened the case that housed the button. ' I shivered in uncertainty, but I tried so hard not to show it, The idea of unleashing this creature did not sit well with me at all, as I wondered to myself if Ella would ever survive this one. ''Arthur...'' my boss called out to me and my heart thumped even harder in my chest as I looked towards him again. Press it, Arthur... Release the creature,'' he ordered.
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