
1570 Words
Kenya's pov  We were currently in the lounge after a very awkward dinner and the others were sent to bed immediately after, I was pacing the room when everyone else was sitting, I could feel Blake's longing stare on me and his worry, how? Don't ask me. I stopped and looked at my parents, "you're werewolves?" I asked I think for the seventh time now, I felt a sting of betrayal as I looked at them, sure I never had the best relationship with them but the least they could have done was tell me they were werewolves right? "Yes honey, we're werewolves" my mother said gently, "and you're dating the Alpha" my father said still sitting stiffly next to my mother, he wasn't very pleased to know that my 'boyfriend' was his Alpha. Blake growled at him and my father, with great difficulty, refused to submit, "my daughter is human and I don't think this relationship is good for her" he said and Blake shot up growling like a mad man, he was one pissed Alpha. I jumped in front of him before he could reach my parents, he stopped but still glared at them, I heard a whimper from behind me but I didn't turn to see who it came from. I pushed him back to his seat and sat beside him, "dad he's not my boyfriend, he's my mate" I said looking at them, my mother's face paled and my dad's was blank. My little confession was followed by a heavy silence, I could see in their eyes that their brains were working double time. My mother smiled at me and I felt it was genuine, she was happy for me but my dad just sighed looking down in defeat, he knew there was nothing he could do, he couldn't keep me from my mate. I felt warmth flood at his worried expression, I gave him a reassuring smile and he sighed again taking my mom's hand in his. "Protect my daughter or else I'll kill you with my bare hands, Alpha or not" my dad said glaring at my mate, he growled at my father's threat, "I would never let anything happened to her" he said glaring right back, a thick silence took over as they continued to give each other death glares, wow, there was so much testosterone in the air, I was chocking. "Okay buddy, time for you to go" I said standing up and pulling him up with me, "thank you for dinner, it was lovely" Blake said taking my mother's hand but glared at my father who just glare back. I walked him out to his car and he leaned against it pulling me to him, "aren't you going to spend the night with me?" Blake asked "your parents know about us now and they know what it's like to have a mate, I think it's time you moved in with me actually" he continued and I just stared at him like he was crazy.  "What!?" I asked looking at him like he grew another head, "I understand that it's normal for wolves but I'm still human" I said making him roll his eyes, "I know and I'm trying but it's hard for me, it's hard being away from my mate Kenya. Look, you don't have to move in with me but just spend a few nights a week with me" he said with a pleading look. I looked at him feeling unsure about the whole thing, if I decide to go to college then I don't want to get used to sleeping and waking up next to him, it's already hard parting with him as it is. "I'll think about it" I said sighing and looking at our intertwined hands, "I don't want to pressure you, I'm sorry if I come across as pushy, I'll take things slow for you, I promise" he said pulling me in for a hug. I felt his sincerely and I sighed melting into him, god this man was like a drug and I was getting addicted.  I grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss, it was sweet and gentle, almost like a promise that however long it takes, we have forever together. I pulled away needing air and gazed into his beautiful eyes, I still couldn't believe this man was mine, forever. After making out some more on the drive way, I pushed him into the car so we could both get some rest, I know I needed a very long sleep after the day I've had. My parents were in the kitchen when I went back inside, "come join us for some icecream honey" my mom said with a look that didn't leave room for refusal. I went in and sat on the counter looking at the bowl of ice cream, "why didn't you say anything?" I ask with a sigh, I didn't want to ask a lot of questions or show just how much this affected me while Blake was still around. "Would you have believed us? you probably would have thought we were crazy and after we showed you would have been scared" my dad said gently putting his hand on mine. He was right, I still remember when Mika came out to me, to say I was terrified would be putting it likely but I accepted him as he was because I love him. Wait a minute, "did Mika know that you guys are werewolves?" I ask feeling more angry than upset, they shared a look and I knew the answer, I'm going to kill him for keeping this from me.  "It wasn't my place to tell you!" Mika screams ducking the shoe I threw at him, he ran out of the pack house kitchen but I was right on his heels, "you told me about everyone else, even brought me to your pack but failed to tell me my parents were wolves?" I asked jumping on his back strangling him. "They asked me not to tell you!" He screamed trying to get me off of him and succeeded because he's way stronger than me, "you're my best friend, you tell me everything!" I yelled back deflating feeling the little exercise I just did catch up to me. "You're my best friend" I said with a pained tone. Truth is, it did bother me that he didn't tell me, yes it wasn't his secret to tell but we share everything, "I know, I'm sorry" he said hugging me, and I hugged him back because I can't stay mad at him. We spent the rest of the day watching movies and eating junk food that Blake brought for us every thirty minutes because he 'thought we'd be hungry' but he wasn't fooling anyone, we both knew it was an excuse to come and see me even though he was right on the second floor.  It was getting late and I needed to get home but Blake kept insisting that we watch one more movie and I complied but it was almost dinner time and I needed to get home, Mika had left us when Blake came to join us saying he was giving us some time alone, "ok time to go" I said getting up from the couch and from his reluctant grip, "let's watch one more movie and then I'll take you home" he said trying to pull me back on the couch. I stepped away from his reach, "it's almost dinner time, if I don't make it in time to help my mom cook, then I have to be there on time" I said pouting a little, "I'm the Alpha and you are my Luna, they'll understand if you have dinner here and maybe even spend the night" he said standing up and coming to where I was. He put his hands on my hips and pulled me flush against him and I liked how my boobs were smashed on his toned chest, but it wasn't the time, "I'll have to tell them beforehand" I said making him sigh and put his head on my shoulder, kissing it softly. "Are you trying to seduce me into staying" I said breathlessly, "maybe" he said now sucking on my neck, I moaned and weaved my fingers into his hair. I was about to fold and tell him to take me up stairs but my phone rang bringing me back to my senses. I pushed him away and he groaned but I was glad he wasn't telling me to ignore it. "Hey dad" I said and Blake groaned again dropping himself on the couch, "it's almost dinner, don't be late ok darling" he said and I giggled when I heard Blake growl, must have heard what my dad said. "Yeah I'm on my way now" I said and hung up, "are you taking me home or should I ask Mika" I said and he got off the couch reluctantly, "I don't like your father, did I happen to mention that" he said making me laugh, my dad was very protective of his children and he was going to continue to give Blake hell. "I'm going to need a cold shower when I come back" I looked at him confused until I looked at his pants and burst out laughing, "glad you find it funny" he groaned only making me laugh louder. 
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