Next Time

2277 Words
When Hestia wake up the next morning, the other side of the bed was left cold. Avery is no longer lying there either in the bathroom. Avery is nowhere to be found. Avery left without waking her up or at least informing her that she needs to leave already. Hestia slumped and let her body fell on the bed with a thud, staring at the white ceiling, thinking of Avery. After a long sigh, she faced the bedside table and caught a glimpse of a paper folded in two. Hestia jumped out of the bed and reached for the paper. She was sure that it was from Avery because it wasn’t there last night. Opening the two-fold letter, Hestia found a piece of paper inside, written a number 1 followed by multiple zeroes, with a neat signature which she assumes belongs to Avery. Hestia has never seen many zeroes like that and her eyes almost mirrored the zeroes due to her utter disbelief. But right now, what's more important is the letter, right? Hestia set aside the money, putting it in the bed to look closely at the letter. She checked the bottom part first to make sure that it was from Avery because if it wasn’t then she doesn’t have any intention to read the letter. After confirming that it was really from Avery, Hestia’s lips stretched into a smile. Hestia, I’m sorry if I left without informing you. It’s just that you looked so beautiful while sleeping so I can’t bring myself to disturb you. Hestia felt her cheeks grew warm at the compliment. Compliments are normal things for Hestia. When she’s not yet a stripper people love to compliment her outer beauty and when she became a stripper, their clients tend to praise her a lot. But those compliments are just normal words for her, normal words that won’t give any fuzzy feeling and won’t make Avery feel so warm on the inside. But Avery’s words that she didn’t even hear directly from Avery’s lips but only read in a piece of paper still lit up her whole being, it's like the inside of her is doing a wild party like they just won in a lottery or raffle. When you saw this letter, I’m probably on my flight already back to the country where I’m currently living. I’m only on a business trip. I never meant to enter the club where you are working. Meeting you is only a coincidence. I’m only searching for a convenience store to buy some refreshments after walking for minutes but I failed to find any convenience store and end up finding Ivy’s. I didn’t know that it was a strip club. I only realized it when I entered. Seriously, strip clubs aren’t my thing but I decided that since I’m already there I should just order drinks then left after. But I met you and end up cuddling last night. Thank you. I really am. You made me so happy last night. You don't know how much you made me happy last night. Let’s meet again next time. PS. This is just a small gift. I hope it will help you a lot. Hestia sighed and let her body fell on the bed once again. Hestia frowned due to the news that Avery is just on a business trip. Avery didn’t mention what country is she from but Hestia assumed that they are probably a thousand miles away or more. It’s not like I can visit her in her own country if she said it. Or maybe I am? Hestia raised the letter and reread it again, more like reading only the first two sentences and the last sentence. Hestia put it on top of her chest, hugging it while reminiscing last night's events. Instead of a frown, her lips curved into a smile. A smile that holds different emotions. She’s happy but she’s also somewhat sad. She’s contented but she also felt like she’s missing something. Even if how hard Hestia tries, she will never understand what she felt right now. It was like a puzzle with thousands of pieces, a logic that needs time to get solve, a mathematical problem that will require you to formulate your own formula to solve the problem. Hestia knew that she probably looks like an i***t lovesick teenager right now, but who cares? Love is stupid almost all the time but in some ways, it’s also amazing, she thinks. -- “Good morning Mama.” Hestia said as she kisses the top of her mother’s head. Sally, Hestia’s mother looked upon her from the television and gave her daughter a very beautiful smile. “My daughter looked happy. I wonder why.” Hestia flinched at that statement but not wanting to be caught, she pretended that she isn't happy at all. She doesn’t want to admit it to her mother because she knows that her mother will tease her and when she said tease, she mean it. Like you’re really going to lose your cool and she will catch you off guard and you’ll have no other choice but to admit the truth. Hestia sighed, acting like she’s tired and doesn’t have any strength to deal with the topic that her mother brought up.   “You’re overthinking again Mama. I’m completely normal. Why would I be happy in the first place? I’m just fine.” Hestia took a seat at the chair beside her mother and grabbed the book that she left there that she’s not yet done reading. She pretended that she’s so engrossed in the book but in reality, she doesn’t understand a thing written in the book. She’s keeping all her attention on her mother, to what her mother will say next. “I’m not your mother for nothing. I know you more than you know yourself so stop keeping secrets on me.” Hestia heaved a sigh again and put down her book, surrendering herself to her mom. I wonder when I will be able to keep secrets from my Mom. When her mother saw that expression on her, she grinned widely like she’s the healthiest person ever alive, knowing that her daughter will stop resisting to tell her everything.   Even though she’s against the idea, that she never plans to tell it to her mother, Hestia also knows that her mother won’t stop bothering her until she finally spills the truth.  And also, since they only have each other, keeping a secret on each other is not a good idea. Hestia tells her everything, not leaving any part untold. All throughout the story and even when she finished telling the story, her mother has this grin on her face that’s enough to make her feel conscious and uncomfortable while Hestia has pink cheeks all throughout the story.  “W-Why are you smiling like that?” Sally shook her head but kept her smile on her face. “Nothing sweetie. I just realized something.” “W-What is that?” Hestia asked after gulping down a small chunk of her nervousness. Her mother stared at her face first for about 5 seconds before she opens her mouth to answer her daughter. “That you’re in love.” “W-What? I’m not Mama!” Hestia said in a slightly louder voice, obviously she’s panicking. She’s panicking like her mother discovered her biggest secret that can ruin her reputation. The way she panicked only confirms her mother’s hunch, and the grin on her mother’s face couldn’t be wider because of that. “Yeah. Yeah of course you’re not.” Sally said, swaying her right hand in the air with a bored look on her face. Sally’s statement contradicts her expression, her actions, and her statements but Hestia is aware of that. Hestia sighed as she grabs her book again and leaned her back on the chair, feeling defeated. “This is the reason why I don’t want to tell it to you. Because I know that you’ll jump to conclusions and tease me.” “I’m not teasing you, sweetie. I’m just telling the truth. You’re in love with that girl. Admit it.” I’m not. Those things aren’t my thing. I don’t see any importance for that. I’m sure, I’m not. “Mama, how can I fell in love with someone I barely know? That’s ridiculous.” “No Hestia. That’s what we called love at first sight.” “Yeah. Whatever Mama.” Hestia stood up from the chair, kisses the top of her mother’s head, and started walking towards the door. “I’ll just go get some breakfast.” “If you met her again, make sure to introduce her to me.” Sally said, Hestia didn’t bother to reply to what her mother just said and just closed the door of the room to fully exit the room. Sometimes Mama can really be annoying. She knows that love is not my thing so why would I be so simple-minded to fall in love with someone I barely know? Love at first my ass. -- Hestia refused to admit to herself that she was excited for tonight but she really is and she has never been this excited to go to work before. Hestia never did look forward to the night. Hestia has never been this conscious and nervous about performing. And all of that is because of Avery. Because she thinks that Avery will be present this Tuesday night. Because she thought that Avery felt the same way and will come back this early to see her again. Of course, she will not be here. Why did I ever become so excited? It’s only 3 days since we last see each other, not counting the Sunday because I didn’t saw her before she left. Of course, she may be left a lot of work in her country and won’t be able to come back after weeks or maybe months. Of course. That night Hestia didn’t accept any offers for a special service. Hestia is not in the mood to sleep with someone, fake her moans, and forced her orgasms. Hestia is not in the mood to deal with annoying horny people. Or maybe she’s just too broken to do that? One night became two then soon counted weeks. Hestia already spent straight 3 months declining offers. When the manager of the club asked her for a reason, she of course refused to say it, and luckily, the manager respected that. Hestia is growing tired of waiting and running out of her savings due to a lack of sources. Hestia didn't use the money that she received from Avery. She held and kept it as a picture of Avery. She's actually close to the possibility of putting it into a frame but the last thing that she wants is for her oh-so-called father to discover that she has this great amount of money. On the 5th month of waiting for Avery, Hestia gave up trying to make herself special, like a virgin. She realized her job and for whom she's doing it, stopping it for a moment and waiting for someone is a stupid move. She claimed that she ran out of patient waiting for Avery and she no longer cares if Avery will ever come back or not but the truth is there's still a part of her that's hoping to see Avery again. As the guy came down from o****m, he fell down beside Hestia due to exhaustion. Hestia proceeded with her routine, slipped out of the bed, took a shower, took the payment, and left the guy alone in the middle of the night. Hestia put her hands on her coat's pockets and buried her face on her big scarf as she started walking towards her house. It was already between 2:00 to 3:00 in the morning, and there are only a few people that she can see on the streets. The night was so cold and quiet since it's already mid-December. But Hestia preferred this, she preferred this cold but quiet instead of warm but deafening unwanted sounds. As she gets home and lets her body fell on the mattress, that's when she only realized how tired is she, not physically but mentally and psychologically. It's been 3 years since she last saw Avery and she doesn't know how much more years does she needs to count for that next time to happen. She's mad that Avery made her wait which she has never done before but she's more than angry at herself for being willing to wait even though she doesn't know for how long. I wonder if that next time will ever happen again.
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