The Herb And The Very Absurd.

1500 Words

Derry’s POV. I leave the shop clutching the small paper bag to my chest. I can’t wait to buy more baby stuff, it’s so exciting. “Do you have anything planned for the rest of the day?” Mickey asks. “I need to look for a job and somewhere to live. You don’t know anyone hiring or with a property to rent, do you?” I ask hopefully. “Here?… it’s doubtful. I need to go open my shop, come with me and let me get a better read on you. I feel you definitely belong here and you have an important role to play, but I just can’t work out what that is,” he muses, pulling me along the road with him. “Sorry I didn’t realise you had somewhere to be. I didn’t mean to waste your time.” “It’s fine, the people here know I open my shop when I feel the time is right” he reassures me. “What kind of shop

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