Chapter 41

1157 Words
Ella's POV “I couldn't believe what I just heard, no it couldn't be possible, I wasn't hearing this correctly," I said to myself. my gaze slowly drifted towards Damien, I wanted to be sure of what I just heard , I kept on saying to myself that it wasn't true but the look in Damien's eyes gave him away, he didn't even have to say anything because his guilt was clearly written on his face . I was so broken-hearted that I couldn't even look at him. “ Ella... Ella, please look at me , I am sorry," Damien urged me to look at him. “How could you do this... I trusted you," I let out as tears streamed down my eyes. “Ella please let me explain," Damien tried to move towards me but he was restrained by the armed men around us . “You see Ella, I warned you that you weren't safe with him, Damien is even worse than I am," Arthur said with smirked on his face . “ I'm going to kill you," Damien yelled angrily towards Arthur , but Arthur only laughed hard in amusement . “Oh... I'm scared Damien, your threat doesn't scare me , I won can't you see that, I have you where I want you," Arthur laughed devilishly . “Oh you are going to pay for this Arthur," Damien yelled as he was about to lunge angrily at Arthur . But before I could blink , Damien was pinned to his knees, by the armed men . “ So you thought you were going win this, didn't you Damien, you thought you were going to take the woman I love away from me , but look at you now. on your knees where you belong . “ Why don't you tell these men of yourself to let me go, then we can settle this out like men ," Damien spat out with so much anger in his words . “No, I can't do that Damien, because we are taking you back to the institute to be trialled for treason . And you know what the penalty for treason is . “Death" “Death... no Arthur please, don't do this,' I begged for Damien sake. “Ella why do you still care about what happens to him, he doesn't deserve it after he lied to you ," Arthur asked me . “ You are one to talk Arthur, you have been lying to me since the very first day I meet you, the only truth I guess I know about you is your name, and that I'm not even sure it's truly your name , and still I don't want you dead even if you deserve it , so please don't judge." I let out and Arthur's face brewed with anger . “ I can see you still don't want to forgive me , so I have no other choice than to do this ," Arthur said as he turned to the men by his side . “Take them away, we are going back to the institute," Arthur yelled and immediately the men did exactly as they were told . They immediately handcuffed us , as they took pushed us along with them . Damien continued, trying to get my attention but I ignored him every turn . They took Damien and I back to the place where Alex and I ran away from , but this time they didn't put us in a cage , they tied us to a pole, and they locked us up in a room . I continued to beat myself up profusely, for the mess I had just put myself into . How could I have allowed m myself to trust Damien? how could I have allowed myself to love him . Alex was right, after all, I am always attracted to douchebags . I was lost in my negative thoughts , that I didn't realize that Damien was calling out for me . “ Ella please talk to me," his words finally knocked me out of my invading thoughts . “ What do want Damien, are you happy now? this was what you want right?" I rolled my eyes in disdain . “f**k Ella... if this was what I wanted you should be dead by now ," Damien let out . “ I never wanted any of this to happen, and I'm sorry ," Damien said with remorse in his eyes . “ Why did you lie to me Damien, you told me you loved me," I let out as I tried to control the tears from falling . “ I love Ella, I fall in love with you and that is why I didn't go through with the operation. I was sent after you and Alex when you escaped , I was supposed to be a contingency plan, but on meeting you and Alex everything changed for me , I don't know how it happened but I started keeping you safe instead of planning to have you killed," Damien said . “ So everything you told me was a lie right , do even have a sister outside the island," I asked . “No I don't have a sister, but what did you expect me to say, I couldn't tell you the truth, I was afraid you were going to hate me and you see I was right," Damien murmured out . “ I might have lied about everything else, but I never lied about being in love with you . "I love you Ella please forgive me," Damien whispered . Silence took over the room, as his words were the only voice I could hear in my head. I wanted to believe him, but the happenings around us, made it so hard to , I couldn't look past the fact that he deceived me, just like Arthur did , how could I trust him now . “ There is no use for my forgiveness Damien because are all going to die anyway," I said breaking the silence as my tears found their way out of my eyes again . Silence took over the room again , before Damien broke the silence in no time . “ We won't die, Ella," Damien let out with so much confidence in his voice . “ What are you saying, you are going to be trialled for treason and that is death , and I would probably be fed to a creature to in other to end the hunt ," I asked confused . “ We wouldn't die , if I can do something about it," Damien said and I was still confused . What are you saying Damien," I asked again . “ I am going to break us out of here," he let out with full confidence in his voice .
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