
1097 Words

Derry’s POV. I walk down the corridor and follow the sound of commotion to the right. The moment I turn the corner, I see a group of people. Mostly men except Dr Shelby and Rose. Rose is pleading with them to let her in to her son. Dr Shelby says something I can’t hear and then Rose collapses against the door. The sobs coming from her are gut wrenching and no one moves to help her, to comfort her. I walk towards her with an angry determination. Why is no one helping her? Two of the men turn when they hear me approach. They move to block me. They must notice how pissed off I look because they give each other a worried glance before turning to look at the doctor. She nods at them to let me through and they step aside. I rush to Rose’s side. “I’m so sorry, let me help you,” I tell her, gett

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