Chapter 12

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Ella's POV The Hunt... What was that," I asked myself for the umpteenth time. Was Arthur involved in the illegal hunting of animals? Because hunting in this state is a crime, and Arthur knew that. Goodness, I was worried... What if he gets caught and gets thrown in jail? No... I couldn't live with that, and why was I even thinking about that," I scolded myself immediately. Before I could second guess myself any further, Arthur walked out with a smile on his face and the intention of demanding answers from him died down. So I just smiled nervously. “Your phone was ringing," I lied as I tried to cover up the fact that I looked through his phone. Arthur smiled, taking the phone from me, throwing it on the bed. “ Yeah, I don't care about whoever is calling me right now. I want to take care of my queen," He smirked and just like that my heart melted again. I totally forgot that I was supposed to be worried by what I saw in that text message. “Damn, Arthur was so good with words." He knew the right things to say at the right time, that would make me droll over him. “My queen, your soothing bath awaits," he said. I was walking in the bathroom when he swept me off my feet, lifting my bridal style as he carried me into the bathroom. After my bath, he served me the best meal ever. Arthur knew how to take care of me in every way possible, and when I mean every way possible, I meant every way you could ever think of. Sometimes everything all felt so good to be true, and I waited patiently for the other shoe to drop, for him to wake up and say he doesn't want to marry me any longer. But the other shoe never dropped. Instead, Arthur showed me ways that I couldn't just help to fall deeply in love with him. He was my very own prince charming, who brought back love into my life. But in the midst of this love bubble, something still weighed strongly on my heart. “That text” Even after several days of seeing that text, I wanted to ask him what it was all about, what the hunt was? But every single time I tried, the moment wasn't right, there was always something interrupting us. So I kept on putting it off, just concentrating on the wedding plans, as I tried to put my mind off it. (*) Everything for the wedding was finally in order, and it was just two weeks until my big day. '' I just couldn't believe it, it is almost here," I squealed to myself. “Excited aren't you," I heard Alex whisper into my ear and jumped in shock. ''Oh my goodness... Alex, you scared me," I let out and Alex laughed as she took her seat beside me. “That was the plan,' she smirked and rolled her eyes at her. “You know, I still can't believe that in just two weeks you will be Mrs Logan," Alex chirped in excitement and I smiled. ''Yeah it's all surreal," I said softly. '' it was like Alex noticed the change in my demeanour because she moved closer to me, asking. “Ella, what is wrong?" She whispered. “Nothing's wrong, I'm okay," I stumbled through my words. '' Are you serious right now... you can tell that to people that don't know you. I know you, Ella, and I know something is wrong. I can tell that you are not fine," Alex said, looking at me with a questioning gaze. “Damn, Alex knew me so well."
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