Chapter four - You need better friends

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Jason's POV: I can't believe the nerd went shopping. I never thought I would see her in a mall. She is the only girl who I haven't tried on. This girl is mission impossible. She barely talks with people. I don't know why the cheerleaders are with her. I guess they are the same as her. I would love to test her limits, but I'm sure she won't let me. Also, Chelsea and her girls might keep her back. It's visible that they don't like me. I tried on her once two years ago. The captain of the team rejected me. Now she is dating the football star. If she wants to play by the rules, he is her guy. What surprised me was Vanessa's reaction. I don't understand how she can like Bailey. This girl keeps her head in the books all the time. She doesn't do anything else. I have no idea what is going on. It's better if I don't know. After all, I don't want to mess with her. I still want to try on her, but it's not urgent. I have a whole year for that. Well, I bet she is hiding something. You can never trust a good girl. That's why she is a challenge for me. No other girl has gotten my attention the way she did. There is something weird about her. Maybe it's better if I don't waste my time with her. I believe she won't make it easy for me. I can spend all the time I will waste on Bailey with many girls. Mostly, it will probably be Vanessa. She is with me for other reasons, not only physical touch. I like that I can talk with her about everything. I don't think we can be friends, but I want to keep her around for a while. I don't know what will happen to us after high school. She might end up dating someone. It's not like I mind. I will be happy for her. Vanessa deserves it. Well, I'm glad that she is with me. She is the only decent girl in our friend group. I hope that we'll keep in touch after graduation. School. That is a word I hate. I have no idea why I waste my time there. Nothing of this will be helpful in life. No one will care if I know when World War Two ended. That is useless. It's better if I focus on something important. I want to do something interesting this year. Well, it can't be that bad. Otherwise, my parents will lose it. They are already mad at me for the fight. I was at the police station for an hour. Also, nothing horrible happened. I'm fine. It's not like they have asked me. Currently, I am at school. I have history. The teacher is talking with the nerd. She is the only one who pays attention in class. Next week, our tests start. I will probably fail, but I don't care. That won't make me start paying attention. The whole class, I was texting Vanessa. As I have said before, she always has time for me. When it finished, I went to wait for her. Later, we walked to our lockers. I see she is in a good mood. Maybe I'll get my benefits from that. - What is that smile? - I asked - What smile? - These games don't work on me. - I have no idea what you are talking about. - Maybe you have a date. - I already had one last night. - With who? - My pillow. It was the best date I have ever had. - Don't you want one with me? - What? - I'm kidding. - I won't deny it. - You know the rules. - Yeah, yeah. I wonder if the rules will change when you fall for someone. - That won't happen. I don't date. - Keep saying it until you believe it. - No girl can make me fall for her. - What about Bailey? - Are you kidding me? There is no way I will fall for that loser. - Come on. Stop calling her like that. She is not that bad. - Why do you like her? - I didn't say that. Just because she is studying doesn't make her a loser. - She doesn't do anything else. - Why are you so sure? You don't know what she does. - I don't need to know. It's obvious. - If you say so. Hopefully, you will change your mind. - No chance. On the lunch break, I waited for Vanessa. Later, both of us went for food. Dylan was with Tasha. It looks like Toby found a girl as well. I have seen her, but I don't know her name. Blake and Avery were alone. We sat down and started with our food. Next to us were the cheerleaders and the nerd. I will never understand why they are with her. I noticed Vanessa slightly waved at her. This time, I won't say anything. After all, she is free to do whatever she wants. - Toby, I see you found a girl. - I did. She is my occupation for the day. - What's your name, beauty? - Alice. - she said and nodded her head - She is a bit shy. - Toby said - It's ok. We won't do anything to you. - What are your plans for the afternoon? - Dylan asked - I don't have any for now. Maybe something will come up. I don't know. - I said - How about your girl? Is she free? - No, she is not. What is wrong with you? - Vanessa asked, madly - Calm down. It was only a question. - It's not only a question. I will never be alone with you. I prefer to die than do this. - I suggest you stop trying. It's visible that she doesn't like you. - Blake said - He is not lying. - Vanessa said - Why? I didn't do anything to you. - Bullsh*t. You keep trying on me. I'm not interested. Stop it! You have a girl right next to you. It's not like she cares. - She does care. Right, Tasha? - What? Did something happen? - Forget it. At least you are pretty. - Thank you. Do you know what else is pretty? - she asked and looked down - That's it. I'm out. - Vanessa said and left Of course, I walked after her. Lately, she has been weird. My friends are not the best, but they are not that bad. Maybe, except for Dylan. Sometimes, he doesn't know where to stop. - Wait! Where are you going? - In class. - Please, don't get mad. - Please, find new friends. - What? - You need better friends. - If it's because of Dylan, I can talk with him. - It's not only that. They change girls like tissues. - I do it, too. - But you won't hurt them. You say from the beginning about what you want from a girl. It's her choice if she will stay or go. They don't do that, and the girls get hurt. Also, they are nasty. Why can't you find a better friend group? - Because I don't want to. No one else will accept me the way I am. - That is not you. I don't know who you try to be, but this is not Jason. The real one is a good guy who cares for people. I know you care about me. - So? This doesn't make me a good guy. - Yes, it does. - Look, if you don't like them, don't be with me. - So you will put them over me? Really? I thought I meant something to you. - You do. - It doesn't look like that. - I'm sorry. - Whatever. I will go. - Vanessa! - Bye. - she said and left The rest of the school day, I tried to talk with her. She didn't want to look at me. I don't know what is happening with her. In the beginning, she had no problem with my friends. I wonder what changed. After school, I walked home. I went for a shower. Later, I took a nap. That didn't help much. I have to talk with her. She is not telling me something. I managed to sleep for two hours. When I woke up, I got ready and walked out. Soon, I reached my destination. I knocked on the door, and she opened it. - Hey. - What are you doing here? - Can we talk? - No. - Please. I want to know what is going on with you. - Nothing. - That is not true. Something is bothering you. - Why do you care? Go with your friends and leave me alone. - I'm not doing that. - I said and walked in - Hey, I didn't let you in. I didn't say anything and kissed her. If there is one thing that can calm her down, it's this. After all, that is the reason why she is with me. At least, this is how it started. I believe things have changed. Soon, she pulled away, and I dragged her to her room. Before she could say anything, I shut her mouth. We ended up making the whole thing. I didn't plan it, but I liked it. Of all the girls I have tried, she is the only one who knows what she is doing. Later, I went for a shower with her. Here comes round number two. I know she likes it even if she says the opposite sometimes. That is when she is mad at me. - For the record, this doesn't mean we are ok. - Vanessa said - What else do you want? - To do something. I feel like you never defend me. - That is not true. - It is. He keeps bugging me, but you don't do anything. I mean, I don't want you to talk with him. - What am I supposed to do? - To act like the guy who cares. - Will you stop with this? I don't care. - Yes, you do. I don't know why you are trying to be someone you are not. - I am not trying. This is who I am. - That is not true. You are not like them. I hope you will meet a girl who will change your mind and bring your senses back. - For a millionth time. I don't date. - That's what you think. - Can we talk about something else? - I don't want you to change. - I always have been like that. - No, you tried on me in the beginning. When we started hanging out, I saw a different guy. I don't know why you don't want to accept it. They are the losers, not Bailey or anyone else. - If you like her so much, make her your best friend. You should know that this will cost you a lot. - What exactly? - Me. If you start hanging out with her, you can forget about me. - Seriously? Why? It's not a crime to talk with someone. - Not when it comes to her. - What is going on with you? - I was about to ask you the same. Lately, you have been weird. - Me? If you haven't noticed, I am only with you. The fault that your friend is an a*swhole is not mine. - He is not that bad. - I don't even know with who I am talking anymore. - Me. - Are you sure? Why did you come here? - To understand why you are mad at me. - I am not mad at you. The way your friends treat me is what I don't like. They look at me as a fresh piece of meat, especially Dylan. - What can I do for you? - Ditch them. There are many people like you. - I can't do that. It's my last year of high school. I don't want to search for other friends. - It looks like you will search for another side chick. - What do you mean? - Exactly what you are thinking about. - You can't leave me. We have been together for more than three years. - We never dated. I can do whatever I want. - she said and got up - You can't do that! - Yes, I can. I'll never be something more for you than a toy. I wanted to try what it was, and I enjoyed it. This doesn't mean that it will be forever. I want to have an ordinary life. - Please, don't go. I'll do whatever you say. - Everything? - Yes. I want to keep you. - Are you sure about this? - Hundred percent. - Ok, then. I want a few things from you. - What are they? - You will stop treating Bailey like crap. She doesn't deserve it. Also, you will tell Dylan to stop checking me out. Otherwise, I am gone. Understood? - Yes. I can do the first one. I can't guarantee the second thing. - These are my conditions. - Ok, fine. I will do it. - Let's say that I believe you. - I promise. - I hope you will keep it. That is not something you can do. - But I will do it for you. - So I mean something to you. - Yes, you do. You mean more than you think. I can't talk to anyone else like that. - If you say so. - I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt your feelings. - Don't worry. I'm used to this. I didn't say anything and pulled her for a hug. I shouldn't care about her, but I do. There is something about her that makes me want to keep her safe. No one else understands me better than her. I made her change and took her for dinner. At least I can do that. She deserves to be with someone better than me. The thing is that if I tell her, she will think that I don't want her. That is not true. More than anything, I want to keep her. Maybe she is my friend. This doesn't mean I will date her. - Do you like the food? - It's decent. - Look, I. - Don't say anything. I don't want to hear it. - But. - I said no. It doesn't matter how many times you apologize. You can't go back in time to fix what you did. - I didn't mean it this way. You know him. - Hey! I want to have a peaceful dinner, so stop talking. - Ok. If that is what you want, I will do it. - Thank you. Later, we can go and watch something. I haven't been to the cinema for a while. - No problem. - Good. Nothing else was said. I have what to say, but she won't listen to me. It's better if I leave her alone. Otherwise, things might get worse. I want to kill Dylan for that, but it's my fault. I should've said something. That's why I don't want something more with her. She needs better friends. The only thing I will do is break her heart. I can't do that. Not to her. I don't care about the other girls, but I do care about her. Maybe it's better if I let her go. Vanessa might hate me for that, but it's better for her. I am ruining her life. I guess she is right. I am not like my friends. I hope that she won't get mad at me for this. I want us to keep good relations.
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