Chapter 48

1101 Words
Ella's POV “ Ella, Ella wake up..." I was slowly, brought back to consciousness by an all-so-familiar voice. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw him, he was truly here, how was that possible," I cried to myself as I blinked profusely trying to convince my head and heart that he was truly here. “ It is me, Ella, it is me,' he murmured. “ Damien, how are you here? How is this possible? I watched you die," I said, pulling him to myself before he could say another word, as tears ran down my eyes. “ It is a long story, a lot has happened," he smiled and said. And I still couldn't believe it. My heart was filled with so many emotions, Damien was here, this was something I had never thought was possible. “ How did you find me," I murmured. Damien was about to say something, when Evelyn rushed towards us, pushing Damien away from me. “ Who are you? What are you doing to my friend," she screamed, as she was ready to defend me. “ Evelyn, he is a friend," I murmured out, stopping her immediately from attacking Damien. “ A friend... from where?" she asked, as she continued to look at Damien suspiciously. A friend from the island, he saved my life, he is the reason I could escape from that cursed place," I said, and Evelyn nodded. “I'm so sorry for attacking you earlier, I didn't know who you were to Ella," Evelyn smiled and said. “ That's okay," Damien replied as he took his seat beside me. ''Tell me how you did survive,'' I asked as I looked at him with my heart, flattering with job '' Arthur is an egocentric man. He saw I didn't die from the gunshot, so he took me into his custody without the knowledge of the WIC company. ''He tortured me, he was hell-bent on breaking me, there were days I wanted to give up, but the only thing that kept me going was the thought of you. You were my saving grace, Ella. You were the only hope I could hold on to, so when the chance came for me to escape, I took it.'' He said, holding tightly to my hands. ''But away from that, there is something you need to know, and that is the reason I sort you out,'' Damien said, and I instantly became agitated. ''What is going on, Damien,'' I asked. ''They are coming for you Ella, you are not safe here, because the WIC company is hell-bent on getting to you, because they don't want any witnesses alive. They are determined to finish the hunt even if it is the last thing they do.'' Damien said, and my heart raced so profusely in fear. ''what do you mean by that? No one should better come after my friend,'' Evelyn rolled her eyes at Damien's words. '' Believe me, Ella, they are coming. You would not be safe here'' Damien said, yelling a bit. '' Think about it, if I could find you so easily? Do you think that WIC company wouldn't be able to do the same,'' Damien let out as he looked at me with all seriousness? '' Ella, are you really going to believe this guy? Remember you told me that he was one of them? What if he hasn't changed? What if this is all their plan and he is helping them to carry it out?''Evelyn said, and I thought about it for a few minutes. Evelyn was right that Damien had betrayed me in the past, but he made up for it in every way. He is the reason why I am here alive today. He was ready to give up his life in order for me to leave that island, so somehow I had come to trust him. '' I believe him, Evelyn, he knows more about the WIC company than either of us. I know he can help me.'' I said and Evelyn scoffed because she knew that she couldn't change my mind. '' So, Damien, tell me what are we going to do now,'' I asked. '' I have a safe house up north. I think we could be safe there for some time.'' Damien said. '' Up north? Ella, tell me you are not considering this,' Evelyn turned to me, saying. '' I don't have a choice, Evelyn, and you know it. I can not protect myself if they come for me again.'' I said. '' But...'' she tried to protest. '' Please, Evelyn, I want to do this. I have to take this change because I know you don't want me to die, and the WIC company and Arthur will stop at nothing until I am dead, and I am very sure you don't want that.'' I said and Evelyn shook her head. '' Alright, do what you have to do, but stay safe,'' Evelyn said and she gave me a hug so tightly. '' And you have to protect her with your life,'' she turned to Damien, saying with a stern expression on her face. '' Don't worry, she is my life, and I don't want to lose her either, so she is safe with me,'' he said as he stood up to his feet. ''We need to get going, the more time we stay here, the more dangerous it will be,'' he said, and I nodded as I said my final goodbye to my friend. '' Please don't die," she sobbed into my shoulders as I hugged her tightly. '' Truth me, I am not planning to,'' I said, but the uncertainty was still so strong in my heart. We soon pulled apart as I wiped the tears away from Evelyn's face. '' Please be safe, we don't know if the WIC company has been watching us, they might come for you, all in the quest to find me,'' I said, and Evelyn chuckled lightly. '' You know what, let them come because I will be waiting for them, to give them my best shot,'' she said. '' We continued to say our goodbyes, not wanting to let go of each other, but we knew we had to let go. So, with tear-filled eyes, we let go of each other as Damien ushered me to the car. Getting in, I looked back at Evelyn, as tears continued to fall from my eyes. '' Until we meet again'' I let out softly as the car zoomed off, taking me into a whole new world of uncertainties.
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