Chapter 36

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Ella's POV “Do you have a plan Damien," I asked all of a sudden as I was done with the food he had given me “What plan?" He turned and asked me “ A Plan to escape from this island," I said again “ I have been hiding here on this island, just getting lost in the shadows for 7 years, so of course, I have a plan," he said “So tell me Damien, What is your plan," I said in disbelief Because thinking about it, I still didn't trust Damien, I couldn't just understand why a stranger would come out of nowhere to help us Even though he explained why, I still couldn't explain why everything about him felt out of place, what if he was one of the people from the WIC company, who is just pretending to help us, in order to just capture us once more But right now I had to give him the benefit of the doubt because we need him more than he needs us “Don't worry... tomorrow is another day, you need to sleep," Damien smiled towards me “Sleep...' I laughed at his words “Sleep has been far from me for many days now, so I don't think I would be sleeping today," I huffed and said Damien soon walked in front of me, as he gaze at me so intensely in the eye “Night terrors," he whispered and I nodded “Yeah watching 4 of your friends die and also 1 badly injured can do that to you," I murmured “I had that too as well, but I soon learnt to live with my demons as well in my head," Damien said and I looked at him so confused “How do you even start to live with all that happened," I whispered out as I struggled to keep my tears at bay “It would take time, but you can," Damien said “Time... I don't think time could heal this wound," I said as the tears I was struggling to hold back came rushing down from my eyes “ I am the reason they are all dead, this is all my fault because I had to foolishly bring them to this deadly island," I said as I cried even more “Ella, don't say that you are not to blame, for Arthur's wicked behaviour He was my best friend, so I know how exactly evil he is, so please don't blame yourself," Damien said as he wiped off the tears from my face. Damien's words and the calming look in his eyes, surprisingly made me calm down within seconds “Okay you need to sleep, and I have just the thing that might help," he said with a subtle smile on his face as he walked over to a stand I don't know what he was getting, but he soon came back with a cup and a liquid substance in it “What is this," I asked and grinned “My special remedy, been stuck here on this island has taught me a whole lot of new things and making an awesome sleep remedy is one “ But you still haven't told me what this is," I let out and Damien rolled his eyes “Alright... if you insist on knowing, it is a fish oil with a little bit of Chamomile leaf," Damien let out looking so proud of his remedy “no you know, Drink up," he said as he urged me to drink up as well Downing the content of the cup, to my greatest surprise it tasted great, and Damien was right within seconds I felt so relaxed and sleepy all at the same time “This is great," I murmured out and Damien's eyes lit up in an instant “You see it works like magic every time," Damien chuckled A peaceful wave of relaxation swept over me, and my eyes opened by its without even asking it to I kissed Alex good night, as I lay on my bed, and immediately I was plunged into my peaceful darkness ................................................. This was the longest and also the most peaceful sleep, I have had in weeks I didn't know how long I slept, but by the time I woke up, the sun was already fully up in the sky “ Good afternoon... how was your night," I soon heard Damien's voice say I sluggishly turned around to him, and I was immediately taken aback by how different he looked his beards were cut and his hair was trimmed so nicely, Damien looked handsome I couldn't bring myself to see anything as I was captured by his transformation “Don't look at me like that, I thought I should clean up for once since I finally have company," he said and for some reason, he was looked nervous “ You look nice," I said softly as I looked over at Alex, and for some reason, Alex was still sleeping Smiling down at her, I was happy she got her much needed sleep and did not have to worry about mystical creatures or men in masks chasing us Looking back at Damien, he handed me a cup of water before I could even ask “ You looked refreshed," he smiled and said “Oh I feel refreshed, thank you for the remedy," I smiled and said So I don't mean to disturb you but you told me that you had a plan, and I really need to get out of this island, if not for anything Alex needs to see a doctor," I said and Damien's face fell immediately “Ella I do have a plan, but executing the plan is the hard part," Damien said “Damien tell me what do we have to do, I am desperate," I said “ We have to get to the other side of the Island, I saw a boat already at the shore over there, so all we have to do is get over there," Damien said and I laughed at the irony of it all “ I and my friend were actually going to the other side of the island, without even knowing what lays over there or how to get to it," I said and Damien let out a deep breath “I know the way to the other side," he said and I became confused “How is that possible, are you really sure," I said curiously “Ella, I had 7 years to figure it all out, so of course, I know how to get there. But there is only one problem, which is the road leading there, is full of creatures and don't you forget about the WIC company, they would not stop looking for you both, and it would be worst if they find out that I am still alive," Damien said Thinking about it, I knew we had no option, we had to try “Damien, I don't know but we just have to try," I let out, but he still had this sceptical look on his face “Come on, it was alright," I had to encourage him with words I couldn't even believe for myself “Okay would journey at first light," he said and I nodded With a little bit of hope in my heart, I turned towards Alex sleeping form as I rushed to her side, eager to tell her the good news “Alex, we are finally leaving this island," I said with a smile on my face as I touch Alex's arm I was surprised at how cold it felt, so I covered her up even more “Alex, can you hear me? we are leaving here soon," I said again as I shook her, trying to wake her up from sleep but Alex didn't answer At that moment, my heart instantly sunk deep into my chest “Alex, I don't like this... please answer me," I let out with so much agitation in my voice but still no answer from her “Alex... Alex... Alex," I screamed out her name because right now I was beyond scared Damien quickly rushed to my side “What is going on ?" he asked “Alex is not waking up... Damien do something," I screamed as an icy cold chill ran down my spine Damien touched Alex, and in an instant, his face fell and I could see the dismay clearly written all over it “Damien what is going on, why is she not answering me," I let out as tears ran down my eyes because deep down I knew the tragedy that had just occurred ”Damien please talk to me," I screamed out as Damien still didn't say a word to me I quickly turned back to Alex, as I refused to accept my reality “Alex it's me, please talk to me... please," I said to her over and over again as I cried none stop I touched her, shaking her profusely just hoping that maybe a miracle would happen and Alex would finally open her eyes to me But no matter how much I tried, no matter how hard I begged the universe to give her back to me, nothing changed, Alex still wouldn't respond to me “No... not here," I cried out as the pain in my heart became even deeper Soon I felt Damien's hand's on my arms as he guided me up slowly, taking me off Alex “Ella... I'm sorry but Alex is gone," Damien said lowly and at that moment my whole world came crashing down, and in an instant, my tears soon became my solace and I drenched myself endlessly in them “This couldn't be happening to me again “No... I still couldn't believe it, it can't be true," I yelled to myself as I pulled away from Damien “Alex can't be gone... she just can't, this was all a silly joke, a joke I wasn't finding funny at all we had plans to finally leave this island and know she couldn't just leave me like that without warning," I said to myself as I looked at her lifeless form again And for the umpteenth time, the realisation that Alex was truly gone dawned on me again and this time I screamed so loudly, as I just tried to rid myself of all the agony and pain I had within me
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