Chapter 49

1044 Words
Elle's POV I looked at Damien as he drove, and honestly, a lot of things were running through my mind. I was filled with nothing but uncertainty and fear, but it was a familiar feeling because that was all I could feel ever since I came back from that death trap of an island. But, Damien being back, gave me a new sense of hope, even though Evelyn and the voices in my head seemed to think otherwise. I knew Damien had his flaws, I knew he was one of the bad guys in the past and he also betrayed me once before, but the truth I saw in his eyes was all the proof that I needed to trust him again. I remember the time he gave his life for me so that I could escape that island. That single act proved that he loved me and at that moment he instantly won my heart. ''Talk of grand gesture right'' I smiled to myself. The car ride was silent and serene, but soon Damien broke the silence. '' What are you thinking about?'' I heard him ask, as I turned to look at him. ''A lot of things, if I started telling all that I am thinking about, it would be a long car ride,'' I smiled and said. '' Lucky for me, it is already going to be a long car ride. So I am sure it will give me a chance to know what is on your mind,'' Damien said, and I couldn't help but laugh. '' I didn't know you were such a gossip,'' I teased him. '' I do not gossip, but when it comes to you, I want to know everything,'' he let out and I blushed, chuckling like a starstruck teenage girl. '' I am just glad that you came back. I thought I lost you,'' I said, and I suddenly felt Damien's hand on my lap caressing my exposed skin in the most comforting way. '' You know it should be the other way around. You can not imagine the pain I felt thinking that I would never get to see you again, it was hell on earth, worse than any torture Arthur was giving me,'' He started and my heart felt like it did a 360. '' So It is good that we are back in each other's arms because I missed you,'' I said, kissing his cheek. But Damien's demeanour suddenly changed, as his face fell into a frown. '' I am sorry,'' he muttered as he suddenly brought the car to a stop. I looked at him confused, wondering what he was talking about. '' What are you sorry about,'' I asked. ''For all of this, for betraying you the way I did, I thought I was doing my job, please forgive me,'' He answered as he looked at me with remorse in his eyes. '' Oh Damien, you have proved to me in more ways than one that you are truly sorry for your actions, should I remind you that you almost died trying to save me,'' I let out, as I cupped his face with my hands. '' That does not dismiss the fact that I wronged you,'' He said, shaking his head. '' I have forgiven you, okay, let's forget about it because we have more pressing matters on our hands,'' I let out as I kissed him softly. The kiss lingered as Damien didn't want to let me go. The kiss made me remember how much I had missed his lips, his tenderness. I have missed him. I know Alex, if she was here, would tell me to snap out of it and not fall, so hard again for yet another man, but honestly, Damien was making it so hard for me not to love him. I soon pulled away, because I knew if I didn't? Damien was never going to. ''We should get going before the darkness envelopes us,'' I said, smiling, and Damien grumbled. But soon he started to drive again, allowing the silence to pay us a visit yet again. Turning my gaze toward the window, looking at all the tall trees and birds in the sky as we passed by, I wondered where Damien was planning on taking me. I was curious, but not too curious to ask, so I just adjusted comfortably in my seat as I closed my eyes, inviting the darkness. I didn't know how long I slept, but when I woke up, Damien was still driving. '' how far is this freaking place,'' I screamed to myself as I tried to look at Damien. '' How long would it be,'' I asked, and Damien chuckled. '' Welcome back to the land of the living. Are you hungry, my dear?'' He asked and I rolled my eyes. '' That was not my question, I just need to know how long it would take to get to our destination,'' I said, and Damien chuckled yet again. '' I only want to know if you are hungry because it is still a long way ahead.'' He answered. '' What? but we have been driving for so long,'' I grumbled, and Damien laughed even more. '' It is not funny,'' I rolled my eyes, saying, as I potted my lips like a little child whose favourite toy had just been taken. '' Okay fine, I am sorry for laughing, but you have to admit it was a little bit funny,'' Damien said and I smacked him hard. '' Since this journey doesn't want to end, I think I can make do with some food,'' I let out as I looked out of the window and all I saw were tall trees yet again, there was no sign of people or any restaurant on our way. '' Damien,'' I called out to him. '' Where are you expecting us to finish food when there is no one and no buildings on the road, it is just trees,'' I asked and Damien broke out into a smile as he glanced at me. '' I think it is time to show you a special place of mine,'' He answered and swiftly drifted his car, driving into the woods.

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