Chapter 40

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Arthur's POV. . . (Back at the WIC company) a few hours before the Quimera attack . . . I got back to the institute, in detected, goodness I was furious at everything that was going on , Ella still didn't want to forgive me, and that agent that was sent after her was getting on my last night . I knew he had feelings for her, and I hated to think about it . so I was definitely going to teach him a lesson for that, so with rage in my heart I wasn't thinking that Ella might get hurt, I release the Quimera towards him . I was hoping the creature was going to devour him, but as always agent 47 had to be a hero and also killed the creature . But he was badly injured, so I hoped that would kill him, but just like a cat that agent had 9 lives , he was still alive , and as if he knew I was the one that sent the creature after him, he also destroyed all the cameras in his path so as not to be traced . “Damnit he was good, I would give that to him , but he won't escape me next time . I was about to launch a drone to find him, but that was when my boss walked in . “Any update, from agent 47," he asked . “No sir and by the way, he had cut off any communication he had with us," I said . “What, that can't be possible," the boss screamed in anger as he checked the control system . “Yes boss I think he has turned, in fact, I don't think I know he has turned his back against the institute and disordered our law," I said as I painted the agent in a bad light . My boss was furious, the anger in his eyes could definitely kill a horse . “What are we going to do about this," he asked . “Sir allow me and a special team to go after them, I would get the girl and the cycle of 6 would be complete and I would bring the rogue agent back to book," I said . my boss thought for a while, then he agreed . “Take as many men as you need, bring me back that agent and the girl let's finally complete this Hunt . “I want to go home, and I know you do as well," my boss as he walked out of the room . I smiled because I knew I got that agent where I wanted him and he couldn't escape me now . Ella's POV . . . This near found feeling for Damien was all I could think about, this feeling gave me the strength I needed on this journey. It was weird but it was like a lonely light at the end of the tunnel for me. Who would have thought that after everything I had been through, all the pain and all the hurt I had to endure here on this island , it would actually give me someone that makes me smile every second and every hour of the day? And even though I don't tell him I was grateful to him for finding us that day . We have been walking towards the south for what looks like over a week, Damien was getting better from the injury he sustained from fighting that creature. And in all, even though we were not at the other side yet, we were grateful to be alive and in each others company . “ Damien how close are we to the other side," I asked . “I think we are not far away from there, I think we have two more days to get there," Damien said and I jumped in joy . “Finally, I just can't wait to be off this island," I smiled in excitement . “So tell me, what are your plans , for when you are finally free," Damien asked and my face fell in dismay . “ I don't know, honestly I have nothing to go back to. Maybe I would just pick up the pieces of my life , and start over , my friends are dead, so there is nothing left for me other than to pick up the pieces and start over." I let out as I tried to hold back the tears from falling . Damien looked at me with a concerned look in his eyes, before he pulled me into a hug . “You are stronger than you think," he whispered into my ear . “So how about you, you have been here for 7 years, so what are you going to do when you get back," I asked and Damien took in a deep breath as his gaze trailed down to the floor . He was silent for some minutes, with his eyes never leaving the floor . His face looked troubled like he was having an internal battle within him , and I wondered why . “Damien ," I called out to him and immediately he looked up at me . “I lost you for a minute there , what is going on," I asked and he shook his head . “ I'm just lost in thought, thinking about my sister, she is the only one I have left ," Damien said . “it's okay, you would see her soon," I smiled at him . “ You know I thought, she was the only one, I wanted to see again and spend time with , but it looks like I was wrong . I know you might feel differently about me, when we get off this island and into the real world, so I just want to let you know that, even with the hustle of the real world, I would still want to spend every minute of the real world with you, because I had never thought I would care for anyone like I care for you Ella," Damien let out softly, and without warning, he pulled me to himself kissing me deeply like his life. depended on it . I wasted no time, kissing him , savouring in this sweetness that was his lips . But all of a sudden, I heard a gunshot and my eyes immediately drifted open . within a swift second, Damien pulled me behind him protecting me with his tall muscular frame . The gunshot continued as I shivered nonstop behind Damien, wondering to myself what was going on . I willed myself to peep up from Damien's back to see what was really going on and that was when I saw Arthur coming towards us with an army of men . I was livid how could Arthur come back again, after I warned him to stay away from us . I wanted to give him a piece of my mind but Damien held me preventing me from doing anything . “ What do you want again Arthur," Damien asked and Arthur looked at us laughing really hard “ Well I am here for the girl," Arthur smirked, I could feel Damien's body intense up with rage as he clenched his fist like i he was ready to attack as anytime . “ I told you to stay away from us ," Damien spat out angrily and Arthur laughed even more in amusement “You don't get it do you, I am control," Arthur smirked and I became furious “That's it , I have had a enough with you Arthur, I thought you were sorry for what you did, but I guess I was wrong, you are still the same piece of s**t who don't care about anything or anyone else ," I let out angrily “ And you think, Damien here cares about you, well news flash , what ever he had told you about himself is a lie," Arthur let out and I was confused “What do you mean," I asked and Arthur smiled “Arthur don't do this," Damien let out and Arthur smirked he was clearly enjoying this “ Ella... you think I am all bad , but Damien here is worse ," Arthur let out and my heart thumped heavily in my chest “ Damien here is agent 47, and he works for the WIC company . " Arthur let out with a grin on his face .
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