Chapter 26

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(Back at WIC company ) Arthur's POV ''We can't let them go to the other side of the island,'' the head of the company screamed to the rest of the employees. '' Sir relax... everything is under control,'' I let out as I tried to keep my boss at bay. ''How do you want me to relax when everything is falling apart,'' my boss aggressively banged his hand on the table. They might not actually reach to the other side alive,'' one of the men in the room let out and our boss stared at him with the most deadly gaze I had ever seen. ''Can't you see what is clearly on the screen right there, they are leaving and going to the other side, and you know very well that our eyes don't reach the orderly side of the island,'' my boss screamed aggressively, hitting his cup against the wall. ''Sir!' I screamed. ''There are only 3 of them left sir, and it's just a matter of time until they are all gone. We just have to be patient,'' I let out softly. And my boss turned to look at me with fire in his eyes. ''Arthur, are you trying to destroy what we have managed to build for so many years,'' he asked, and I was confused. ''Sir, what do you mean?'I asked and he shook his head. 'Ella...That is her name, right,'' he asked, and I nodded. That is a girl who you were supposed to keep an eye on, but you ended up feeling in love with her, so I am here asking, did you tell her anything about this hunt... did you tell her that she would be safe if she got to the other side,'' he said and I nervously shook my head ''No sir... I care about the subject,'' I whispered. ''but I would never put our company or our initiative at risk... Duty above anything else, that was what you taught us,'' I let out Hmm... then I would just have to take you by your words, but I'm watching you, Arthur... I'm watching you,'' my boss said softly but with so much authority, that it had me shiver where stood Okay, boys... I need solutions. These girls can't leave the fourth to go to the other side unless everything is ruined. We all know that if the cycle of 6 people is not completed then chaos will be released,'' he let out with a serious expression on his face. Then everyone else started suggesting things to do to keep the girls from getting to the other side, but I remained quiet. Deep down I was kind of glad they were going to the other side, a place where they would be safe and finally free from the thing that is hunting them down. Every single moment that passed by I never stopped thinking about Ella, and I hated myself for what I did to her, sending her to that dreadful island to die. That was something I would never forgive myself for. And even though I chose duty over heart, my heart still bleeds for its loss. .................................................................................................................................................................... ( Back on the island) Ella's POV We kept on moving, walking through the woods, heading west. We still didn't even know if where we were going was in the right direction. We just kept on moving. ''Do you think someone will be looking for us back home,'' Olivia asked and my heart broke even more as I thought of Arthur. He must be really worried about me. I should have been back home by now, and I know he must be going crazy just waiting for me to return,'' I thought to myself. '' I don't think so Liv.. at least not for now, they would all think we are still having fun on this godforsaken island,'' Alex said, and a big frown came to play so freely on Olivia's face. ''Maybe if they thought that we had been gone for so long, then maybe they would send help in search of us,'' I said just to keep Olivia's hope alive, but I knew everything I just said was so farfetched because, right now, every second that passes by, our lives become more. uncertain Silence in the atmosphere and the only thing we could hear was our feet step, then all of a sudden I heard Alex's voice. ''Hey... girls, what is that,'' she asked, and I immediately looked in the direction she was pointing at. ''Isn't that a camera,' Alex again, and god I didn't know what to say. I was bewildered. ''What was a camera doing here,'' I asked myself. A lot of strange things had been going on, but this was the strangest I had ever seen. ''Maybe it is not working. Maybe there is finally cell service here,'' Olivia hopefully said as she took out her phone, but of course she was disappointed. ''A camera. What is doing here, and it looks like it is working,'' Alex said as she moved closer. Alex don't,'' I screamed at her to stop. ''We don't know why it is there, maybe it is one of the Island's mysterious tricks to lure us to our deaths,'' I said. ''No Ella, I don't think so, that is a physical camera hung up there... but my only question right now is WHY. Wait, has someone been watching us this whole time? Is this some kind of twisted game made for someone else's pleasure?' Alex yelled as I noticed the anger slowly building up in her. ''Relax Alex, we don't know anything about that camera yet or why it is there in the first place,'' I said, as I tried to calm her down. Bullshit Ella... Someone is doing this to us, killing us for his or her pleasure, and they even dare to record our pain. No, I can't take this,'' Alex yelled angrily as she picked up a stick, moving towards the camera. ''What are you doing Alex,'' I yelled and Alex screamed back at me, saying Ending this insanity...
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