Chapter 5 True Identity.

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(Doris' POV) It was silent for a few seconds after I had rejected and refused Liddell, digesting wholeheartedly the shock and despair lingering on his face. "It's Doris, the Goddess of War. Doris has risen!" The doctor whom I had knocked out previously yelled out after hearing my words of rejection to an Alpha. He staggered to his feet and in fear, attempted to flee out of the ward, and perhaps out of the hospital to tell the world what he saw and witnessed. "Forgive me, Warlord, for my previous actions. I do not wish to provoke you into anger." He bowed multiple times, trembling in fear, not waiting for my response as he made his way to the doorway to leave. I glanced at Mark, who had been watching him speak in cowardice, unlike a few moments ago when his voice sparked bravely and commanded control over an assumed weak Omega, clenching his fists in annoyance, ready to pounce on him. "And where do you think you are going?" Mark pulled the doctor back with a heavy, jaw-breaking punch, leaving him with a minus three teeth and a blood-filled mouth. "Argh!" The doctor growled in pain, holding his already disfigured jaw as he landed head-first on the hard ground of the ward. Mark was not done with him as he bent over and pulled him up, hanging him up in the air in a strong chokehold. He left a wicked smirk on his face as he saw the doctor struggling for life in his stronghold. "P-Please s-spare me. Ugh! Please." He winced in pain and begged Mark while struggling to speak. The doctor turned his eyes to me and was about to speak but was fiercely thrown back to the ground, which took him out immediately. Sofia, who I was certain heard me speak and reject her lover, an Alpha mate, turned to look at me with a stern yet confused gaze. "You? A common weak and lowly Omega, all of a sudden happens to be an Alpha, not just an Alpha but Doris Albert? The Goddess of War?" She pointed at me and stared in total disbelief. "Impossible! You're just an Omega, a low one at that. You are a slave! How possible can it be that you're also the Goddess of War? You think I'll believe that?" "You don't need to believe, you don't have to." I chuckled as I met her confused gaze, "Your eyes and ears may just be messing with your brains. Why pay attention to them?" I grinned, leaving her much confused and irritated. "You will have to do more, and I'll have to see more for me to believe you." "Oh! That won't be long at all." I left a smirk on my face, tilted my head to the side of her face, and placed a peck on her cheeks. I looked away and stepped back, glancing at her to see a look filled with disgust and annoyance. "Ugh!" Liddell, who was still on his knees, moaned in anguish. "I told you to stay away from Sofia!" He barked in anger and pain at the realization that he could do nothing at the moment. I bent down to meet his strong gaze like that of a lion not willing to lose sight of its prey, "Maybe I should come clean with my true identity so you would know who your mate is." I stood up and averted from his gaze. Moving slowly like a mafia boss in charge, I walked around him for a few seconds and stopped behind him. "The weak and almost lifeless lowly Omega you thought you saved a year ago is the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack." I began as I looked down and paced my fingers along his already trembling shoulders, startled by my frightening presence. "Your mate whom you caused pain, humiliated, and turned her into a slave with your power is Alpha Doris Albert." I paused, my wicked gaze lingering on him as I smirked. "The one known as seen as, and called a worthless decoration is the Goddess of War." I laughed loudly as I felt in my fingers how his body tensed up and shivered as I spoke. "It's shocking, right? I mean who would have thought?" I asked sarcastically, glancing at Mark and Erbort, who were watching with interest with a fulfilled smirk on their faces. "How would I have known all these, Doris? You hid it away from me and the rest of the pack, you never for once left us a doubt on your strength or identity. So yes, it's shocking." Liddell snarled, trying to shrug off his current feeling of fear. Who would have thought THE Alpha LIDDELL could be scared of something or someone, not to mention a mate he used as a slave? I turned to his front to be met with Liddell's red eyes burning with anger and pain. I chuckled at his look while feeling fulfilled. "You have forced me to be on my knees, humiliating me and forgetting that I'm also an Alpha of a strong pack." He glared at me and continued, "I know I have lost out on having you as my mate, but I also deserve my respect!" He snarled, gritting his teeth in frustration and anger. "Woah! Isn't it too early to be angry? I mean I've not even done anything to you at all or even your lover Sofia here much to my patience, don't you think you should calm down?" I loved how he was getting riled up yet unable to act on it. It was something I had always wanted to do and see since I recovered from my injuries. I bent down to his sidelines close to his left ear and muffled in loud whispers to the hearing of the others in the ward, "I want to see how low the bottom line of a Red Moon Pack Alpha can go." I stood straight and landed a hard slap on his face, causing him to shift in motion and pain. "Owww!" He winced in pain as he rubbed the side of his face. I heard loud gasps from different feminine voices within and outside the ward and proceeded to hit Liddell with another slap on the other side of his face. It was followed by another fierce slap and another one and another one till I was sure he could no longer feel his face. "Ahhhhh! Ahhhhhh!" I heard screams from different feminine voices around the ward looking at the scene in shock and in surprise. "Are you crazy? How dare you hit an Alpha like that? Have you lost it? You're an asshole!" I heard different insults thrown at me from outside the ward and saw that they were all male. I was not surprised at all. I turned back to Liddell, who was already knocked out, lying helplessly on the floor in the arms of a sobbing and scared-looking Sofia. "So what are we going to do next, Warlord?" Mark asked me as I looked around the ward thinking of my next line of action, as Liddell and those who attacked earlier were all either dead or unconscious. I turned to look at an already terrified Sofia staring at me with tear-filled eyes and a pleading look. I smirked at the thought that came to my mind. "Use him." I pointed out to Liddell, leaving Sofia with a confused gaze at what I intended to do. "Liddell? To do what? Please, can you make us understand better?" Mark asked, looking confused as he fixed his gaze on the helpless body on the ground and back to me. "Use him as the blood donor for his lover." I pointed out to Sofia to buttress and visualize my point. "You and Erbort should continue the blood transfusion and make sure she is fully fed with her lover's blood." I glanced at both of them and nodded slightly, indicating an immediate action. They returned the nod with a slight bow and went over to Liddell's body, pulling him away from the arms of a helpless Sofia crying her lungs out. (Liddell's POV) "Ow!" I mumbled in pain as I blinked my eyes, struggling to keep them open while attempting to raise my head. My head was a total mess filled with a throbbing headache. I tried to recollect the reason for the pain. Doris. It was Doris who slapped me out of consciousness. I shot my eyes open, struggling to sit up but was held back in shock when I looked down to my side to see a transfusion rubber tube tucked into the back of my palms and my blood passing through it and into a transparent blood bag. "What is the meaning of this?" I blurted out in shock, speaking to no one in particular, as I was still unaware of who may be around. I tried to pull the tube out but was stopped halfway, realizing I was cuffed in my other hand to the iron bed standing beside me. I was in a hospital bed. I looked up and saw one of Doris' men, as I had assumed, staring intently at me. "What is the meaning of this? Why is my blood going into a blood bag? What is going on here?" My once confused state had been replaced as I growled at him with anger. He parted his lips as if to speak but was interrupted by the two human figures who entered the room with a loud push on the door and slammed it almost immediately. "What is the meaning of this, Doris?" I asked again when she walked up and stood beside her men who had been at the front of the bed before she came in. "How would it sound to you if I told you that Sofia would be needing your blood instead of my brother, Philly?" She spoke in a tone filled with mischief. "You wouldn't dare, Doris! You wouldn't!" My blood pumped the more I growled in anger, realizing what she meant. "I'm sure you are not blind, Liddell. You can see it's happening already." She laughed loudly, causing the veins in my head to pop out, revealing themselves in my temple. I struggled on the bed, eager to disconnect the tube from my hands and to pounce on her, "Where is Sofia? I promise you, Doris, you won't get to see the end of this if you dare hurt her. I won't stop until I make your life miserable!" I tried to instill fear in her like I always did before now. She laughed again as she looked at me like I had just said the funniest joke she had ever heard. "Tell me, Liddell, is there anyone or anything I can't touch or even hurt now that you know my true identity and the power I possess? Huh?" The evil grin on her face did not go unnoticed as she paused and looked at me, "I'll be waiting for Alpha Liddell."
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