
1432 Words
Kenya's pov  "But I want to spend more time with you" Blake whined as I put on my clothes, it was time for me to go home and I asked Mika to take me home because I wanted to talk to him about something and I had barely seen him the past week. "We literally have our entire lives to spend together" I said pulling on my jeans that he kept pulling down and the fact that I wasn't resisting much didn't help but who could blame me, his touch ignited a fire in me that drove me mad. "Stop it!" I said sternly swatting his hand away from my jeans, to think I've been trying to get dressed for the past fifteen minutes, "ok then let me take you home" he said wrapping his hands around my waist hugging me with his face to my stomach, I giggled pushing away from his embrace, reluctantly might I add. "I've already asked Mika to take me home, you know this" I said pulling one of his shirts on making him smile before he grimaced, "no other male is to be around you at any time" he growled pulling me back to him, "you're MINE" he continued, "last time I checked, Mika was gay" I deadpanned breaking from his embrace yet again, my mother was definitely going to ground me again.  Mika was already waiting by his car in the drive way when I walked out of the pact house with Blake refusing to let me go, "you will see me tomorrow and we'll face time like we always do" I tried to reason with him as he wouldn't let go of my hand. "Why don't you spend the night, you can talk with Mika all you want and then I can have you for the rest of the night. You've never spent the night with me" he whined face buried in my neck making me shiver uncontrollably, I was really close to giving in when Mika laughed and that brought me back to reality. I pulled away slightly, feeling a little embarassed for some much PDA even though it was normal for wolves, I still wasn't comfortable with it, Blake growled glaring at Mika, who just laughed and entered the car. "We'll spend the night some time but not tonight, I'm already late and my mom's going to kill me" I said pulling him in for a kiss effectively taking his attention off of Mika. He growled into the kiss and I couldn't help melting into him, "I'll see you tomorrow" I said giving him one final kiss before walking away, I didn't dare look back because I knew looking back would make me stay. I hadn't told him but I started feeling the mate bond between us. It wasn't as strong but I could feel his emotions and sometimes, like right now, they were overwhelming.  I got into the car and I couldn't help but glance back at my mate and the sad look on his face look broke my heart but I had to be strong, "I can't wait to find my mate" Mika said breaking me out of my train of thought, I sighed and put my seat belt on as he pulled out of the drive way, "is it that bad?" He asked glancing my way, "that bad" I answered making him chuckle, "I can only imagine what it's like for him, being a wolf and all" I sighed knowing Blake felt everything probably ten times worse than I did, the longing I was feeling right now was definitely worse for him. "Stupid mate bond, I miss him so much already" I said feeling a little frustrated. "You do know that if you looked back you can still see him right? Like he's literally right there looking like he wants to shift and run after us" Mika said laughing, I turned around and sure he did look like he was contemplating the thought, I sighed looking away. "Why haven't you moved into the pack house yet, you clearly want to and I can tell you can feel the mate bond, which is weird since you're human" he said trying to maneuver through the narrow dirt road. "Is it that obvious that I can feel it?" I asked looking at him which he nodded but I wasn't surprised that he noticed, he's know me for a really long time and it's easy for him to read me.  "So why haven't you moved in yet?" He asked making me sigh, I wanted to fall asleep and wake up next to him, that would be the highlight of my day, "what would I tell my parents? I met my werewolf mate and now I want to move in with him?" I asked scoffing, "like hell they'd allow that, they'd rather ship me to the other side of the country just to get me away from him" I said with a sad laugh. "You've eighteen Kenya and they might surprise you" he said with a quick glance and shifted uncomfortably in his seat but I paid it no mind, "so what are your plans for college?, I got into Yale but that's like a whole lifetime away and I don't want to be far away from him" I said feeling conflicted. "Since I'm going to be gamma of the pack soon and I'm going to be needed here full time, I decided to do an online course, not that I need it but I just want to have something outside the pack, you know" he said focusing on the road. I hadn't really thought about an online course, I'd get to stay here with my mate and still get an education but it wasn't Yale, that was whole different experience and opportunity on it's own.  "Look Kenya, whatever you decide, make sure it makes you happy and you won't regret it after, I know Blake seems clingy but trust me when I say he wants what's best for you and he'll support whatever decision you make. If he has to drive a lifetime to get to you then he will" he said pulling up in my driveway making me tear up. "What ever did I do to deserve such an amazing friend" I said holding his hand, "I honestly don't know but it had to be good" he said with a toothy grin making me chuckle lightly, "mates be damned, you're my soulmate" I said hugging him, "you're my soulmate too Kenya" he said holding me tighter, "now go, you're already in enough trouble for being late" he said glancing at my house and I saw my mom peeking through the window, I sighed bidding him goodbye and made my way to my doom, I hope she doesn't ground me again.  I walked up to the door holding the door nob, I took a deep breathe before twisting it and walked in coming face to face with my, "hi" I said shifting uncomfortably on my feet, she squinted her eyes at me, "you better think twice before lying to me young lady, where were you?" My mother warned before she asked. "Mom I was just with Mika, sorry I'm late, we were just discussing our plans for college" I lied hoping she would buy it. "Is that so?" She said looking at me like she could read my mind and me on the other hand sweating under the pressure of her gaze, "mhm" I nodded stiffly. "Oh so you weren't with that boy your sister saw you leave the cafe with?" She asked folding her arms and raising her eyebrow, I looked at Kaitlyn who quickly turned to look at the TV, "traitor" I mumbled. "Before you ground me, I'm sorry I lied and it wasn't a complete lie, I really was with Mika" I said pleading with her, she looked at me for a long while before sighing, being her favourite did help sometimes. "I want to meet him, invite him over for dinner tomorrow night and you're on dish duty, do them by hand, your food is in the microwave" she said going to sit down with the rest of my family. My mouth hung open at what she just said, so she wasn't playing favourites today, I think I prefer being grounded, she probably just wants to scare him off, I sighed going to the kitchen to eat before doing the dishes. I was not looking forward to tomorrow and Kaitlyn was so gonna get it for ratting me out. 
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