From Bad To Worse.

1168 Words

Hawk’s POV I am dying. This must be how it feels and it’s awful. Wolves do not suffer from human ailments or illnesses. There’s a couple of very rare diseases that can make us become ill, but they’re so rare that they’re more of a legend. The only other explanation is poisoning. Maybe Autumn poisoned me somehow, but that doesn’t make sense. There’s nothing more important to her than becoming Luna. The only way that can happen is by mating an Alpha, which is me. So killing me would not be in her best interest. But I prefer that theory over what is most likely the truth. It’s the moon sickness. It’s progressing into physical symptoms now instead of just mental ones. I’m not sure how I can hide this any longer. Autumn had left our room for breakfast this morning alone. I’d felt too weak to

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