Sounds of Chaos.

1513 Words

Derry’s POV. “I’m sorry to hear that Rose, is there anything I can do?” I ask her. “Not really, they’ve sedated him and he’s sleeping for now. I should go home and rest, but I don’t want to leave him here alone. I just don’t understand what’s happening. We picked him up from the city and he was so weak, like a completely different person. He couldn’t stay awake the whole way here, but then as soon as we arrived he became crazed, he was fighting everyone to get in here and making no sense at all. Then he went completely feral. It took 6 men to hold him down whilst they sedated him.” She says, sobbing again. “That must have been awful to witness. I heard a commotion outside and it sounded scary. I hope he will recover soon. Do they know what is causing it?” I ask. My first thought is drug

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