Chapter seventeen - Merry Christmas

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Bailey's POV: My winter vacation has started. This is when you are supposed to be with your family and rest. That appeals to everyone except for me. Mom makes me study even more. According to her, nothing will distract me during the holidays. Little does she know that Jason wants to spend some time with me during the vacation. That is something I won't deny. Mostly, this is because I don't know when it will happen again. I have no idea why he wants that, but I appreciate it. Chelsea said she makes sleepovers after Christmas. I got invited as well. The minute I told my mom, she said no. It's not like I expected something else from her. Honestly, I am not a big fan of sleepovers. I feel like girls always want to know everything about each other. I'm not saying this is that bad. I prefer not to share everything. Some things are personal. Also, they don't need to know what I do every minute. What I know is that they like gossiping. If I tell them that I will be with Jason, they will think something is going on. That is not true, but they won't believe me. Chelsea might warn me about him. He is a bad guy. For some reason, he is nice to me. I am still suspicious, but not as much as before. Let's say that things have changed. That's why I looked at him from another angle. I call it the Vanessa angle. She knew he had a good side. I decided to look for it as well. Honestly, I would like it if he acts like that permanently. He is a better person. Well, that is his decision. I can't tell him what to do. Also, we are not friends or anything. It's not a lie that we are getting close. This might be a good sign. Toby has already left Dylan and his group. I expect Jason to do it, too. I'm glad that I'm not part of this. Dylan is the last person I want to mess with. At least he hasn't bothered me soon. I hope that this is the end of it. I got tired of his attitude. It's Christmas. This is probably one of my favorite days of the year. I can have fun and take a rest. Usually, I read a book or do something for myself. Mom can't make me study on this day. That would be ridiculous. Also, I will argue with her. It's more than enough that I do it all the time. For one day, I want to be carefree. Is it that much? The other kids my age do this every day. Well, I don't have that luxury. This is for the rich kids. You know what I mean. I woke up and checked the clock. It was 9 am. I got out of bed and went to get ready for the day. Later, I went to see what we had for breakfast. There were a couple of presents under the tree. Two of them are for my parents from me. Even if my mom and I have some differences, I can't ignore her. She has helped me a lot over the years. I took ingredients from the fridge and made myself a sandwich. That is all I will eat today. I might drink hot chocolate with marshmallows while watching a movie in the afternoon. I was eating when I felt a kiss on top of my head. It was my dad. - Good morning, and Merry Christmas. - Thanks. To you, too. Do you want a sandwich? - No, thank you. I don't want to eat now. I still feel sleepy. - Mom is still sleeping. Right? - No, I am right here. You won't get rid of me. - I never said that I wanted to do it. - Ok, I want to see if you will likely present. - my dad said and gave me a bag - What is this? - Open it. - Funny and intense questions to ask your friends. Is this a card game? - Yes, it is. That is my way of telling you that you need to find friends with who to play this. - Ok, thanks. I might use it. - Since we have started, here is my gift. - my mom said - It's another book. Thank you so much. I will read it after I finish my current one. - Here is another gift. - my dad said - You didn't have to buy me more. - It's not from your mom or me. It came in the mail yesterday with the note not to open it before Christmas. - Now I got excited. - I said and opened it - From who is this? - my mom asked - It's a thirty-dollar gift card to a bookstore. Oh, there is a card. Merry Christmas. I hope you will like this gift. I had no idea what to give you. Thank you for spending so much time with me. From your student, J. - That is nice. The boy is thinking about you. - I hope so. All the time before lunch I spent in my room. I got Jason a present as well. A few days ago, I watched a movie. The main character was wearing a necklace. I have seen many boys wearing this type. Luckily, I know a place where a man sells these. I went to buy one with his initials. The man engraves them with a machine. I sent my gift to the mail as well. Hopefully, he will like it. I didn't think of anything better. For lunch, we had the leftovers from last night. Mom will cook for dinner. She always does it this way because she has more time during the afternoon. I plan to go outside. The weather is not that cold. Maybe I can drink my hot chocolate somewhere. - Mom, can I go outside today? - Why? - Because I don't want to stay here. - What will you do? - I don't know. Maybe walk around. - That is not a good idea. You started distracting yourself too much. - Please. I will study tomorrow. I promise. - Let her go. It's Christmas. She can't be inside all the time. - my dad said - Fine, but you will come back for dinner. - Deal. Thank you. After lunch, I walked outside. I texted Jason to see if he was free. Luckily, he was. I told him to meet me at a diner. I sent him the location and went there. While I was waiting for him, I ordered my hot chocolate with marshmallows on top. When it was ready, I sat next to a window. I was thinking about something when someone touched me. That was enough to scare me. It was Jason. - I'm sorry. I didn't want to scare you. - It's ok. Why don't you get something to drink? - I already did. - Here you go. - the waiter said - Thanks. - The drink is good. - I said and took a sip - I have to agree here. - Thank you for the gift card. I will use it. - I had no idea what to give you. - The gift is perfect. I see that you wear mine. - I have to say it was creative. I never thought to get this for myself. - Don't laugh at me, but I got the idea from a movie. - Why am I not surprised? - he asked, chuckling - Can we go out or do something later? I have to be home for dinner. - Sure. I would love that. What do you have in mind? - Nothing. That's why I am asking you. - Have you placed arcade games? - No. - Now you will. Don't worry. I will let you win. - Don't do that. I want to win the right way. - You will play against me. Even luck won't be enough for you. - Very funny. I might be good. - You said you have never played. - That's the luck of the beginner. - We'll see, shall we? - Yes. Jason and I stayed in the diner for a while. He paid for my drink as well. Later, we went to an arcade center. Believe it or not, I have never been here. We started playing some games. I was terrible, as I expected. I mean, I have never played before. Jason was good. I'm sure he comes here often. I stopped playing and looked at him. Honestly, I have never seen him so concerned and focused on something. It's like his life depends on this game. After five minutes, he won it. He is happy like a little kid when he receives cotton candy. It's adorable and weird. - What? - Nothing. - Then why are you looking at me? - No, I'm not. - Bailey, I saw you. After all, you are not invisible. - Why did you get so happy? It's only a game. - That's what you think. To me, this means that I am good at something. - Oh, ok. - You look disappointed. - No, I didn't expect you to say this. - That is a personal win. - If you say so. - I can teach you how to play if you want. - No matter what you try, you can't turn me into a good player. - Should we try? - Yes. I spent the rest of the afternoon playing arcade games with Jason. Can I know why this was fun? For the first time, I enjoyed doing something with him. Honestly, I'm surprised that he agreed to go out with me. After all, it's Christmas. He might want to be at home with his parents. It looks like that is not the case. Well, I am happy about it. I don't want to go home, but I have to. I wanted to leave my parents alone. The thing is that I promised my mom to be home. - Do you have to go home? - I promised my mom to do it. - Call your dad. I'm sure he will understand. - He will, but I won't do that. It's enough that she gave me a break. - If you say so. Can I at least take you home? - Yes, sure. We can take the other way home. I would love to walk around with you. - I'm glad to hear that. Hopefully, your mom won't get mad. - I don't care. I want to enjoy my day. - You are in a good mood. - I am. You are part of that. - Music for my ears. - he said, and I laughed - If you say so. - It's true. Who knows when will be the next time I get a compliment? I mean, from you. - That wasn't one, but ok. I'll let you keep dreaming. - Thank you. - Now I wonder if this was a mistake. - What is a mistake? - Going out with you. - I said and laughed - Hey, it's not nice. I dedicated my time to you. How can you treat me like that? - Because I can. - I said and ran away - Hey! Come back. - he said and ran after me - Catch me if you can. - I will do it for sure. - I don't think so. - Wait and see. - he said, and I turned around - Where the heck did he go? - I'm right here, princess. - he said, and I shivered - How did you do that? - One magician never reveals his secrets. - Oh, come on. - You are mine now. - Jason said, grabbed my hand, and pulled me close - What are you doing? - Are you nervous? - No. Will you let me go? - Are you sure? - Yes, I am. He didn't say anything and stepped closer. I thought he would kiss me, but no. Thank god for that. I don't want this to happen. Later, he took me home. The whole walk, we were silent. Well, I still saw the smile on his face. It looked dorky to me, but I liked it. I'm glad that I have the chance to spend time with him. The most important thing is that the player is not here. It's only us. I don't hate him, but he is not good company. - Well, that's it. Thank you for spending the day with me. - No problem. You can call me anytime. Since it's you, I will answer the call. - Thank you. - You're welcome. You better go now. Your mom won't be happy that you are late. - It's ok. I wanted to have fun today. It's not like I won't study tomorrow. - You can't be serious? It's our winter vacation. - So? She doesn't care. Her Christmas gift was a book. - No offense, but she is unbelievable. - I'm not offended. Also, I liked the book. Dad gave me a card game with funny and intense questions. - That's better. We can play it sometimes. - Maybe. I haven't read the questions. The thing is that I feel like they won't be good. - It will be fun. - Yes, for you. I'm sure you like things like that. I don't. - You have to be more open and fun. I bet you will like it. - Thanks, but I like myself the way I am. - Me too, but it doesn't mean you can't break the ice. If you know what I mean. - Yes, I do. Thanks, but I won't do it. - It's your choice. I will leave you now. Have a good night. - To you, too. I will see you in school. - You will see me earlier than that. - Why? - Bye, princess. - Bye. - I said, and he left I walked in and saw my parents at the table. Mom doesn't look happy. I am only thirty minutes late. It's not a big deal. I sat down and started eating. She didn't even look at me. That is her choice. I don't care about that. When I finished my meal, I walked into my room. I'll do the favor since she doesn't want me around her. I was on my phone when my dad came in. - Hey, how are you? - I'm fine. - Ignore your mom. She is not in the mood. - When has she been? - Good question. How was your day? Did you have fun? - I did. I played arcade games the whole afternoon. - I didn't know you could play. - Because I can't. Let's say that someone taught me. - Does his name rhyme with Mason? - Yes, it does. - So the boy is not that bad. - No, he is good. Well, this side of him. - Give him a chance. I'm sure he cares about you. - I don't know. It's better if I don't think about this. - Ok. I will leave you. Goodnight and sweet dreams. - Thanks. To you, too. - I said, and he left The rest of the night, I was in my room. Before I went to bed, Jason texted me. Just like that, we spent more than an hour. I don't know why we talked so much, but I liked it. I realized that I had started re-reading our messages. Let's say I want to remind myself that he can be good. Up to now, I have had experience only with the player. I don't mind him, but I don't want to be one of his toys. No, thank you. I like this version a lot more. He is nice to me and treats me well. I don't know if this will happen again. It's not a lie that I would love it. I hope this is real and not one of his plans to get me.
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