Chapter 3

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Ella POV My head was banging and my eyes were heavy. I forced myself to open my eyes but the rays of the sunlight from the window blinded me for an instant. Damn..." I groaned out as I moved to my side and tried to blink out my blurry vision. Standing up to my feet, I stumbled, trying so hard to find my composure as everywhere seemed so dizzy. Fuck... I'm never drinking again, like ever again, because having a hangover is anything but friendly. Slowly walking into the kitchen, I looked up to find Alex making breakfast and she seemed fine. Like not hungover at all “Okay tell me this, why are you not looking terrible, why are you not as hungover as I am," I asked her as I took my seat on the kitchen chair. Alex laughed so hard as she moved closer to me. “Darling... tell me, when have I ever suffered from a hangover," Alex said, smirking. “Okay, that's not fair, it's just not fair, how can we both drink the same amount of alcohol? At night and this morning you are looking as if you didn't have a single glass," I said, folding my arms across my chest. “I don't know darling, maybe I am just blessed with excellent genes," Alex smiled as she went back to the blender, pouring out a greenish substance into a glass. “Here this would help," she said, handing me the glass. Looking at the glass with the greenish substance in it, I was confused and disgusted. “What is this," I asked. “ Oh my special hangover recipe, it would help get rid of that hangover real fast," she smiled, saying. OK, but what is your special recipe for this?" Is it your special recipe? “Ugh, you have to know everything, don't you?" Alex groaned out. Okay, it is a Wintergreen leaf with a little bit of honey,". She said. “Now that you know, drink up," Alex urged me to drink it. Drinking it, it was so bitter that I wanted to stop but Alex was not doing it because she practically forced it on my throat. “God... I hate you," I groaned out, saying. “And I love you too. Don't worry. In a few minutes, you will feel much better," Alex smiled as she went back to making breakfast. Surprisingly, it worked like magic. In a few minutes, I felt a whole lot better. “Wow, it does work," I said to Alex. “I told you, it never fails, it works like a charm every time," Alex said as she dropped a plate of pancakes and sausages in front of me. “Eat up, we need to get something in that belly of yours," Alex urged me yet again. So what are your plans for today," she asked me. “Nothing. Maybe I will just go to the flower shop today. I know Evelyn must hate me now because I left her to handle the shop all alone," I said as I took a bite of my food. “I think she would understand, and by the way, you pay her to work right," Alex said, and I nodded as I continued to eat. Soon enough, my phone rang, and I looked at the caller ID. It was an unknown number. Confused, I picked up the call, “Hello... who is this," I asked. ''Hey, it's Arthur," the caller responded. “Arthur..." I thought to myself as I tried to recollect if I knew anyone named Arthur, but no matter how hard I tried, the name just didn't ring a bell. “Sorry... I think you have the wrong person. I don't know anyone named Arthur," I said. Oh, I figured you wouldn't remember, you were kind of drunk last night," he laughed. We met at the club yesterday, and I know, I should have waited like a week to call you, but just couldn't wait to hear your voice again," he said. “I was still confused. Did I give my number out to someone yesterday," I asked myself over and over again. Sorry, I still think you have the wrong number," I murmured. “Wow, do you truly not have any memories of last night," he asked. And truthfully, I didn't. Last night was still a vague bit of a memory for me. ”Okay, you gave me your number after you kissed me," he said, and my eyes shone brightly as everything came back to me now. “Oh my goodness, it's the guy from the club," I whispered, yelled to Alex, and she moved with excitement to my side, trying to hear everything he was saying. “ Oh hey, it is you," I murmured as I suddenly became nervous. “Yeah... me," he laughed. Coughing nervously, I couldn't believe he was the one calling. Because after that drunken kiss, I vaguely remember what happened. “Well, so I don't know if it is too quick to ask you this," he said, and I could see the nervousness in his voice as well. ”Ask me what?" I whispered. “Okay, so I was hoping you would agree to go out to dinner with me sometime," he asked. and I froze. “Do you mean like a date," I asked softly. “Yeah, well, that was exactly what I was hoping. A date," he said, and looked towards Alex, who was already jumping in excitement as she nodded yes in approval. I didn't know what to say to him, do I want to go on a date so soon after my breakup with Liam," I asked myself as I contemplated what next to say. Silence soon overtook our conversation, as Alex kept on telling me to say yes to him. “So what do you say, should I take your silence as a yes," he said, chuckling. ”Arthur... I do not know, but can you give me some time to think about it," I said softly. “Okay, no problem... you are worth the wait," he said, and I smiled. “So I will text you soon, okay," I said, cutting off the phone quickly. Looking back at Alex, she had this down-casted look on her face. “Come on Ella, you are killing me right here, you know, you should have just said yes. It is just a date,". She said. ''But don't you think it is so soon, going on a date just a month after my breakup," I asked. “No way Ella, it's not too soon, rather it is already time to get back out there. Liam was an ass, so you shouldn't give him more credit than he deserves. So I need you to go out and have fun, forget about Liam. He is not worth it," She said, smirking. ''Ugh, I don't know," I groaned as I ran my palm over my face. “ What don't you know, Arthur seems nice," Alex let out, and I groaned even more. Well, I still feel like I have to think about this," I said.
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