
1646 Words
Kenya's pov  "I really don't get how you find this funny, my mother will chew you alive, she will try everything in her power to scare you off" I said feeling a bit annoyed at how he was taking the dinner invitation my mother so kindly extended. "You know none of her attempts to chase me out of you life will work, we're mates and you are mine forever babe, relax, everything will be fine. And I promise to be on my best behaviour" he said still chuckling over the phone. I can't believe my mate will be meeting my family, yes I've already met his but it's different with humans than it is with wolves, hell if I was a werewolf, I would have moved in with him already. I scoffed at the thought, I'd actually be pregnant, moving in would be the least of my problems. "Don't hate them and please be understanding, they don't know about the werewolf world and don't know that you're an Alpha and how you should be treated. They'll just treat you like some boy trying to get their daughter pregnant and then leave her" I said trying to make him understand why I was so worried and the fact that the rest of my family was crazy.  "It'll be fine babe, I promise, so six you said? I'll be there on time and I'll bring flowers" he tried to reassure me but it didn't work, I was beyond terrified at what would happen, I really want my family to like him, I am going to spend the rest of my life with him, I just hope dad doesn't being his rifle to the dinner table. We talked for a little bit more before we said our goodbyes and I lay in my bed tossing and turning wishing tomorrow never comes but lady luck was not on my side. I must have fallen asleep because I was thrown out of a nightmare by loud wailing. My alarm was going off and it was annoying the s**t out of me, but I was glad it brought me back to reality, the dream I was having was not pleasant in the least bit, seeing my mate bleed because my father shot him for deflowering his daughter was not a dream I enjoyed, how did it even get to that part?  I got out of bed and dragged myself to the bathroom to get ready for the day, not really looking forward to it but I do have a job to get to. Putting on high waisted shorts and a long sleeved plain white shirt, paired with combat boots, I went to help my mom with breakfast. "Morning" I said walking into the kitchen, "good morning honey, finish making the pancakes would you" mom said leaving the kitchen to get the little kids ready for the day. There was so much left to do before the others came down for breakfast, I guess she was still mad at me, I sighed getting to work. Kaitlyn walked in after a few minutes putting an apron on, I glared at her and she looked at her shoes like they were the most interesting thing she'd ever seen. "I'm sorry for telling on you and getting you in trouble, but you know how mom is, she wouldn't let me rest until I told her everything I knew, she's walking lie detector for god sake" she said making me sigh.  It wasn't really her fault I got into trouble and she was right, you can't lie to our mother, like ever, "make the eggs" I said acting like I was still mad so she wouldn't leave me to make breakfast by myself, even though she came to help as a way to apologize, she'd still leave once she noticed I was past it. We finished making the food and put it all on the table, everyone gathered around the table but it seemed like they could tell something was wrong, I kept my eyes cast down trying to avoid my mother's gaze which I felt on me more often than usual. I excused myself and left for work before I could even finish eating, a lump was lodged on my throat, I couldn't get anything past it. "Kenya" I heard my mother's voice call out to me as I raced down the porch, I froze on the last step and turned around but I couldn't look at her. "I'm sorry" I mumbled looking at my hands, "I'm not mad at you honey, I'm just upset you didn't tell me, I know you're eighteen and all but you're my little girl and I want to be in your life, I want you to be able to tell me things like this" she said coming closer and holding my hands.  "I know we've never had a close mother daughter relationship and we haven't had our moments but I want that with you, if you want it with me" she said pulling me into a hug, "I'd like that very much" I said squeezing her tightly. She and I didn't have the closest of relationships, at least not one a mother and daughter should have but I wanted, no, I needed it, I needed this woman. Growing up, all that was on mind was to leave this town and start afresh in a place no one knew me, I wanted to run away because of my fear of abandonment. I never allowed myself to truly get close to my family, to bond with them, I never allowed myself to love them or them to love me by always distancing myself. It's why I even went and found a job in the first place, it's why I worked my ass off to get a scholarship so I didn't depend on them. I sighed holding her, if I had known how nice it was to be held like this, I would have been glued to her, "hey, I also want some of that love" dad's voice made me pull away, only for him to receive a glare from mom, I chuckled and went to hug him as well and soon the entire house wanted hugs, it was one giant group hug.  Blake was already waiting for me when I got to the cafe, I staggered a little when I noticed one of my coworkers shamelessly flirted with him, that b***h, she knew he was with me. She was shoving her cleavage into his face, I wanted to pull out her fake hair but it seemed like Blake wasn't giving her the time of day. He was focused on his laptop screen and the irritated look on his face was enough to hold me back. I walked over to him and sat across him before taking a sip of his coffee, my shift didn't start for another fifteen minutes so I could grab something to eat since I skipped breakfast at home. "Hey baby" he said smiling brightly at me completely ignoring my coworker, I smirked at her and ordered breakfast before turning my attention back to my gorgeous mate.  "I missed you" I said moving to sit beside him on his side of the booth, "not more than me" he said kissing me sweetly. I had my breakfast while he kept on working, I kissed him and went behind the counter as my shift started. My coworker kept giving me dirty looks but I ignored her and kept working, if she thought she was going to get my man, she was sadly mistaken, he only had eyes for me. I got off work early so I could help my mom make dinner and it was different than any other day we'd spent in the kitchen, I was a little lighter today, even though I was dreading Blake meeting my parents, I could feel my mother's smiles and the love she radiated for me, how have I never felt that before. She told me to go get ready at around five thirty so I would look good for my boyfriend and she would finish up.  I took a quick shower and put on light blue boyfriend jeans, a loose fitting tank top and my black vans, putting on light make-up, I went back down stairs and found everyone helping to set the table. The door bell rang and I went into a nervous frenzy, I hope my family behaves, I hope my mom doesn't tell him embarassing stories of when I was a baby, god I hope my father doesn't shoot my mate. "Will you get the door?" My mother said when she noticed I was frozen in place watching my dad polish his gun, "oh, don't mind me, just making sure it's, clean and close for when I might need to use it" my dad said putting it back into its case where the little ones couldn't reach. I gulped, taking a deep breath and went to open the door, Blake stood there with a smile on his face and a bouquet of white roses in hand. He was wearing a white turtle neck, black jeans and white sneakers, he looked mouth watering and I felt my skin heat up. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and invited him in. Everyone was waiting for us in the dining room and when we got there, my parents gasped looking at Blake with shock on their faces, did they know him or something? "Mom, dad, this is my ma... I mean boyfriend Blake" I said but they didn't react. Is this the part where my dad kills my mate or is something going on here?  "Alpha" my parents said bowing their heads slightly, "I'm sorry, what did you just say?!" I asked shocked beyond comprehension, what the hell was going on.
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