Chapter 15

1016 Words
A day before the trip Arthur's POV Walking into the office building, I took in a deep breath as I mentally prepared myself for what was to come and what was about to come was definitely bigger than me. This wasn't my first hunt here at the WIC, but truthfully, this was the hardest one I have ever done Here at the WIC, we dedicate our lives to keeping several mystical creatures around the world at bay, and especially the one at Marajó island. Marajó island was inhabited by a dangerous mystical creature who hunts and feeds on fear. So, in order to keep this creature from migrating and killing everyone, we confined it to that island and we created a yearly initiative, called the Hunt. Hunt was supposed to give it the necessary feeding to keep it happy and inline. I know what you are thinking... that it is human lives we are putting at risk. But if you think about it, it is a few human lives worth more than a million lives that would be lost if the creature escaped. So that is why the hunt was necessary, but this time, everything was different. It was harder to carry out. I never wanted to send Ella on this death mission, but I knew I had no choice. When Ella and her friend's names came up in our database as the next people to journey to the island, I thought it would be easy. But I had to go and get involved with her. Well, it was not like I could help it, anyway, seeing her that day. I was mesmerized by her and the more time we spent together it made it harder for me to see her as just a subject of the hunt. I even asked her to marry, which was against the rules. I slowly walked into the commander's office, with hopes I could convince him to change his mind about Ella and her friends. “Good morning sir,' I greeted him. Arthur, there you are, how are you doing?" he asked as he sipped his coffee. “Good sir... But I came here to speak to you about something," I let out The commander nodded as he waited for me to speak. Taking in a deep breath, trying to recollect my thoughts and also my words in a way that would be pleasing to him Arthur... I don't have all day. Tell me what is going on, is there a problem with the hunt," he asked, and I shook my head immediately. No sir, it's all going as planned, but I was hoping we could change the subject this year," I said nervously. “Why? Miss Davis and her friends have been chosen for this year's hunt. Why should we change them at the last minute," the commander said. Sir... I could arrange for another group of people to travel to the island, but please don't let Miss Davis go," I begged. “Arthur... Arthur... Arthur," the commander called my name 3 times Tell me Arthur, have you been compromised," he asked. “No sir... never sir, my loyalty would always be with the WIC," I let out. Good, because you know what is at stake, and I know you wouldn't let yourself be distracted by a woman," he let out nonchalantly. “But sir, please reconsider," I tried to protest. “Arthur..." he shouted angrily, banging his hand loudly on the table. I have had enough with this conversation. If you don't want your little girl going to that island, maybe you could go there yourself too, but I know, you wouldn't come out of there alive," he smirked. Now go... and get everything ready for the Hunt, because I'm already reconsidering your position as head of the Hunt," The commander said as he signalled that I would leave his office. Walking out of his office, my heart was heavy because I knew there was nothing I could do to save Ella anymore and had to go to that island. Well, it's for the greater good," I said to myself. What are 6 lives compared to a billion lives? If the creature on that island is not feeding? So I did the only thing I knew that was the best. I continued working, putting everything up for the hunt. while knowing full well that Ella was never going to come back from that island. ................................................. Getting home, I walked up to my room and Ella was there packing her luggage and humming happily. She was really happy about this trip. Deep down, I wanted to tell her the truth, I wanted to let her know that this journey was a death sentence, but I knew I just couldn't because my loyalty was to the WIC, and for me, it was duty over the heart. I moved closer to her, snaking my hands around her, holding her tightly in my arms. I wanted to feel her one last time, I wanted to smell her intoxicating fragrance and feel her silky hair. “Hey Beautiful," I whispered into her ear. Smiling... she turned around with excitement on my face as I kissed his lips softly. “Hey... she whispered out You are packing for your trip, right?" I asked and she nodded, but soon a frown crept onto her into “Hey, what's wrong," I asked. “I'm just going to miss you so much," Ella whispered with a frown on her face and that broke me even more. I was so overwhelmed with emotions, so I took in a deep breath as I willed my lips to move, but right now that was impossible, so I just pulled her to myself again, holding her as if it was my last time. Well, it was actually the last time, because today was the last day I would ever get to see or hold her again in my arms. Goodness, it was harder than I thought, but I knew that this was something that needed to be done. Duty above love
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