
1904 Words
Tiana's pov  Blake hasn't touched me for the past couple of days, he spends a little time with me then leaves, I should be marked as Luna by now but he's been keeping his distance. Putting on some clothes after my shower, I grab the love potion and spray it on me, to others it smells like perfume, but to my intended it's like a mind control drug that makes them fall crazy in love with me. Clad in a short red dress and red heels, I walk out and go down to the party. It was in full swing when I got there and I didn't waste anytime, went straight into the kitchen and got myself a few shots. While I was in there, the next gamma, Mika or something came in with a human girl, pretty for a human, wonder how she was even permitted to come, drunk wolves are violent but it's not my problem. I went to the dance floor once the alcohol started taking affect and I felt the buzz, dancing to a couple of songs with a few guys. I decided to go check on Blake, he hadn't made an appearance, probably drowning in paper work, that's all he ever did these days. I pushed my boobs out a little, I wasn't gifted in that area, I was quite petite. I knocked and went inside, I looked at him with hunger in my eyes, before I sauntered towards him and sat in his lap.  "It's been a while since you last f****d me Alpha, I'm ready and needy" I said when I felt his d**k twitch right against my centre, the potion was working. "How about we go downstairs and get a get a drink before heading for the bedroom" he said pushing me off and quickly walked to the door opening it and waiting for me to get out first, I looked at him confused as hell, something was wrong, why wasn't he between my legs, usually it didn't even take much to seduce him. Gathering whatever pride I had left after such rejecting, walked towards him and stood in front of him, "are you ok" I asked him, "yeah why wouldn't I be, I just need a drink, that's all" he brushed me off, "ok I guess" I said not really believing him and walked out. He walked a step behind me which I thought was odd but made no comment on it. Once we hit the last step, I noticed him sniff around, ok something was really off with him, he kept on sniffing and whatever scent it was led him to the dance floor. I followed him, my curiosity getting the better of me, he suddenly stop and a growl left his lips, I followed his trail of sight and saw the human girl again, she was dancing with one of the pack warriors, a murderous growl vibrated through the house and we all froze, necks slightly bowed in submission, what the hell was going on with Blake.  He closed the distance between him and the human, standing behind her, I saw her shiver before she turned to look at him. They looked at each other like they were the only ones in the room, he's never even looked at me like that, jealousy scorched it's way through my veins. He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer, I started walking towards them so he  could notice me but stopped right in my tracks when he said those words, "MINE". I felt like someone had thrown a bucket of ice water over me, did he just say mine, as in his mate? Before more could be said he picked her up and ran up the stairs. We all stood frozen still trying to wrap out heads around what just happened, Blake just found his mate, a lot of eyes shifted to me, I quickly gazed around the room but didn't miss the smirk on the beta's face. With an annoyed growl, I trudged up the stairs and stood outside Blake's door listening in. The sounds I heard were enough to turn my stomach, moans and groans of pleasure made their way to me. I quickly left before anyone could see me and went to my room, "damn it, why is this happening now?" I growled dropping myself on the bed, he had to find his mate now of all times, damn it, this just foiled my plans. Kenya's pov  It has been a crazy week and I must say probably the best, Blake and I have spent a lot of time getting to know each better and I might have fallen in love with him but don't tell him that. I met his family and was introduced to the pack who welcomed me with open arms, I even made a new friend, Kate, the beta female, one sweet but firm woman, I admire her. Since I refused to quit my job, Blake has been working from the cafe, he comes in with me in the morning and takes me home when I get off, although I act like it annoys me, I have gotten used to him being around everyday. And don't get me started on the s*x, I don't know how I can even keep up with him but I do and I can't get enough of him. I hear a low growl in the cafe and turn my head to look at it's source and I see that it's Blake, his eyes are dark and he's looking at me like his next meal. I feel my centre moisten from the heated gaze and I just know he can smell my arousal, what is this man doing to me.  I look away with great effort and attend to the customer that just came in, I feel a buzz in my back pocket and take out my phone to find a message from Blake. Opening it, I take a sharp breath and I look in his direction to find a smirk plastered on his face. He sent me a picture of his hard on straining against his jeans captioned, "if you don't stop I'll take you in front of these people mate". I took deep breaths to try and calm my racing heart and get through the last two hours of my shift so I can be in the arms of my mate. I get off early today, which will give me more time with my mate and to get home on time because I'm grounded, yes my mother grounded me for coming home late in the afternoon after the party at the pack, not to mention that Blake drove me home instead of Mika, I think that's what led to such a punishment but no matter, I still get to be with my mate so all was good.  Except for my run ins with his ex girlfriend, I swear that girl is trying to drive me crazy, she's always trying to get into my mate's bed. She wears short skimpy clothing if she feels like it, she's nude half the time, talk about nudity is a werewolf thing, please like everyone doesn't see what she's trying to do. But what I love the most is that Blake doesn't give her the attention she wants, that boy literally got eyes for me, I guess it's true what they say about the mate bond, it's the strongest connection for wolves. I finish up quickly and leave once Valerie comes in for her shift, my sister decided to come work here since I'm leaving for college in a couple of weeks, much to Blake's displeasure. I got into Yale and that's like 16 hours away, Blake has tried to talk into going to a college about an hour and half from the town but that's not the big move that I've always wanted, it's not the new start I've been dreaming about. But I must admit, the thought of staying has crossed my mind more times than I actually like, it gets harder everyday to leave him, I don't think I'm going to have the heart to leave him when it's time to go.  I feel a hand squeeze mine and sparks erupted from the contact pushing my inner turmoil to the back of my mind, "what's wrong babe?" Blake asked looking at me worried before looking back at the road, we were headed to the pack house, about fifteen minutes away now. "Nothing just got lost in my thoughts" I said with a little smile, "are you sure?" He asked again squeezing my hand a little. "Yeah, I'm ok, don't worry" I sad putting my other hand on top of his. We drove in silence until the pack house came into view and even though I've seen it like a thousand times already, I can't stop fawning over it, it's just so beautiful. He parked the car in the drive way and helped me out like the gentleman he is, "go inside and grab a drink or something, I'll be back just now" he said kissing my forehead, "where are you going?" I asked with a little pout, "going to check on the Warriors training, some newly shifted wolves began their training today, I just want to see how they're doing, won't be long" he said pulling closer. I put my hands around his neck and stood on my tippy toes kissing him, "can I come?" I asked after breaking the kiss, "I don't see why not" he said taking my hand and led me to a clearing when wolves were training.  I have eyes for my mate only but can I just say, werewolf bodies are panty dropping gorgeous and it's not just the men but the women too, they're so toned and strong and omg perfect. Blake growled and pulled me closer to his body, "MINE" he said in a gruff voice, "yes Alpha, all yours" I said giggling and pressing myself into him, which seemed to satisfy him. The training was gruesome, even for the ladies, damn, now I feel like a weak useless human in a pack of predators, I was feeling like prey right now. Even Mika, my gay best friend was kicking ass, if I was going to survive here, I needed to join in or else I'll find myself on the other side of Tiana's claws. We went back to the pack house after a while and I went straight into the bathroom once we reached his room, I needed a shower after a six hour shift.  I put on his shirt that reached mid thigh on, it's not like I didn't have any clothes here, I did, but I wanted to be comfortable, cover up without wearing any underwear. I walked out and found him sitting on the bed with junk food, going through the TV, "what's up?" I asked getting comfortable on the bed, "I was thinking we could watch a movie" he said turning to me. His eyes instantly turned black, "are you trying to seduce me mate?" He said settling between my legs, I fake gasped and intertwined my hands behind his neck, "me? Seduce you? I would never" I said giggling as he buried his head in the crook of my neck, I don't think I'll ever get enough of this man.
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