New Beginnings.

1333 Words

Derry’s POV. I wake the next morning with a smile. For the first time in months, I feel great and like everything is going to be okay. I had an amazing sleep in a comfy bed, the sun is shining, all is right in the world. I stretch out all my limbs and my stomach rumbles. “Good morning little bubba, shall we go get breakfast?” I ask my small bump. Then my bladder suddenly urges me up. “Are you bouncing on mummy’s bladder?” I ask as I dash to the toilet. Once I’m showered and dressed, I make my way to the dining room, the smell of bacon and sausage making my mouth water. I take a seat by the window and wait patiently for the food to start being brought out. I plan to explore a little today, see what local amenities there are here, check if anywhere is hiring and maybe look for accommodati

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