Crazy Town.

1302 Words

Derry’s POV I awake to the sound of a steady beeping and raised voices. I blink my eyes open, the lights are too bright to be able to see much. My head pounds in time with the pulse of the beeping and I groan as I try to move to turn off the damn alarm. “Welcome back Red,” a familiar male voice says. I slowly sit up and look at my surroundings, squinting to try and see who is talking. Mickey’s blurry face comes into focus, he’s lying on a bed across from me. “What’s going on?” I croak out, my throat feeling raw. “What’s going on is you passed out. I broke your fall with my tiny fragile body and broke my ass, then you held me captive under your dead ass and I had to scream for help. Now we are roomies in the hospital because there are only two rooms for patients and they just brought

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