Chapter two - The bad boy in town

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Jason's POV: Hello, my name is Jason. I am an eighteen-year-old, what people call a bad boy. I get in trouble a lot. My friends do it too. We are a small group of five boys. I like hanging out with them. My parents don't like this. They think the boys are a bad influence on me. I will say that I became a bad boy before I met them. They have nothing to do with who I am. Let's say that I have my rules. No one can tell me anything. They keep talking, but I don't listen. My parents need to put a lot of effort, especially to make me do what they say. I know they care for me, but I am fine. Also, I am a boy. I can take care of myself. This doesn't mean I don't need my parents. I might have been at the police station last week. I picked a fight with some guys who were bragging about themselves. I got annoyed and punched one of them. I'm not perfect, but he isn't, either. Mom wasn't happy to see me there. It looked like she would start crying soon. She didn't want to talk to me at all. Dad gave me a lecture. It's nothing new under the sun. I'm used to this. Mom and dad can't change me. That will happen only if I want to. Well, I am happy in my current state. Something that I'm not enjoying is school. I want my summer vacation to be a bit longer. I didn't do much, but it ended too quickly. This is my last year of school. Then I can say goodbye. I can go to university, but I haven't decided yet. Let's say that I'm not a fan of studying. At least my grades are decent. I received an A only in PE. It's not like I am a good athlete. If you do what the coach says, you will pass. I pay attention only to these classes, which I find helpful. That means none of them. I have no idea what I want to do, but it won't be school-related. I hope this year the teachers won't be so strict with us. I don't want to deal with them. Three days left until the end of my summer vacation. That is a disaster. Why is it so short? I need at least one extra month. Maybe two. The thing is that I like going out with my friends. We have a lot of fun together. Mostly we go out during the night. My parents don't know that I have a fake ID. That's how my friend and I go to the bars. It's not like we drink that much. I prefer ciders and gin. I have tried other alcoholic drinks, but I didn't like them. I woke up and checked the time on my phone. It's 10 am. I can sleep for longer today. Last night, I came home at 2 am. One of my friends tried to flirt with an older girl in the bar. She cut him off. I would suggest he aim for someone in his league. We have decent girls in high school. Take my side chick, for example. Her name is Vanessa. She is always available for me. Soon, I received a message from her. It's like she heard that I mentioned her. Hey, what are you doing? Do you have time for me? I'm bored. Can you help me with that? There is no one at home. Feel free to come. I'll wait for you, pretty boy. Give me half an hour, and I'll come. I got out of bed and went to get ready. Later, I went to eat something. Well, I took an apple. I ate it on the way to Vanessa's house. She was quick to open the door. Judging by her clothes, I think I know what she wants. It's not like I mind. She knows that we are not dating. I am only using her. After all, I made that clear in the beginning. I warned her that I would dump her if she said I was her boyfriend. I don't date. That's why I don't try on every girl. I won't make the mistake of letting a girl fall for me. - Hey, you are quick. - You wanted to see me. - Yes, I did. It's so lonely here. Come in. - Thanks. - Can I offer you something? - I think you already did. - I said and checked her out - I picked these clothes for you. Do you like them? - They are good. I wonder where you got them. - Well, I know some places. - she said, smirking - What do you want us to do now? I'm sure you have a plan. - Yes, I do. First, I need help with something. - Ok, what is it? - Follow me. Like that, we walked to her room. I know what is going on. It's crystal clear what she wants. Who am I to deny it? The moment she closed the door, I kissed her. I have to say that she is not that bad. She learned a few things from me. Things quickly got heated. I won't be surprised if we make it until the end. After all, she was my first. Do I regret it? No, I don't. I wanted to know what it felt like. Back then, I was fifteen. Vanessa was my side chick for more than three years. I thought she might leave after some time, but she didn't. I have tried with other girls, but she is the best. This girl knows what she is doing. - Do you like it? - I love it. You are so good. Do you want to know why I don't have a boyfriend? - Why? - Because of you. No one else can satisfy me the way you do. - I won't be so sure. - But it's true. You are doing it perfectly. - she said and kissed me She didn't last long but wanted a round two. I thought it was enough. That was until she went into the shower. She is doing this on purpose, but it's working. We had another round in her bathroom. That's it. I'm not doing it again. After the shower, we went to bed. If I didn't use her, I would say she wants to date me. - What are you doing? - Is snuggling f*******n? - No, but we are not dating. - I know. Why don't you want a girlfriend? You are a hot guy. Many girls want you. - Where is the fun in a relationship? You limit yourself to one girl. - I think this year you will fall in love. I don't talk about me. A girl will take your heart. - Yeah, no. That won't happen. - Why are you so sure? - Because I won't let it happen. I don't date. - I hope you believe this because I don't. - Why do you care if I date someone? You will always be my side chick. - Because you deserve it. You might try to be the bad boy in town but have a good heart. All you need is better friends. - What is wrong with mine? - Some of them are weird. - Dylan won't do anything. - He has always checked me out. It's creepy. Also, he has a side chick, too. What does he want from me? - If you want, I can talk with him. - Thanks, but no. I know you won't leave me soon. - What do you mean by soon? - I mean this year. After that, we'll go our separate ways. - So? You have my number. - We might be in different cities. - Why do you think about this? Enjoy the last summer days. - I don't want to lose you. - You know what will happen if you fall for me. - No, that's not what I mean. You are my friend. Maybe I am not for you, but I want to keep what we have. - Relax. No one can take you from me. I'll keep bugging you every day. - I would love that. - she said and kissed my cheek We stayed in bed for a while. Later, I took her for lunch. I know how to treat girls. Let's say that I don't want to do it. They are like toys. When you get bored, you get a new one. Maybe Vanessa is an exception. She is not like the other girls. I think we can be friends. Honestly, I never looked at her as something more than a side chick. That's all she will be for me. - Thank you for this lunch. It's good. - No problem. Do you have plans for the night? - No, why? - The boys and I will go out. You can come with us. - I will deny it. - You will be with me all the time. He won't do anything. - I don't know. - Please. - Fine, but you won't leave my side. - Deal. After lunch, we separated. I went back home. I have to occupy myself in the afternoon. Sometimes, I think I'm ruining Vanessa's life. She deserves to be with someone better. I mean, a person who will care for her. I'm not that guy. I do care for her, but not that much. I might help her if something happens, but that's it. Well, I didn't make her stay with me for so long. She had many chances to go. That was her choice. I can't do anything about it. Also, I don't want to. Having someone by your side is not that bad. No matter when I call her, this girl always has time for me. That's why I like being with her. We have done a lot of things together. In the afternoon, I took a nap. When I woke up, I went to get ready. My parents should come soon. I want to go out before they are here. Otherwise, I will get asked a million questions. Mostly, it will be where I will go and with who. It's not like that is their business. I don't ask them what they do in their free time. I texted Vanessa to see where she was. She told me to go and pick her up. - Hey, are you ready? - Not really. - Relax. On the way here, I texted Dylan. Tasha will be there. - It doesn't matter. He will still check me out. - I'll be with you. - Let's say that I believe you. - If you are ready, we can go. - I am. Both of us walked to a fast-food restaurant. This is where we'll have dinner. We might go to a bar or a nightclub later. Soon, we arrived. Dylan and Tasha were already there. I noticed how he looked at Vanessa. Luckily, she is not in the same clothes as in the morning. I don't know what he wants from her. He has a side chick. We sat down, and I pulled her close. - I'm here. - I whispered to her - Thanks. - Where are the boys? - I asked - I don't know. They should've been here. I expected you two to be last. - Dylan said, smirking - We weren't together. I only went to pick her up. - Did you replace your side chick? - What? No, I didn't. I can't be with her all the time. I have other things to do. - I wonder what they are. Vanessa, leave before it's too late. - That is my decision, not yours. I know why I am staying. - Vanessa said - Please, don't say I didn't warn you. - At least he is not only using me for s*x. Poor Tasha. - Hey, I am happy that way. - Tasha said - If you say so. You know he can replace you any minute if he gets bored. - He won't do it. I have something no one else does. - Yeah, that's why he checks me out all the time. - What? That is not true. - Because you are blind. - Dylan, is that true? - No, of course not. I don't know what she is talking about. - For sure, you don't. - Vanessa said - Why don't we talk about something else? - I asked - Like what? - How are you today? - I'm good. I had a great day. - Dylan said and looked at Tasha - I wonder why. - I am a boy who needs things. - That's why I am here. - Tasha said, proudly - How can you be proud of that? - Vanessa asked - Don't you like satisfying your man? - Yes, but I won't brag about it. - The problem is not mine. I'm happy about it. - Because he is with you only because of that. - Vanessa mumbled, which made me laugh - Good one. - I said, whispering Soon, the rest of the boys came. All of them were alone. I mean, without girls. Sometimes, they like to surprise us. Maybe they didn't find anyone. Well, that is not my business. We had a peaceful dinner. Dylan was checking out Vanessa. I don't know how Tasha can't see it. That is not bothering me, but Vanessa is nervous and uncomfortable. I put one of my hands on her leg. She looked at me and smiled. This girl is not like the rest. She knows why I am with her, but there is something else. Maybe we can be friends, but I'm not sure about it. - Hello, everyone. How are you? - Toby asked - We are fine. I see you are in a good mood. Did something happen? - I asked, smirking - I wish. It's not like I didn't try. No one was down for a quick one. - I'm going to the toilet. - Vanessa said and left - What is wrong with her today? She is not in the mood. Why don't you go and give her a quick one? - Dylan said, laughing - Because I am not you. - I said and left Vanessa was in the toilet. I have been in a women's one many times. She was sitting on top of the sink. I shouldn't make her come here. It's visible that she doesn't like it. - Hey, are you ok? - They are disgusting. All they think about is s*x and nothing else. Why can't they be like you? - What do you mean? All of us are the same. - No, you are different. You care about me even if you will never admit it. I want to go home. - Do you want me to send you? - No, stay here. I'll be fine. - Are you sure? - Yes, I am. - Ok, then. Text me when you go home. - I will. Bye. - Vanessa said, kissed me, and left - Why did she leave? - Toby asked - It's not because of me, for sure. The rest of the night I spent with my friends. Vanessa sent me a message. I'm glad that she is home. Maybe I care for her a little bit, but that's it. We are not dating. I don't like Vanessa the way she thinks. I don't date girls. That way is better. Some of them are too complicated. I prefer to do things the easy way. One day, I should talk with Dylan about her. He needs to stop checking her out. It's inappropriate, especially when he has a girl next to him. She is always available for him. I don't know what else he wants. I want him to leave Vanessa alone. I hope that he will listen to me.
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