
1555 Words
Kenya's pov I stared at him with wide eyes, I opened and closed my mouth like a fish out of water, I had an Alpha mate. From what Mika told me, Alphas are bigger, stronger, proud, possessive and territorial, very territorial. Did I forget to add terrible temper because they have terrible tempers, I shifted on his lap feeling a little uncomfortable earning myself a deep groan, "I suggest you stop doing that if we're going to talk" he said eyes full of lust. I looked at him confused until I felt his hard d**k pressed against my core, the fact that he was hard for me by that simple movement made heat spread across my body and I wanted him again. What the hell was going on with me, this is so out of character for me. Lust took over my mind, conversation thrown out of the window, he was my mate, we had forever to talk, right? My mate, why did that stir things in me, I felt wetness pool in my panties.  He sniffed the air and growled, sending pleasant shivers down my spine, "naughty mate" he said placing his lips on my neck making me moan, would I ever get tired of this. When Mika said the mate bond was intense, I had no idea it was a soul shattering kind of intensity. I found myself pinned under him, how I got there? I had no idea but I was not going to complain, I liked this show of dominance. His hand slid down my body and stopped when he reached my p***y, stroking my clit through the lacy material of my panties. A knock on the door disturbed us, he growled at whoever was at the door before hesitantly removing himself from me. I sighed getting up and going to the bathroom to clean up, I heard a familiar voice at the door and walked out of the bathroom but stopped in my tracks at what Mika was saying. "I'm taking Kenya home, you've had your fun Alpha. Your slut is waiting for your downstairs" he said making Blake growl at him, he was about to hit Mika but he stopped when he heard my voice.  "You have a girlfriend?" I asked feeling something break inside, did I catch feelings for this guy? "Girlfriend? More like he wanted to make her his Luna and he would have if everyone wasn't against it" Mika said before Blake could answer. He has a girlfriend, I was just a girl dump enough to think he'd spend his eternity with me, did he lie about me being his mate? "I can explain everything, I promise" he said taking a step towards me, I took one back, pain flashed through his eyes making me want to hold him and take it away. What the actual f**k Kenya, this guy cheated on his girlfriend with you and want to comfort him? Unbelievable. "Kenya let's go" Mika said holding his hand out, "you will not take my mate from me" Blake growled his eyes changing colour, this is not good. Mika said wolves change eye colour when they're angry and their wolves are about to surface, Mika took a step back with wide eyes, "she's your mate?" He asked, "you're his mate?" He asked again but this time it was directed to me.  I wanted to say yes but how could a human tell if they were mated to a wolf, this guy just lied to me after I trusted him so blindly, maybe the s*x was good because he's not human for one and maybe everything else I'm feeling is because he is a very attractive man, can you blame me. Mika seemed to understand my inner conflict, he nodded with a sigh, "I'll leave you to talk but don't take too long" he said giving Blake the stink eye who seemed unimpressed. He gave me a quick look before turned to leave but stopped reaching into his pocket taking out my phone, "you should call your mom first, she's been calling all morning" he said handing me the phone and left. I checked my phone and he wasn't lying when he said she called all morning, she's going to ground me when I get home. I called her and she picked up on the second ring, "hi mom" I said sheepishly, "Kenya Michaelson, where the hell have you been not answering my calls" her angry voice came through the speaker, yep I'm definitely grounded.  "My phone was on silent?" I said though it sounded more like a question than a statement, I heard her huff on the other side, " come home this instant" she said practically ordering me, "that's an order" she quickly added, I almost laughed at how accurate I was, "yes mom, I'll be home soon, bye I love you" I said hanging up. I turned and faced my supposed mate who was sitting on the bed looking at me, "so, you have a girlfriend, that you want to make your Luna" I said feeling myself get jealous and angry, I mentally face palmed myself, why am I jealous. He patted the spot beside him and I gave in and sat down down, he took my hands and looked me in the eye, "she means nothing to me, yes I thought I loved her and I did want to make her Luna but that all changed when I saw you" he said stroking my cheek. "It was love at first sight" he continued his hand venturing towards my lips and his thumb stroked my lower lip, I wanted nothing more than to kiss him right now but I couldn't get distracted, this was important.  I took his hand in mine to stop the distraction, "are you saying you love me?" I asked looking him dead in the eyes to make he doesn't lie to me, he sighed again, "I know this is moving too fast but I need you to know that I have never felt anything like this before Kenya, for anyone. And last night and this morning was best time of my life, I do love you Kenya" he said sincerity shining in his blue eyes. I must admit, the confession did stir feelings in my heart, maybe for wolves it was normal but I wasn't a wolf and I wasn't feeling what he was but I knew I liked him and would definitely grow to love him. "Are you sure you love me or is it the mate bond making you think you love me?" I asked trying to make sure, Mika told me that the mate bond was so strong that any feelings you have for anyone else fade like they were never there, or so he'd heard, he hadn't found his mate because he wasn't eighteen yet but he would be in a week.  "Yes, the mate bond pulls me to you but it doesn't force feelings on a person, it just helps direct you to the right one. I love you mate and would be the happiest man alive if you gave us a chance" he said with pleading eyes. I nodded knowing I wanted him more than I'd ever admit, I was proud like that, he hugged me tightly and nuzzling his nose in my neck making me giggle. "Stop, it tickles" I said giggling like some school girl, "I want us to take things slow, I know we've already had s*x but I'd like to take time with the marking" I said looking down at our joined hands, "anything for you" he said kissing me.  Mika was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, "I guess the pack finally has a Luna" he said smirking when he saw us coming down the stairs holding hands. I avoided his gaze as much as I could feeling a little embarassed, "you will not disrespect me again, I'm only letting you off this time because you're friends with my Luna" Blake said with a stoic expression, "yes Alpha" Mika said slightly bowing his neck. "Aren't you going to reject her Alpha, you promised me you would reject her and I would be your Luna" a petite girl said coming to stand beside Blake and hung on his arm. "You told her you'd reject me?" I asked moving to stand in front of him beside Mika, I felt my heart break looking at them, they looked perfect together, jealousy and anger coursed through my veins, I wanted to rip her apart, standing there touching my mate. "Tiana" he said with a sigh looking at her, was he seriously going to choose her over me right now? "I'm sorry but I'm not rejecting my mate" he said pushing her away and pulling me back into his arms, I sighed in relief, giving him a smile. "But you promised me, you said you loved me" she whine like a little child, I rolled my eyes at her antics but said nothing, "the pack will never accept a human as Luna, you'll regret this" she spat pushing Mika out of her way and left.  " The pack will never accept a human as Luna" the words rang in mind and ate at me, would they really reject me as their Luna?
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