
1135 Words

Mickeys POV. I barely contain my squeal of excitement as I watch my girl Derry walk away from the shop. These next few weeks are going to be epic! Who needs a TV drama when I’m about to have a real life drama play out right in front of me. Some big bad wolf has been messing around with our very own Little Red Riding Hood and now she’s carrying a little wolf pup. I can’t wait to find out who it is and how the hell that happened. Maybe some dark witch magic or a curse is at play here. Either way, Alpha Hawk is going to go full psycho when he hears about this. The father must be someone from the pack, that’s why she’s here. The pup must have guided her here somehow. When I first encountered Derry this morning I thought she was a she-wolf, then I realised she’s human, which had me shooketh..

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