Chapter 38

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(a few days earlier) Back at the WIC company Arthur's POV The whole company was in total chaos after Ella and Alex escaped, we were on code red, a code we had never used before and that was I knew Ella and Alex were not safe Even when the company was on high alert, my good for nothing boss still had a plan, I wasn't surprised because that man always had a plan and of course, none of them ended well I was in the room when his call up is the best agent who was currently on the case “Agent 47, status report," my boss asked It wasn't hard to find girls out there, one was badly injured though, and the other scared out of her mind The one that was shot did not make it, the girl is died of the gunshot wound, to the abdomen," the agent answered “Good, and the other one," my boss asked “She is devastated as expected, and she thinks we would be journeying to the other side soon," the agent said “Excellent, just try as much as possible to gain her trust, and I am sure she wouldn't see it coming," the boss said “Yes sir, sure thing," the agent said cutting off the connection “Sir do you think this plan is wise," I asked my boss as I feared greatly for Ella life “If anyone could carry this plan out, it is agent 47, so don't worry," my boss said with a smile on his face as he walked out of the room Agent 47, the name crossed my mind again, I remembered that agent so well, we trained together before I was removed from the field and called to manage logistics of the hunt program I remembered he was the best agent then, who grew to be the dreaded hand of the WIC company Remembering who he truly was, the master manipulator, I now knew for sure that Ella was not safe with him, and I needed to help her. (a few days later) A few days had passed by and still nothing from the agent, my boss was raging with anger “ Agent 47, status report," my boss screamed angrily at the receiver “Sir... the operation is going smoothly she trusts me now, and in a few days we can launch an attack and end the hunt once and for all," the agent said “Good, and you better keep me updated about it all," my boss let out in a hoarse voice “Yes sir..." I would definitely keep you posted," the agent said as he cut off the signal my boss turned to me with a serious look on his face “Arthur... this is it, finally the end of it all, so gather your best men, let's prepare to end this Hunt once and for all," my boss said and I had no choice but to nod in agreement He soon walked out of the room, leaving me there with only my thoughts And with my thoughts, Ella was the only thing I could think about I couldn't allow her to die for my mistakes, so there and then I knew just what to do I had to save her from this impending doom I creeped out of the institute without anyone noticing, as I made my way into the forest with only one thing on my mind “I had to get to her quickly before the institute gets to her as well" Ella's POV I slept like a baby in Damien's arms, this was the first peaceful sleep I had gotten since after Alex death, and I love every bit of it But by the time I woke up, Damien was here anymore confused I looked around, as I wondered where he must be “Damien," I called out his name softly but there was still no response from him I levelled my breathing as I tried to keep the fear that was boiling inside of me at bay “Damien..." I called out his name for the second time, but still nothing from him “Okay I was full-on scared out of my mind right now" “Damien..." I screamed his name loudly this time, but still, nothing, all I could hear was silence My heart was pounding so profusely in my chest, as I tried to think of anything negative “ I couldn't lose another person.. . Damien was fine," I reassured myself as I tried to keep my racing thoughts at bay All of a sudden, I felt a hand grab me from behind fear instantly filled me but I immediately relaxed as I heard him say “ Are you missing me already," Damien whispered into my ear I turned around swiftly as I looked at him with a smile on my face “You scared the s**t out of me, where have you been," I asked and Damien smirked “I wanted to surprise you with some fruits, but it didn't go as planned, this was the only thing I could get," he said as he raised an orange to my face “Thank you, this is just fine," I smiled and said Damien was such a gentleman, even though we still don't know what we are yet to each other, Damien still always go out of his way to make me feel special at every chance he gets " I'm sorry I couldn't get you something more," he said with a sad look on his face “This is enough," I let out with a huge smile on my face “We should get going anyways, I want us, to cover more grounds before night falls again," Damien said “So do you know, how much longer it is before we get to the other side," I asked and Damien shook his head “No... I wish I did, but this island has its mysteries, no one is certain where this island would take us, but what I'm sure of is that I would get you off this island... I promise," he said with a serious look on his face as he bent over to pick up the bags The uncertainty of it all was what I dreaded the most, but Damien made it all bearable and I couldn't be more thankful for meeting this stranger We continued our journey south, keeping to the same paths we have always done “ So tell me, I want to know more about you, what was life like for you outside the island," Damien asked “Thinking about it life was nothing exciting to talk about, I have a flower shop back home," I said as I immediately thought of Evelyn, she must be really worried about me and why I haven't gotten back from my trip “ Interesting telling me more," Damien let out and I rolled my eyes “ Okay, Why the sudden interest in my life," I smirked and asked Damien smiled wildly as he slowed his pace down a bit “ Is it a crime to want to know more about the woman I fell in love with," Damien smirked and I blushed really hard Damien sure do know how to make me blush like a little schoolgirl “So tell me I want to know everything about you," he whispered into my ear So that was how I told him everything, about my breakup with Liam, about my friends and even about how I met Arthur at the club I found myself telling Damien, my deepest secret, things I couldn't even tell Arthur when we dating I poured out my heart to Damien, not leaving anything behind “Wow... I knew you were different from the first day I saw you, and you just proved it to me, you went through a lot and look at you now, you are still standing after it all, so I'm sure to use would make it through this island," he smiled and said “ Thank you, and I know with your help, nothing is impossible," I smiled as I held on to him “We continued our journey, laughing and talking all through Damien told me all about his acting career and all the struggles associated with it “So how about family, do you have anyone," I asked and Damien nodded “ I have a little sister, her name is Abby, she was everything to me after our parents died I took care of her all her life, so every day I kept on wondering if she is okay where ever she is now, or if she had stopped looking for me after 7 years it kills me every single day that I am far away from her," Damien said with a sad look on his face I felt really bad seeing him this way, so I pulled him close to me giving him a hug “Don't worry, it's just a matter of time you would get to see her soon," I whispered into his ear Damien nodded, as he pulled apart looking intensely at me “We have you been all my life," he whispered I have never met anyone else like you," he smiled as he gently place a soft kiss on my lips .............................................. Nightfall so quickly, so we set up for the night yet again We were cuddled up in each other's arms , Damien was already sleeping, when all of a sudden I heard a ruffling in the bushes ”Damien," I softly woke him up but he didn't answer, and the ruffling increase I was so scared it was a creature, or even worse the masked men , so I shook Damien harder this time Damien immediately woke up , as he looked at me wondering what was wrong “Something or someone is in the bushes," I whispered to him As Damien was about to check what was that, someone I didn't expect to see came out of the bushes “Arthur, what are you going here," I asked as I was so scared out of my mind “Ella you need to come with me you are not safe here," Arthur let out he tried to reach out for me but Damien stopped him immediately “Don't you dare touch her," Damien let out angrily with a serious look on his face “ You have the nerves coming after her after what you did to her, after what you did to me," Damien let out and Arthur for some weird reason looked at him so confused Arthur had no atom of guilty written on his face, that was when I knew he couldn't change, he wasn't even remorseful about what he did to Damien and I “Ella listen to me, you can't trust this man here, you need to come with me right now before it is too late," Arthur said again and that was when the fear I had towards him turned to anger, and right now I was going to give him a piece of my mind “Listen here Arthur, I trust Damien here more than I would ever trust, you broke whatever trust or love I had for you , when you sent me and my friends here to die So you can not just appear from nowhere, to try and start playing hero 5 of my best friends are died and is all your fault, so new flash Arthur I am safer here with Damien than I have ever been with anyone ," I yelled out All of a sudden Arthur busted out laughing as he took a step towards me “You think you are safe here, you know nothing Ella, I admit to being an asshole to you , to sending you here and putting the WIC company above our love But if you think you are safe here with him, then you don't know anything at all So please I know I don't deserve your trust, but give me chance to prove to you that I am different now Just come with me, and I would make it all go away, I will fix it all , you don't have to stay here with him please," Arthur begged me Honestly, I was confused , he caused all this, he brought me here to this island to die , so why the sudden change, why does he want so badly to save me now But I knew one thing right now, and that was nothing would ever make me forgive him He broke me, and plunge me into a world of darkness, and that was something I couldn't come back from So I shook my head saying, you had your chance to save back home, but you sent me here anyway we were engaged for crying out loud, I loved you so much and we were building a life together, but I should have known that all that glitters are not gold So please just leave, and don't look for me ever again , Damien is helping me leave this island and all the darkness that exists here, and that includes you," I said as my heart squeezed so tightly in my chest I could see the tears falling from Arthur's eyes, he looked so broken , and that made me wonder if there was some atom of truth in his words But no..." I said to myself as I shook the thought away from my head I wasn't going to let Arthur's fake tears move me after anything he had done Arthur was about to leave when he turned back towards me again saying “Don't forget, that I would be close if you ever need me," Arthur said as he turned and left “ Ella I think we should leave, if he found us , the WIC company would definitely follow," Damien said as he picked up the bags I didn't argue, I just did what he told me to do We moved to another area far away from where we were before, and we set camp again for the night But my sleep was restless as I thought of what Arthur meant by what he said, that I wasn't safe with Damien.
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