Chapter 13

708 Words
Ella's POV I knew Alex knew me so well, but what I didn't know was if I could tell her about the text message on Arthur's phone. I don't know if I could tell her about my confusion concerning the hunt. “Ella, what is it? You should be happy, you are getting married, that is what you have always wanted.." Alex continued to urge me to speak. “Alex I'm fine, trust me, maybe it's just the nerves that are finally getting to me," I lied through my teeth. Alex looked at me for a while, just studying my face, until she broke her gaze, saying “Okay if you say so," Alex let out softly. Anyways, as your best friend and maid of honour," Alex said, and I chuckled softly. “What's funny," Alex huffed as she folded her hands across her chest. “I don't remember choosing a maid of honour," I let out, and the frown on her grew even more. ''Well, you are wasting so much time. I chose one, so I. I stepped up the task for you. Don't worry, the other girls won't mind," Alex smirked and shook my head. “Well, so as your maid of honour, I have to throw you the best bachelorette party ever,” She squealed in excitement. Shaking my head, I knew Alex and any party she was going to throw wouldn't be just a party. Alex was known for always going overboard, and I knew this party wouldn't be different. “Alex, I just want something small, okay," I said. Yeah no, that's not going to happen, you know very well that I don't do things," Alex smiled and said. Christ... here we go again," I said to myself. (*) Getting home, the house was empty, so I went up to the room, had my bath and waited for Arthur to get back, and in no time Arthur walked in through the room's door. “Hey, how was your day," I asked, smiling. “Good... And I'm sure yours went well," he said, kissing me softly. Yeah, it did, Alex is throwing me a bachelorette party," I smiled and said. Oh, nice... " he said, Oh, walking into the bathroom. He soon came out with just his pyjama pants and his hair was also still wet. Looking at him get into bed, he looked as handsome as ever. Arthur soon pulled me into his arms, kissing my forehead, and just like that, my heart fluttered in excitement, but still, my mind just wouldn't allow it, dread of the euphoria of being in his arms, as it urged me to ask the question that I dreaded the most. So, with my heartbeat uncontrollably, I forced my lips to say the words I didn't want to. “What is the Hunt," I asked softly as I waited patiently for his answer, but Arthur didn't say anything. I looked up at him wondering if he hadn't heard me, but Arthur immediately put a smile on his face. “I was confused... what wasn't he telling me," I asked myself. “My love, it's nothing to worry your pretty head about," he smiled. “But I," I tried to protest. But Arthur didn't let me. He sat up, searching the side table for God knows what. “My love, I have been meaning to give you this," he said, handing me six tickets, and I got even more confused. “Arthur, what is this," I asked. It's your pre-wedding gift, a 2-week vacation with your girls, something to celebrate before the wedding," he said, and I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. “Are you serious," I let out. Yes, it is a luxurious island, all expenses paid for. I just need you to relax before our big day," he said. Oh my goodness," I blinked profusely as I tried to convince my head that what I was seeing was true. “An all-expense-paid trip to a luxurious island." Goodness, do I truly deserve this man? “Thank... Thank you very much," I squealed in excitement as I hugged him tightly. I was so excited, but I wished I had known that all that glitter was not gold.
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