Chapter 42

1143 Words
Ella's POV “What are saying," I let out in a worried tone. “ I'm getting us out of here," Damien let out again. “ How are you even going to do that, we tied up remember," I asked and Damien chuckled. “ I'm not a well-trained agent for nothing Ella," he said and I rolled my eyes as it made me remember his deceit. A piercing silence soon took over the room with so much vigour that I just couldn't stand it anymore , I wanted to say something but Damien's voice broke the silence instead. “ Get up Ella, let's go," Damien said as he slowly stood up to his feet. “I was shocked... how did he get free," I asked myself as I continued to look at him in amusement. “Ella... I said get up," Damien whispered yelled at me and that was when I realised that I was free as well. “ How... How," I murmured. “There is no time for questions Ella, we need to go," Damien said as he pulled me up from the floor. “ Do you have a plan," I asked and Damien rolled his eyes? “You know If I get a dollar for how many times you have asked me that question, then I would have been a billionaire by now," Damien let out and I huffed “ Yeah I have to know before you get us all killed,' I let out rolling my eyes. ” Just follow my lead, and we would get out of here alive," Damien whispered and I nodded my head. I followed Damien lead as he had instructed me to do, we swiftly moved out of the room we were being kept in, and we made our way slowly and carefully through the hallway of the institute “ Do you even know your way out of this place," I whispered out? “ I trained here on this island for a long time, so I know everywhere here, trust me, just stay close to me," Damien let out. Damien successful led us to the entrance of the institute, we were about to leave without anyone noticing but the universe was definitely not on our side because at that moment I tripped over a wire and that was what set off an alarm. “ What did you do?" Damien yelled as his eyes were filled with agitation. “ I don't know what happened," I let out shivering nervously. “ Get them... they are trying to escape," we suddenly heard voices coming in our direction. “ What are we going to do," I let out as the uncertainty was killing me Damien looked at me for some time, then all of sudden pulled me along with him with even saying a word “I was confused... where are we going to ," I asked myself over and over again. We ran through corners after corners, taking turns after turns and soon before I knew it we were out of the institute. Damien never ceases to amaze me, how does he even do it ," I was shocked beyond words. We continued to run through the forest as the men from the institute never stopped chasing after us. but Damien looked like he knew every step they were going to take before they even took them. Damien knew all the turns to take on this island, that I didn't even know existed. Soon he stopped and pulled me into an underground cave. “ We would be safe here," he whispered and I nodded as I held on tightly to his arm. “ Damien... Damien, you can not hide from me," we heard Arthur scream from up above. “ Do you think he would find us ," I whispered and Damien shut me up immediately? “ if you keep talking like that, he will definitely find us, just relax," he whispered back to me and I nodded nervously. “if this is how you want it, Damien, then be my guest," we heard Arthur scream again and I shivered in uncertainty . But Damien held me strong in his hands, he tried to keep me calm as much as he could and even though it was difficult, it was kind of working. I didn't even know how long we stayed there, but soon the noise up there died down . “ Do you think they have gone," I asked and Damien shook his head. “ I can't say for sure, but we have to stay here to be sure," Damien respond. We stayed there for a while until Damien finally told us that we could leave . “ Come on, I think is safe now ," Damien whispered as he ushered me out of the cave. Getting out, it was dark outside and the moonlight was shining profusely down on me, I could hear waters of the ocean hitting the shore and it was somehow relaxing. Lost in my own thoughts, I soon heard Damien's voice immediately bringing me out of my invading thoughts. “Are you okay," he asked and the question made me laugh a bit. “ Am I okay," I let out. “ How do you expect me to me okay Damien, when my life is in a mess right now and it's all because of you," I let out angrily “ I'm sorry," Damien murmured lowly that I could barely even hear him. “ Sorry doesn't change the fact that you are a lying piece of s**t Damien," I yelled this time. “ Why do I keep on falling for the wrong ones, one left me after 5 years, one brought me here to die and now you that I thought was different , you only turned out to be just like the rest," I let out as the tears streamed down again. “ I'm sorry," Damien let out again. “ Stop it... stop telling me that you are sorry because honestly, I don't want to hear it ," I yelled angrily An invading silence wasted no time in taking over the atmosphere , and before I knew it Damien moved closer to me as he brought his hand's to my face caressing it softly. “ I know it is hard for you to forgive me , but I want you to know that I wasn't lying when I said I loved you. And heaven knows that I will fight anyone and do anything necessary just to keep you safe , and I will make this promise to you with the moon as my witness. That I would get you off this island even if the price to pay is my life because nothing right now can stand against the love that I have for you," Damien whispered. And as always, I was short of words.
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