Chapter 16

1063 Words
Ella's POV It was time. The trip was in 4 hours and I was so excited about it. Arthur dropped me off at Alex's apartment, and to my greatest surprise, Alex was still struggling to pack up her bag. “Wait... don't tell me that you are still packing your bags at this time," I said in surprise as I sat next to her scattered clothes. Well, yes, as you can see, I am still packing my bags," Alex said, rolling her eyes, and I guessed she was still mad about the whole trip. Alex don't tell me that you are still mad about us going on this trip,' I asked and Alex sighed heavily Yes, of course, why wouldn't I still be mad? I'm supposed to be your maid of honour, I am supposed to be responsible for organising the best send-off party for my best friend. but you had to go and agree to go on this trip to God knows where. Ella tell me... do you even know where this island is because, in my years of travelling the world, I have never heard of or come across this place? Doesn't that sound strange," Alex said? Alex's words got me thinking. She was right. I haven't really heard much about this island, and Alex, who is supposed to be more well-travelled than I , hasn't heard about it as well. But I quickly dismissed the thought away from my head, Alex was just petty and I knew that Arthur wouldn't send me to a place that wasn't safe or beautiful. So I turned to Alex, saying “No, I'm sure there is nothing to worry about, Arthur wouldn't send us to a place that might be bad or unsafe," I said. “Hmmm... okay if you say so," Alex let out softly. Yes, I said so, so I just need you to finish packing as quickly as you can. But wait for a person that hates this trip. You are packing a whole lot of bags with you," I sat and Alex chuckled softly. Well I might hate going on this trip, but I can't look homeless doing it, I always have to dress to kill," Alex laughed and I rolled my always. it took Alex another 2 hours to finish getting packed and also dressing up, and when she was finally ready We made our way down the elevator, to the parking lot. We were about to take Alex's car to the airport when a party bus stopped us in our tracks. The door opened and Olivia, Ava, Mandy and Sasha screamed happily from the car. I was shocked and confused. I wasn't sure what was going on. How did they get a party bus? Girls, what is going on, how did you get a party bus," I asked, and they all laughed, getting down from the car. “Ella, we decided that it was only right that you ride to the airport in style since it is your bachelorette week," Olivia smiled and said, and I still couldn't believe that they were serious" No, you guys shouldn't have," I said as I tried to hold back the tears. Of course, Ella, you had better believe it because this is your week, and we are going to have so much fun. So we decided that it was for the best that the fun starts early," Sasha said as she handed me a glass of champagne. I couldn't help but smile widely, everything couldn't be more than perfect, and that was because I had a group of awesome best friends. “Thanks, guys,' I whispered out, as I was still trying to keep the tears at bay. No tears Ella, it is a happy day," Mandy said. The girls soon rushed into the car and, soon enough, we were on our way to the airport. The ride was the best I ever had. The music, the dancing, the drinks and the funny comments from the girls were so much fun and it made everything so perfect. We soon got to the airport and, to our greatest surprise, we were welcomed so gratefully as if we were special guests. We sat in the VIP area, and soon we were ushered to a private hanger. “ Oh my goodness Ella, are we taking a private jet," Sasha screamed in excitement. I didn't even know how to answer her question, because I was surprised as well. Arthur didn't tell me that it was a private jet. Goodness Ella, I'm so jealous of you, you really found yourself a good man," Ava said and I smiled. The girls chirped in excitement as they ran onto the airplane. “I can't believe we are taking a private jet," Olivia squealed, and the girls joined in as well. Soon we were seated and the flight attendant came in. ‘ Good day ladies, can I offer you a glass of champagne," she asked, and Sasha laughed. My darling, make it a bottle and don't forget to keep it coming," Sasha said, and the girls supported her. Soon the drinks were rolling in, and everyone was happy, even including Alex, who wasn't in support of this trip, but now she was smiling and enjoying the luxury. I knew she was already used to “Girls, let's raise a glass to our best friend. Ella, who is getting married to the man that she loves and who, after a bad heartbreak, has finally found someone that is good for her. I may not like the idea of going to this island, but if it makes you happy Ella, I'm all for it. “Congratulations my dear friend, you have dreamt this for a very long time," Alex said as tears flowed down her eyes. With that, all the girls started crying as well and soon it was a crazy crying fest because I couldn't help but join in as well . Thank you, girls... I couldn't have asked for better friends," I sobbed. Soon enough, after our crying fest ended, the party on the jet started again and we were all laughing and having fun. It took a while, but we all slept and before I knew it, I was woken up to the sound of the announcement saying Dear passengers, welcome to Marajó An island of unimaginable fantasy
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