Chapter sixteen - Winter vacation

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Jason's POV: I keep studying every day. Bailey is helping me a lot. My grades started getting better. That can't happen quickly, but there is some result. At least my parents are happy. I still don't care about this. I did this because of a bet. It's not like I have done something about it. I need to control myself more around her. I almost kissed her. The worst thing is that this wasn't the player. It was me. I don't know why I did that. She was supposed to be no one. That's what I thought. I guess it's not true. I have no idea what is going on with me. I can't keep doing this. Otherwise, I won't complete the bet. The thing is that I like it. I want to be around her, but her mom won't let me. According to her, that is a distraction. This woman says this about everything. I don't know what she wants from her daughter. Bailey is doing more than enough. If she continues like that, soon she will break. Every person needs a break once in a while. It looks like this doesn't apply to her. That's why I started thinking. If I make her a friend, that will be an excuse for her to go out more often. On the other side, I don't want to do it. This is a bet. One stupid bet. I think this might have been a mistake. I can't play with anyone. Both Bailey and Vanessa will hate me for this. Well, I had to agree. I didn't want to deal with Dylan for a whole year. At least Toby is not around him. My friend decided to focus on his relationship. I'm glad that he did that. He likes Alice a lot. If he wants to keep her, he has to change his life a bit. Maybe I have to do the same. The difference is that I don't like anyone. This doesn't mean I can't do it. My winter break is coming soon. I will have a lot of time to think. I hope that I will make the right decision. This is my last week of school before the winter vacation. Finally, I will take some rest from Bailey and the studying. Honestly, I would like to spend more time with her. As I know her mom, she will probably make her study during the vacation as well. I wonder when her daughter will manage to escape. She is not supposed to waste her teenage years like that. There is enough time for studying, but you can't go back in time and change things. That's why she needs to have fun now. No one will give her this time back again. I can try to help, but it will be hard. Currently, I have English. I started paying more attention in class. I'm not like Bailey, but it's something. She is the top student here. I have to say that almost no one is listening. Everyone is waiting for the vacation to start. That includes me. For the rest of the class, I played on my phone. Sometimes, I download stupid games to keep me occupied. At least it's working. When it finished, I walked to the hall. Vanessa was there with Toby and Alice. It looks like they won't hide anymore. It was about time for them to do it. - Hey, guys. - Hello. You are in a good mood. - Vanessa said - No, I am in vacation mode. - I said, and they laughed - I can see it. - So you two decided to stop hiding. - Yes. I'm sorry, but I'm not part of the group anymore. I think you know why. - Toby said - I do, and I'm happy about you. It was about time for you to do it. - I didn't want to hide anymore. Soon, I saw Bailey and made her a sign to come to us. Here, we are only friends. She can calm down. I have to say I haven't seen her with the cheerleaders soon. Hopefully, they didn't ditch her. - Good morning. How are you today? - I asked - I have been worse. - Did something happen? You don't look much in the mood. - No, everything is fine. - Did something go wrong with you and the cheerleaders? - No, why? - I haven't seen you with them soon. - I didn't want to go out with anyone. Chelsea has asked me many times. - I understand. On the lunch break, I decided to eat with Bailey. Usually, she is alone. I wanted to keep her company. I don't think she will mind. I went to the hall and waited for her. Vanessa came up to me. I have to spend some time with her as well. Let's say that I might have ignored her lately. In my defense, I had other things to do. At least she is not mad at me for that. - Are you waiting for Bailey? - Yes, why? - I told you that you would fall for someone. I'm glad it's her. - What? I'm not falling for her. I only want to keep her company for lunch. That's it. - Yeah, right. That's why you have been ignoring me. - I'm sorry about that. It wasn't because of her. - It's ok. I started going out more. Of course, I avoided the places where Dylan goes. - Good for you. - Hey, are you waiting for me? - Bailey asked - I am, for sure. - I came to see what he was doing. - Vanessa said - If you are ready, we can go for lunch. - I said - Yes, sure. - Thank you. I will make sure she always keeps her high score. - Mom? What are you doing here? - I decided to come and see how you are doing at school. Lately, you have been distracting yourself too much. - My grades are good. - Then explain this. - Bailey's mom said and pulled out a test - I don't know what you mean. - You have a mistake, Bailey. You have ninety-nine points out of one hundred. - That test is a bit hard. - No, you didn't study enough. I didn't raise you to be like that. From now on, you will focus only on your studies. The study session with this guy is over. - Excuse me, but that is not something you decide. - I said - No one is talking to you. - You can't criticize her for one mistake. Some people can't even get there. - I don't care about other people's grades, but only for my daughter. - No, you care about her grades only, not about her. - I said and left I can't believe this woman. Now, I am happy to have parents like mine. They have never put pressure on me for anything. Honestly, I don't know why I am mad. I don't care about Bailey. I wish I could believe myself. I care about her more than I will admit. I was sitting on a bench on the field when someone came. - Hey. - Hey. - Why did you do that? You know you can't win against her. - She is annoying. This woman can't treat you like that. - Can I know why you care? - I don't know. Accept that I do. - Ok, I accept it. - she said and hugged me - Thanks. We stayed like that for a while. The lunch break is not long enough. I guess we can eat at home. Later, we walked for the rest of our classes. I don't sit with her only because she is in the front row. I don't want the teachers to think I have changed. I might study, but that's it. I won't do anything else. After school, Bailey and I walked to my house. I wanted to get away from her mom. This woman is terrible. No offense to her daughter, but I can't stand her. I don't know how she lives with her. It's not like she has a choice. - With what do you want us to start? - Nothing. I am in vacation mode. - Can we at least do our homework? It will be only this. - Ok, I will do that. - Thank you. - Later, you will watch a movie with me. - What? No, I can't do that. - Yes, you can. Won't you do it for me? - Fine. Hopefully, my mom won't understand. - This will be our secret. Bailey and I finished our homework for an hour. Teachers know we are not in study mode, so they give us fewer things to do. She put her stuff in her backpack while I chose the movie. When she was ready, I pulled her for a hug. Then I played it. I thought she would move, but no. I won't lie that this is comfortable. Honestly, I don't think I have done this with anyone else. I need to go back to the bet. The thing is that I can't do this to her. She will hate me. I don't know what to do anymore. The main character in the movie is the same as me. He plays with girls for fun. For me, that is not funny anymore. I don't want to do it. I was lost in my thoughts. Then I felt a hand on my cheek. - What? - Are you ok? You look upset. Did I do something? - No, it has nothing to do with you. - Are you sure? - Yes, I am. - Ok, then. - she said and snuggled - Will you be my friend? - What? Really? - Yes. - I would love that. Thank you. - You're welcome. Maybe I should do what Toby did and leave the group, too. - If you think that is the right decision, do it. - The thing is that I don't want to leave Avery and Blake. They are good guys. I mean, not like Dylan. - With who they will stay is their choice. You can't tell them which side to pick. - I know. - I think soon they will realize what type of person Dylan is. - That is what I'm hoping. - I'm sure they will be fine. You don't have to worry about them. - Thank you for being here. - For you always. Can we finish the movie now? The main character reminds me of someone. - I wonder who. - I don't know. I'm not in contact with this person anymore. - Really? - Yes. A better one came to me. - Thanks. We continued watching the movie. I kissed the top of her head once. Thanks to that, I received a smile. I don't know why I keep doing these things. She was supposed to be a bet. We all know this is not true. At least, not anymore. I care about her, even if I don't want to admit it. For some reason, I want to keep her around. She is not perfect, but no one is. When the movie finished, we walked out. I plan to go and see Vanessa later. I want to talk with her. She is the only one who can tell me what to do. - Do you want me to send you home? - Thanks, but I will be fine. It's not dark yet. - If you say so. You can call or text me if something happens. I will come as fast as I can. - Nothing will happen. You don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine. - Let's say that I believe you. - Don't play the role of the protective boyfriend that you are not. - Ok, ok. You can go alone. I won't save you anymore. - I didn't say that. - Go now. Your mom is probably waiting for you. - She is. Bye. I'll see you tomorrow. - Bye. - I said and left My next stop was Vanessa's house. Her parents might be there, but I don't care. This time, I won't do anything. I only want to talk with her. I walked to her house and knocked on the door. Luckily, Vanessa opened it. I don't want to deal with her parents now. It looks like she will go somewhere because her hair is wet. - Hey, can I come in? - Why are you even asking? Let's go to my room. I have to get ready. - Are you going on a date? - No, but I will go out. - He is lucky. - Who? - The person with you will go out. - Oh, no. I'm going alone. - Why? - I don't want to be around people now. - I understand. - Why are you here? I'm sure it's not for me. - I wanted to talk with you. I hope you have some time. - Of course. I will always have time for you. - It's good to know. - For what do you want us to talk about? - I think the bet was a mistake. - Really? Since when? Do I have to thank Bailey for that? - Very funny. I'm serious. - Me too. Why did you change your mind? - I don't think I can do this to her. She already has problems with her mom. I can't cause more. - I'm surprised to hear this from you. What will you do now? - I have no idea. I still have time to complete it. - Jason, don't do it. Bailey doesn't deserve it. Quit it. - No, I can't do that. - Why? - It's personal, but I can't. Before you think about it, this has nothing to do with me. Let's say that I was dumb. - It won't be your first time. - I know. I made many mistakes. - At least you realize them. - So what? That can't change anything. I can't go back in time and fix them. - No, but you can learn from them. - Yes, I can. Vanessa and I talked for a while. Later, both of us walked outside. She went her way, and I went home. Mom was making dinner. I think it's time for me to ask for help. Hopefully, she won't get mad at me. - Hey, kiddo. Why are you upset? - my dad asked - I need help. - Honey, is everything ok? - No, it's not. I made a bet, and now I regret it. - You made another one. What was this time? - Dylan set the bet, and I had to agree. - Will you tell us what it was? - my dad asked - I have to sleep with Bailey until prom. Otherwise, he will take Vanessa. - What? You bet on two girls. How could you do this? Both of them did so much for you. What were you thinking? - my mom asked - Nothing. I didn't want him to make fun of me for the rest of the school year. - That is not a valid excuse. Vanessa had been walking after you for more than three years. Now Bailey is helping you with your lessons. Is this why you made her your teacher? To complete the bet? - Yes. - I can't believe it. You are grounded. - But mom. - No buts. Go to your room now. - Ok, ok. I deserve it. - I said and left I spent the rest of the night in my room. I skipped dinner. Let's say that I wasn't hungry. Later, my mom came to visit me. She said I was grounded because she was mad at me. Mom said I have to deal with this alone. According to her, I should tell both girls about the bet and face the consequences. The thing is that I won't do it. I want to keep both of them. Vanessa and I did many things together. Bailey is helping me so much. I can't ditch them. If I do that, both of them won't talk to me. I need to find a way to escape from the bet. Honestly, I don't think this is possible. I hope that Dylan will forget about it.
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