Game On.

1349 Words

Mickey’s POV. “Shops closed!” I shout to whoever is banging on my door. I know unless they’re a wolf they probably can’t hear me. The knocking continues, so not a wolf. Well, that’s a relief. I don’t want to see Stone right now and certainly don’t want to see his mate. She looked at me like she planned to have me for lunch, and not in a good way. More knocking. “Oh for crying out loud,” I hiss as I struggle to get my broken ass out of bed. Can’t a witch have a day off? I hobble to the stairs and stare at them with trepidation. I can do this, just get up these stairs and tell whoever it is to piss off, then put a big ‘do not disturb sign’ on the door so no one bothers me again. I finally make it to the top of the stairs and give myself a few moments to breathe through the pain. ‘Knock, kno

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