My Mate And My Unborn Child.

1004 Words

Hawk’s POV She’s here! I can sense her, smell her, feel her pull. She is the other half of my soul and I am not complete without her. The moment we had arrived and the car door opened, I knew. My mate was here. My Luna, and she was sick. She needed me! The urge to go to her had overpowered any weakness I was feeling. I’d jumped from the car, knocking Colt to the ground in my haste to reach her. My body fuelled by pure need and adrenaline. I needed to help her, hold her, give her my strength. I’d shifted into my wolf form in a split second. I was much faster in this way. As I burst through the front door, strong arms had wrapped around my abdomen. I shook them off. More arms grabbed at me, bodies pounced on me, pinning me to the ground. I’d fought my way out from under them only to be met

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