
2706 Words
"I made Gimlet for you Shein. Hope you enjoy it." The bartender said as he put down the glass in front of Hestia. Hestia, averted her eyes from the girl to look at the drink. Hestia was never a fan of alcoholic drinks but she already tasted something that she doesn’t know what it is called. Gimlet actually looks appetizing, she’s thinking if tasting it won’t hurt her. Hestia decided to give it a try since it was a treat and maybe she can gain courage on this drink. Yeah, maybe. Hestia put the glass closer to her lips, to take a sip. Deciding she liked the taste, she took a sip once again then looked back at the girl. “So, ahm. What’s your name?” Hestia asked a little bit faster than the ability of a human to understand a sentence.   She’s obviously nervous. She thought that drinking that cocktail will at least help her calm her nerves and give her some courage. But it actually resulted opposite to what she wanted to happen. “Again?” Avery asked as she looked back at Hestia and tilted her head. Hestia mentally facepalms herself for acting like an i***t teenager that was trying to confess to her long-time crush. fucking calm yourself Hestia. “I asked what your name is.” The girl nods consecutively, raising her one brow and giving Hestia a small smile. “But why would I say it?” Hestia almost frowned at that, if only Avery doesn’t look really cute and at the same time beautiful tonight. “But you know my name. Shouldn’t you at least tell me yours so it will be pretty fair?” Avery giggled at that statement, finding the girl really adorable in every single way. Despite wanting to tease the girl more, she decided to just give what the girl wants. “Hi. I’m Avery.” Avery said as she slipped off her butt on the stool and stood in front of Hestia, handing out her hand for Hestia to shake. Hestia almost squealed at the formality. She really is cute from head to toe and even whatever she does, ends really cute too. Hestia stood up too and let her fingers met Avery’s. Hestia felt it. The spark that lit up her whole being. The spark that electrocuted her hormones, waking them up. Hestia never felt this. This feeling, feeling of wanting something, someone really bad that your heart will almost burst. This is a first too, for her. Oh, heaven knows how much I badly want these fingers inside me. Exploring the inside of me, curling them inside of me, thrusting it forward, backward, fast, slow, and teasing the hell out of me. Hell, I don’t think my desire can still stay still for a few more minutes. “Nice meeting you Avery.” Hestia said her name in a very sexy way, trying to flirt with Avery. Checking if she will lit the fire inside Avery and just end the night with a good f**k. The two stayed like that for a few seconds, just staring at each other straight from their eyes. Not saying anything and just letting themselves be drowned in each other’s presence. It’s not like they need to say something to each other, the way they looked at each other is more than enough to tell what’s going on with each other’s mind. Hestia has never been this desperate, but she really is can’t wait anymore. Every second with Avery is torture for her. The touches that she’s been begging to feel, the lips that she’s been begging to taste, and the voice that she’s been begging to hear to talk dirty with her. Hestia pulling her hand away and gulping her nervousness gave her a flirtatious look and smile but you can see the faint nervousness in her. “Ahm. How about we go somewhere?” Avery took a seat again on the stool, cupping her chin with her palm and looking at her fascinatingly. “And why princess?” Princess? Did I hear her right? Did she really just called me princess? Hestia decided to just ignore that and pretend that she didn’t hear it. But there’s no way she can lie about the fluttering feeling in her stomach and the loud fast beats of her heart. Hestia sat back at the stool too, facing Avery, looking more nervous than before. “Ahm. To have fun.” “And where can we have some fun, Princess?” Seriously? Why is she calling me that? I’m not a princess. More like a slave to a princess. Hestia is getting furious, impatient, and unfocused. She can’t understand why Avery is treating her like this, more like torturing her mentally. “I-I don’t know. Maybe to your place.” Avery smiled, amused that Hestia gets herself bold to ask her for this thing. “I heard you’re a gem. Aren’t you supposed to ask me first if I’m even capable of paying you for a night?” Hestia was taken aback by Avery’s question. She was caught off guard by her desires that she forgets who she is. But there’s no longer turning back, her s****l frustration is too much for her to bear. “I can lower the price, no- I can make tonight as free.” Hestia can’t believe it. She didn’t know that she’s this desperate and frustrated until she heard herself mumbled that. This is no her. For her, money is the second most important thing in this world. The first one is of course her mother and the second one is the only thing that can save her mother. But what can she do? She was drowned in the girl’s presence and all she ever wants to do is to end tonight with mind-blowing s*x. The night to end with her hearing moans and labored breathing before she fell asleep. The night to end with their legs entangled under the covers. A first again for her, for being so crazy over someone. Avery gave her an amused smile and stood up from the stool. “Okay then.” Hestia can’t believe what she just heard. She’s having a hard time forcing herself not to smile and ended up with a really weird expression. Realizing she probably looks stupid, Hestia cleared her throat and stood up from the stool. “I’ll just get my things at the dressing room. You can just wait for me on the outside.” Avery just nods and Hestia didn’t waste any more time. She turned her back to Avery to walk upstairs. She actually wanted to run towards the room, afraid that Avery will suddenly change her mind but she also knows that will only make her look more stupid and that’s the last thing she wants tonight. Hestia felt the need to retouch, to glance at the mirror and check her appearance if her make-up is still not yet ruined by her sweats or her lipstick by the cocktail drink. After a few minutes, she exited the club and found Avery on the sidewalk, looking down and playing with the little rock on the ground with her foot. When she noticed Hestia walking towards her, she only gave her a small smile and wait for Hestia to come closer. “Did I make you wait for too long?” Hestia asked as she looks awkwardly at the girl. Avery just shook her head as an answer to the question. “I don’t have any car with me but I already called a cab. Can we go now?” Avery’s question received only a nod from Hestia. As they reached the cab, Avery opened the door for Hestia before she gets inside on the other door. Hestia tried not to react to that action but her cheeks still felt hot all of a sudden. Hestia looked away from Avery so Avery won’t notice the blush on her cheeks, and just look outside as the cab started moving. “Where will I take you?” The driver asked, glancing at the two, sitting in the backseat comfortably. “To Elysian Fields please.” Elysian Fields? Isn’t that the most luxurious hotel in this country? I heard that just one night there cost thousand US Dollars and that’s actually the cheapest room there. Then, this girl is no joke. This girl is rich as hell. She’s maybe a millionaire, no- a billionaire or even more. Hestia didn’t notice that she’s been staring for too long in Avery that Avery noticed her and thought something’s wrong. “What’s wrong Hestia? Are you now regretting that you come with me?” Avery reached out for Hestia’s hand placed on her own lap and give it a light squeeze. Hestia was taken aback by Avery’s voice and the squeeze that she flinched at the contact, feeling the spark again earlier. But soon relax and let Avery’s hand rested on top of her hand. “W-What? N-No. It’s not like that. I just realized that you’re not a normal person. That you’re rich, after hearing the hotel where we are going now.” “Oh.” Avery didn’t say any more words after that and so Hestia. The ride was filled with silence but it was a comforting one. The ride lasted only for approximately 7 minutes before they arrive at the 90-floor hotel. As they stepped out of the cab and Hestia caught a glimpse of the tall building as a whole, the word that only left her lips is “Woah.” As Avery pushes the button for the highest floor in the elevator, the only thought that goes in Hestia’s mind is “I knew it.” One thing that Hestia loves very much is heights. She loves looking down from the highest floor or to the rooftop. She's in love with night lights. Not only because of the beautiful view it provides but also because of the silence and comfort it offers. When she’s at the top, far enough for people to see her, she felt so free, free from lustful gazes and lewd thoughts about her. Hestia's orbs are glimmering with the colorful night lights as she looks at the view that the balcony provided, not bothering the cold air that getting in contact with her skin.  Avery can only shake her head finding Hestia really cute. She really looks like you, Lily. "Have you eaten already Hestia?" Hestia looked back at Avery and that's when she remembered the purpose why she was there. Hestia cleared her throat and walked towards Avery who's sitting on the sofa and switching channels on the TV to take a seat beside her. "I'm not hungry-" Her sentence was cut off by a growl from her stomach. Avery laughed out loud at that and Hestia can only look down at her lap with her blushing cheeks and fiddling at the hem of her shirt. "You're so adorable, Hestia. Come on. You can take a shower or what while waiting for room service." Avery, after tousling Hestia’s hair, stood up to approach the telephone on the room to call for room service. "N-No. I don't need to shower. T-That's not what I went here." Hestia said as she stood up and walked towards Avery. Avery finished the call first before looking back to the other girl. "What do you mean you don't need to shower? Then will you sleep with makeup on your face? You know that's not a good idea." Avery walked towards the wardrobe, looking for something and Hestia can only stare at her can't believe what she just heard. Did she really say sleep? Who the hell will sleep tonight? Well yeah, we are really going to sleep but that was for later. We're only sleeping after a good f**k and if we're exhausted already in making this night hot, perfect, and wonderful. Hestia didn't get a chance to argue more because the next thing that she knows is she's already at the bathroom with a pair of cute pajamas, a plain shirt, and as well as she assumed never been used undies on her arms. It's not like she has an issue with wearing undies that have been used already, especially when it was Avery who used it. Hestia can only sigh as she looked at the mirror, spotting wet wipes. Hestia removed all the makeup that the wipes can remove before washing her face thoroughly. When Hestia walked out of the bathroom 15 minutes later, the food was already there and Avery is already sitting at the bed, leaning her back on the headrest, drinking something on a cup, while reading a book. Hestia groaned at that view. For her, that view was so sexy. Her desire to have Avery all over her is overwhelmingly strong that she can feel the new undies she's wearing getting wet just by thinking of Avery. Avery looked back at her as she noticed Hestia looking at her and gave her a small smile. "Oh, you're done already. The food's here. Come on, you should eat already.” Hestia didn’t say any more words and just did what Avery commanded her since she really is starving. She’s someone that will not eat 3 times a day, she’s just eating when she feel so hungry. “Make sure to finish all of them. You’re so skinny. You should eat more.” Hestia looked back at her and gave her a glare. “I’m not. I’m sexy.” “Sexy?” Avery checked her out. Seeing that bold move, Hestia blushed madly and suddenly felt so conscious in herself. “You’re skinny.” Hestia didn’t say any more words, not because she agrees that she’s skinny but because there's no way she can compose herself after that. She’s still blushing at the thought of Avery checking her out. After a few minutes more, Hestia is now standing at the side of the bed, looking at Avery who’s still reading a book. More like looking at her lustfully. “Finally, you’re done. Come here.” Avery said as she closed her book and open her arms wide like she’s waiting for a hug from Hestia. Hestia got the idea but doesn’t understand why Avery would ask for that. “W-What’s that for?” “I want to cuddle you.” “W-What? Are you serious Avery?” “Why would I not be serious about cuddling?” Hestia stared at her with her eyes wide open and slightly hanging mouth, still can’t take everything that’s happening and she’s hearing. Hestia took a seat at the other side of the bed, after straightening her thoughts, she looked at Avery and speak. “I think you’re not getting the idea. I’m a stripper and p********e at the same time. People bought me for a night of s*x, not for a night of cuddling.” Avery leaned away at the headrest and stared at Hestia’s eyes directly and seriously. “I know. I know that you’re a stripper and I’m pretty aware of your job. But not tonight. Tonight you’re everything but a stripper and prostitute.”
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