Chapter three - Back to school

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Bailey's POV: My summer vacation almost ended. I'm not happy to go back to school. For me, this means more pressure from my mom. She wants me to have good grades, but that is not everything. I want to make a change this year. I am a senior. When I graduate, I will no longer be a high school student. I don't know what I want, but I got bored studying. My friends circle slimmed to zero. I should go out with people, but I can't. According to my mom, education is a priority. It's not like I mind, but I can't keep doing only this. I bet people think I'm boring. That's why I can't judge them. This is what they see every day. At least mom can't control me in school. I can try to make the change there. After all, people don't bite. It won't hurt me to talk with someone. Chelsea is a good start. For some reason, she likes being around me. I appreciate it, no matter that I have no idea why she does it. Well, I'm glad that at least one person likes me. I wish they had been more. Maybe that is what I deserve. I will try to focus on the positives. I am not a horrible person. All I have to do is be more open. I keep denying contact with people. This year will be different. The only thing I don't want is to talk with the bad guys. I want a change, not to get in trouble. Also, they use girls. I'm not a toy. I don't understand what girls find in them. They don't care about their feelings, but only if their legs are open. That is disgusting. I can't believe they do this. Maybe the problem is in me. I am old-fashioned. It's not like I care. People's opinions don't matter to me. I know there is someone who thinks I am worth it. One day, we might meet. That probably won't be soon. Sadly, I have other priorities. Boys are not one of them. I want to graduate faster. I hope that my mom will stop pressuring me that much. Today is the first day of school. I am not happy about it. At least I won't be at home all the time. Until seventh grade, my mom used to drive me to school. I wanted to walk alone, but she didn't let me. Somehow, I convinced her to stop when I went to high school. I don't want kids to laugh at me for that. It's a little bit embarrassing. Hopefully, we can understand each other better. I like talking with her, but it's only about my lessons. I would love to have one of those mother-daughter conversations. I woke up and went to get ready for school. It's still hot outside, and I will have a ponytail today. Usually, I like to keep my hair down. I got dressed and made my bed. After that, I went to have my breakfast. Dad was already at the table. At least we don't have problems. I can talk with him about everything. Believe it or not, he has asked me about my boyfriend. It's not like I have one. I don't have time for boys. Well, I would love to have one. Maybe it's better to wait until I grow up. - Hey, dad. - Hello. Are you excited about the first day of school? - No. - Why? Is it because of your mom? - No, she has nothing to do with that. - Then why? You can tell me. - Sometimes, I feel basic. It's like I don't do anything fun. No one has told me this, but I'm sure they think it. - Who are they? - Every student at school. - Didn't you go out with a girl from your school a few days ago? - Yes. Why? - Well, I think she likes you. Maybe you are not so boring for her. - I don't know. I don't want to cut people off. - Then don't do it. - I can't. Mom wants me to focus on my studies. Everything else is a distraction. - What do you want? - I have no idea. I don't think about this. - Maybe it's time for you to start. - I'm not sure about this. - Then I can't help you. If you don't believe in yourself, I can't do anything. I had a peaceful breakfast. Well, my mom asked me about school. I'm sure she will have more questions at dinner. Later, I walked to school. There were already many people in the hall. At least I have the same locker. I'm glad that it's far away from the bad boys. It's not like this will stop them. I saw Chelsea talking with her friends. I feel bad for cutting her off. Maybe I can go and apologize. - Hey, Chelsea. No answer. Well, I deserve it. I will understand if she doesn't want to go out with me anymore. After all, I made her believe I was different. I don't want to know what she thinks about me. - Look, I'm sorry. I didn't want to cut you off. Things are a bit harder than you think. I will try to be a better person. - Relax. I'm not mad at you. - she said, laughing - I'm sorry. - It's ok. I appreciate the apology. For a reward, you can sit with me at lunch. - What an honor. - I said, and both of us laughed - Bad boy alert. - Where? - There. - I have to go. - They won't do anything to you. - I won't be so sure. Dylan likes bugging me. - I'm sure he forgot about this. It was so last year. - I will see you at lunch. - Ok, bye. - she said, and I left I took my things and walked to the classroom. Soon, Dylan came with his girl. I don't think they are dating. No matter that he is always with her. Well, that is not my business. - Look who is here. How is my favorite nerd? - Fine. What about you? - Since you want to know so much, I am fine too. I can be perfect if you go out with me. - I can't. - Oh, I forgot. The books are your only date. - Dylan, if you don't go away, I will kick your a*s. - Stacy. I thought only Chelsea was on her side. It looks like the nerd has friends. - Leave her alone. Take Tasha and go f*ck her. - I will do that, for sure. - Dylan said and left - Thank you. - No problem. Can I ask you something? - Yeah, sure. - I want to improve my grades this year. If I don't understand something, can I come to ask you? - Of course. I would love to help. - Thanks. Hopefully, that won't happen often. I want to do it by myself. - Feel free to come whenever you want. - Thank you. I appreciate it. On the lunch break, I walked to the cafeteria. Chelsea was there with her team. She invited me to sit with her, but I didn't want to bother her. Also, they might have a meeting. I took my tray and sat on an empty table. Soon, someone picked up my lunch. It was Dylan. It's not a secret that I don't like this guy. - I want to sit here today. - Then do it. - There is no way people will see me with you. - Get up from my place. - Tasha said - No. I came here. - Hey, I told you to sit with me. Come on. We have to talk. - Chelsea said and dragged me to her table - There was no need for that, but thanks. - What does he want from you? - Stacy asked - I don't know. I got used to his attitude. - That is your mistake. He is a jerk. You have to stand up for yourself. - Chelsea said - Look, I don't want to mess with him. Can we talk about something else? - Sure. The rest of the lunch break I spent with the cheerleaders. They are not that bad. I mean, only Chelsea was talking with me. I'm glad that these girls are not mean. I like the way they treat me. Maybe they can be my new friends. Honestly, I would love that. Later, I went to the rest of my classes. I tried to focus on the teacher. That's why I am in the front row. Some students were noisy. At least Dylan is noting all my classes. He is the most annoying one in their group. After school, I walked home. I can rest a bit before mom comes home. I love her, but sometimes I think she wants too much from me. I am not perfect, and I will never be. She needs to get this idea out of her head. I walked to my room and laid on the bed. I took my phone and saw a message. I was added to the cheerleaders' group chat. I don't know why Chelsea did that, but it made me happy. That is a positive start to the school year. Maybe things will be different. They invited me to go out. This time, I won't deny it. I went to get ready and later walked out. I took more money in case they wanted us to buy something. - Hey, girls. - Hello, Bailey. I'm glad that you decided to come with us. - Stacy said - I thought you would be studying. - Chelsea said, chuckling - I am supposed to do that. Please, don't tell my mom. - My mouth is shut. Let's go now. - Where are we going? - To the mall. There is a summer sale for more than fifty percent off. I already have lots of clothes, but the discount is good. - Ok, no problem. - You can get something too. No one said that you have to spend a lot of money. - I will see if I like something. - It's your choice. All of us walked to the mall. I am not looking for anything, but I might buy something. We went to a clothing store. There I saw a girl. She is Jason's girl. I think her name was Vanessa. - Hi. Vanessa, right? - Yes. Hi, Bailey. I'm surprised to see you here. - I got invited. Otherwise, I wouldn't come. - Now it makes sense. Do you like this blue top? - Yes, it's nice. Jason will like it. - Maybe. It's not like I care. - Don't you buy your clothes because of him? - What? Did you hit your head somewhere? I don't need a guy to approve my clothes. I am with him for other reasons. Before you think about it, I am not talking about s*x. - Ok, it's not like I asked. - I said, and she laughed - We need to find you a man. - No, thanks. I'm good. - Hello, princess. - Hey, Jason. - I see you have a new friend. Hey, nerd. - Hi, Jason. - I have never expected to see you here. Are you with Vanessa? - No. - Bailey, come here. Hey, Jason. We found something. - Chelsea said and grabbed my hand - What was that? - Are you ok? Did something happen? - No, why? - I saw you talking with her. - Vanessa? - Yes. She is a b*tch. Please, don't talk with her. - Why? - Because she is with him. Every girl that is with one of these boys is a loser. They are getting used. I mean, all the time. - I think she is good. - I'm glad you think this way. - Oh, hey. - For the record, I'm not the only b*tch here. - Vanessa said - At least I don't sleep with different boys every day. - You don't know what I do. - I don't need to know. It's obvious. - Chelsea, shut up before I shut you up. - Jason said - Don't play the role of a protective boyfriend. You are a user like the rest of your friends. - What I do is not your business. - Feel free to leave. - At least I didn't go out with a nerd. - Bailey is not a nerd. - Yeah, right. I am the president. Come on. Look at her. I'll leave the comments to Dylan. - She is not that bad. - Vanessa said - What? - We talked for only five minutes, but I liked her. - Thanks. - I said - Are you serious? - Yes, I am. Stop criticizing people when you don't know them. - We go to the same school. I know her. - No, you don't. You have never talked with her. - So what? - You don't have an opinion here. - Yes, I do. - Let's go. Since you are here, you can spend some money. - I'm not a bank. - Now you will become one. Bye, guys. - Vanessa said and left with Jason - I like her. - I said - Let's continue shopping. I'll talk to you later. - Chelsea said - Is it that bad to talk with people? - No, but she is not good. - Why? Have you talked with her? - She is the same as Tasha. Her legs are always open. That is the only reason why Jason is with her. - Maybe there is something else. - Open your eyes. He is using her. - Ok, ok. I'll agree with you. - Good. Let's go now. The cheerleaders and I walked to a couple of stores. I didn't buy anything. After all, I came only to be outside. Before we walked out, we went for drinks in the food court. I still think about what Chelsea said for Vanessa. I don't know her well, but she seemed nice. Maybe it's better if I don't mess with this. I don't want to get in trouble. Here I have some friends. I don't want to lose them. As I was thinking, my phone started ringing. It was my mom. - Hey, mom. - Where are you? - Um, I decided to go outside. - Come home right now. The lessons won't get learned by themselves. - I know. I got invited and I. - I don't care. Come home. Otherwise, I'll come to take you. - Ok, ok. I'm coming. Bye. - Do you have to go? - Chelsea asked - Mom is already at home. I guess she came early today. - So what? - I have to go home and study. I'm sorry. It was nice hanging out with you today. - Tell her no. - I can't. It's not that easy. The story is long. - Ok, take care. We'll see you at school. - Thanks, and bye. - I said and left The rest of the day I spent at home studying. Mom wasn't happy that I was outside again. I don't know what she wants from me. I have nothing against my lessons, but I want to go out. Dad is right about one thing. I need a social life. I can't stay at home all the time. It will look like I am a prisoner. Also, people will start talking about me. That is the last thing I want to happen. I don't need more comments on my address. I like my life the way it is. This is my last year in high school. I want it to be ordinary. That's why my mom needs to leave me alone. I hope that she will understand me.
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