Chapter 4

1134 Words
Ella's POV “What a pleasant surprise. I wasn't expecting your call so soon," I heard him say over the phone. Taking in a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and plastered a smile onto my face as I chuckled softly, trying to act a bit flirty. “ Well, Mr Logan, luck has shone brightly upon you today," I said, smirking. “Oh is that so..." Arthur said, and I could feel the amusement in his voice. “Yes, because I have decided to go on that date with you," I said, smiling as I sat on the couch crossing my legs. “Wow... seriously," he asked with excitement in his voice. “Absolutely... I decided there is no harm in giving you a chance, and it's just a date right," I said as I tried to act as intimidating as possible, but well I was kind of failing at it. Because I was so nervous that my hands were even sweating, but I knew I had to keep my composure “Okay then, luck surely did shine upon me today, and trust me, you will not regret it,' he said. ''I hope so too, Arthur because I don't just go on dates with anyone I meet at the club," I let out. “Trust me, it would be amazing," he said, and I smiled. “So how about Friday... Can I pick you up at your house at 7 pm," he asked, and I nodded, but I instantly realized that he couldn't see me, so I smiled, saying. “Sure, Friday works great for me. I will send you my address," I said. '' Okay then, I just can't wait," he let out. “Alright, see you soon," I said, cutting off the phone as I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. I just couldn't believe I did that. I was going on a date after 5 years of being off the dating scene. “Okay... it's cool... I could do this... it's just a date... and Friday is just 5 days away. I still have time to prepare right," I asked myself as I was currently hyperventilating right now. “Okay, what did I miss?" I heard Alex's voice say as I looked up to find her standing by the door. “What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the shop," I asked, as I took in a deep breath levelling my breathing. ''Yeah, I was... but Evelyn had everything on lock and key, so I decided to come back,'' she answered. ”Wow so fast..." I smiled nervously. “Yeah... okay, tell me what's wrong," Alex asked as she took a seat beside me. “Well, I kind of called up Arthur and agreed to go on a date with him," I said, and Alex looked at me with surprise in her eyes. “Wait, I thought you said you weren't ready," Alex asked. ''Yeah but..." I stuttered “Is this because of what happened at brunch, with the picture and all the pressure from the girls," Alex asked as I lowered my head, obviously short of words. “Look, you don't have to do something you don't want to do, all because of a stupid picture, if you are not ready, it's totally fine," Alex said softly. “Alex, the girls were right, you were right, if Liam could move on so fast, then why shouldn't I," I said. “But you don't have to do this just because I said so or the girls said so or because you saw Liam moving on," Alex protested. ''And I'm sorry if I tried to force you to do what you didn't want to do at first. But if you are not ready yet, then it's okay to wait, give yourself some time to heal because I can see you need it, Ella," Alex said as she tried to convince me. “No... Alex is all good, you were right all along, I have to get back out there again and find the one for me. Liam was a waste of 5 years, and it's time to pick up the pieces and move on with my life. I don't need time to heal. “Well, even though I do need healing, what better way than putting love back into my life," I said, smiling. ''Alex, I have made up my mind," I let out, nodding my head. ''I am going to move on and stop pinning over a guy that never really loved me in the first place. I will find my happily ever after with or without Liam," I said, with a strong conviction in my heart. “Christ Ella... you are not even listening to me, but it's fine. I blame myself for encouraging you to get back out there when you are not ready for it. But if this is what you want, then I can't complain," Alex smirked, hugging me. ''So when are you going on this date with Arthur," Alex asked, and I took in a deep breath. “Friday... 7 pm," I let out, smiling. “Oh okay, that is enough time to get your date ready," Alex smiled. ''Come on let's go ransack your closet and see if we can find anything for your big debut on the dating scene," Alex smiled with an amused look on her face as she pulled me up to my feet. “Do we have to go now," I grumbled. “Yes, girl... I can't have you looking terrible on your first date after 5 years," Alex gasped as she pulled me into my room and my closet. “Mini fashion show," Alex squealed in excitement as I rolled my eyes in frustration. I tried on clothes after clothes, but nothing was good enough or should I say date-worthy as Alex would put it “Christ Ella, you should have at least one good date night clothes right," Alex groaned. “I thought I did, but it is so obvious that you don't like any of them," I sighed. “Well, they are not good for your big, come back to the dating scene, you have to make everyone's head turn and that includes Arthur," Alex smiled as she sat up. And you are not even my size," Alex pouted. “You could have worn one of mine," Alex let out. “So... you know what that means, right?" Alex squealed in excitement. “No...No...No," I tried to talk her out of it, as I instantly knew what she was referring to. “Yes...Yes...Yes, we are doing it," She chirped happily. “We are going shopping." Alex jumped in excitement. And that was how I knew I was in for a long ride.
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