Fake Relationships.

1490 Words

Derry’s POV After accidentally having a sleepover at Mickey’s, I need to return to the b&b for a shower and change of clothes. I leave with a promise to Mickey that I’ll return with breakfast from the b&b and stay for the day to help him run the shop. It’s the least I can do after he was injured by breaking my fall. I lock the front door of the shop and put the spare key in my pocket. As I turn to walk away, I slam right into someone’s chest. I let out a screech in panic as strong arms wrap around my waist. Simon has found me. “Shhh, it’s okay. I won’t hurt you. I was just trying to stop you falling backwards,” a deep voice says. I look up at the face of the man still holding me upright. It’s the guy from the hospital, the one that had something weird going on with Mickey. “Sorry I’m a

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