Chapter fifteen - Maybe we can be friends

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Bailey's POV: Jason and I are getting close. We have been studying together for more than six weeks. There is some change in his grades. I'm glad that they are getting better. His parents are happy about that. I wish mine had been, too. Mom wants me to be the best. I'm trying, but it's not easy. I thought she would get loose on me since she gave me a break that day. It looks like that will never happen. Whatever that was, it was a one-time thing. I wonder when I will completely freak out and lose my mind. I feel like this might happen soon. Maybe I have to do something about it. The question is what that thing should be. I don't want to live my life like that. I should say that Jason is trying to get close to me. I have no idea what he is doing, but I won't let it happen. After all, we are not friends or anything else. We might have spent time together, but I still don't trust him. Well, I can talk with Vanessa about that. She knows him better than me. They are together for a longer time. It's better not to mess with that and focus on my studies. Mom wants me to do it. That has always been her wish. Sometimes I think she doesn't care about me. I tried defending her, but I don't know why. I have talked with my dad about that. He told me not to worry about anything. According to him, something will happen. It will change my life. I appreciate his daydreaming, but that won't come true. I want to have some changes, but not too big. I probably shouldn't do anything. Jason and his friends might like getting in trouble sometimes, but I don't. It's not like I will get close to them. I don't want to be around these people. Well, Toby is good. I think he always has been. Dylan is doing something to these boys, but I don't know what. Maybe that way is better. Messing with them is not something I like. I hope that being with Jason won't bring me problems. Lately, Jason has been weird. I have no idea what is going on with him. He kissed my cheek twice. I'm starting to think that this is part of a plan. Maybe that is why he is so good to me. It wasn't that bad, but I didn't want to be one of his toys. The boy will use me like he always does. The other girls might like it, but I don't. I would like to have a boyfriend, but a permanent one. I want to be with someone who will love and care about me. He is not that type of person. I came from school about an hour ago. Jason was supposed to be here already. I don't know where he is. Well, I started studying without him. After all, I don't want to waste time waiting for him. I finished my homework for the day. Luckily, there are no tests soon. Otherwise, my mom will put me under pressure again. She always knows when I have them, and it's not from me. I don't know who told her. I went to the kitchen for a glass of water. I was about to sit down when there was a knock on the door. It was Jason. - It was about time. - I'm sorry. Something came up. - Of course. Come in. I don't have a whole day. - Someone woke up in a bad mood. - Sit down. - With what should we start? - I already did my homework. You can do yours. - Sure, no problem. I will ask if I have questions. - Ok. I started with my lessons while he was doing his homework. After some time, I was pulled for a hug. I tried to escape, but he didn't let me. That's why I kicked him. It's not polite, but I don't care. I have told him a million times that things are professional. We are not friends or anything else. Why doesn't he want to understand this? I took my water and went to the kitchen. Of course, he followed me. - Bailey, what is going on? Why do you want to get distant from me? - I made the rules, and you have to follow them. Otherwise, you will study alone. - I only wanted to make you feel better. You seemed upset. - How I feel is not your business. I can do whatever I want, but it has nothing to do with you. Understood? - Yes. I'm sorry. - Go and sit down. I'll come in a minute. - I'll wait for you in the living room. - he said and left I stayed about five minutes in the kitchen and later walked up to him. He was checking something on his phone. I know he is not guilty, but lately, everything annoys me. I don't know why. Let's say that I have a lot of things in my head. I sat down and grabbed a book. I'm not in the mood to teach him. Well, he is here. We have to do something. Did he get close? Maybe I am imagining things. After two minutes, I looked up at him. He was next to me. I have been pulled for a hug again. This time, I didn't complain. I need this, but from my mom, not from him. I guess that is the only thing I will receive. It's better than nothing. - It's ok. She will realize it one day. - Why are you doing all of this? - Because I feel bad. I thought you were a boring nerd, but it's not only that. You had other problems. - You can't talk about people before you get to know them. You might end up hurting their feelings. - I did this to you. Right? - Well, you making fun of me was not something I liked. - I'm sorry about that. I won't do it anymore. - I don't care anymore. Things can't get worse. - Never say that. You never know what the next day will bring you. - That is not important. - Yes, it is. - We have to study. - Why don't we take a break? - We have one now. If you don't want to study anymore, ok. I will continue. - In that case, you will go out with me tonight. - Why? - Because I said so. - I'm sorry, but no. I will have dinner with my parents. - You always do it. Don't you want to be with me? - No, I don't. - I'm not the only person who can hurt people's feelings. - That doesn't work on me. - What is not working? I'm honest. You never want to do anything with me, no matter what I try. Am I that bad? - It's not about that. - That's what it looks like to me. - Think whatever you want. I don't have time for that. - I said and grabbed a book He took my book and left it on the table. Then he made me look at him. I tried to look away, but he didn't let me. I don't know what to do. We are way too close. He is not my friend or anyone important. That's why he can't do that. Well, it looks like he won't let me go soon. I noticed something different. Is he worried? For what? Me? That is impossible. Jason doesn't care about me. Now I feel bad for him. He only tries to help me. Maybe we can be friends. I never thought of that. I closed my eyes for a second, and that's when I felt something. His hand was on my cheek. He kissed it again. He needs to stop doing that. The problem is that I started liking it. No one else has done that except for my parents and grandparents. - You need to stop doing that. - Why? It's not a crime. - Because we are not friends. - We can be if you want. - No, I can't do it. Let's go back to studying. - Ok, sure. Jason and I studied for the next two hours. My parents were already at home. Mom kept checking on me to make sure I wasn't taking breaks. I wish this could be over. I don't understand why my mom is so strict with me. Right now, Jason's invitation sounds good. Well, I already denied it. Also, she won't let me go out. Dad might say yes. The thing is that I don't want to put them against each other. There is nothing wrong with staying at home. - Ok, that's enough for today. I tortured you a lot. - It's ok. You can go out with me if you want. - I can't. Mom won't let me out. - But I will. - my dad said - Thanks, but I don't want you to argue with her. I'll stay here. - No, you will go out. I believe you are at home all the time. Go and have fun. - I did it once, and horrible things happened. - So? No one said that this would happen again. This time, bring her home. - I will try to do it. - Jason said - I appreciate it, but no. I don't want to go out. - It's your loss. I can always find someone to occupy me. - What? - I won't wait until you decide. I mean, if you want to go out with me or not. Also, this is not a date. I don't know why you are thinking about it so much. - Ok, fine. You have one hour. - I can't eat that fast. Before that, I have to go home and leave my stuff. I won't carry them around the town. - She is all yours until midnight. - Dad! - Bye, and have fun. Jason and I walked out. First, we went to his house. His parents were having dinner. They told me to stay, but I refused it. I have to go out with their son. I'm not happy about it. I did only not to look like the bad one. When he was ready, we walked to a small restaurant. I have no idea what I want to eat. Honestly, I'm not even that hungry. Well, I have to put something in my mouth. After some time of debating, I ordered a salad. Jason got a fish with French fries. I don't think this goes well together, but I don't care. I'm not the one who is eating it. My meal came first. It takes less time to prepare it. Soon, his food came as well. - The food is good. - Are you sure this is enough? You can order something else. - Thanks, but I'm good. - I have to say you will be a cheap girlfriend. - he said, chuckling - I'm not hungry. - What is going on with you? Lately, you haven't been much in the mood. - I don't know. Let's say that I have a lot of things in my head. - Is one of them your mom? - No. I stopped thinking about this. - Then what is it? You can share it with me. I won't tell anyone. I promise. - Thanks, but I don't want to talk about it. - Ok, it's your choice. - Look, I'm sorry about today. - It's ok. I'm getting used to this. - I'm sorry about that too. - Whatever. I don't care. Do what you want. - But I do. - So? - I didn't want to put my bad mood on you. - You started doing it often. - I apologize for that. - So what? You can't go back in time and fix it. - Are you mad at me now? - No. - It doesn't look like that. - Ok, think whatever you want. I don't care. I didn't say anything and sat next to him. He didn't even look at me. Then I pulled him for a hug. I messed up. The thing is that I didn't expect him to get mad at me. At least he hugged me back. We stayed like that for a while. I won't finish my meal. I'm not hungry. I don't know if this is Jason, but I like this version more. I don't think the bad guy will pretend for so long. Honestly, I can expect everything from him. No matter who I am talking to, I will enjoy the moment. Probably there won't be another one. He finished his meal and looked at me. - What? - Nothing. - Then why are you looking at me like that? - Like what? - I don't know. It's weird. - I have no idea what you are talking about. - he said and kissed the top of my head - You know this is not a date. - So what? I can do whatever I want. - Jason, I am not a toy. Please, don't treat me like one. - What? You think that I want to play with you. - No. Forget about it. - Is this what you think about me? - This is what I have seen every day since I came to this high school. What else do you want me to think? - Ok, you have a point here. I won't play with you. I promise. - Let's say that I believe you. - Do you want us to walk around? Later, I will take you home. - I can go alone. - I know, but I promised your dad. - Ok, fine. Jason paid for our food, and both of us walked out. We passed by some places. I don't know what is going on with him today. I want to believe that I am with the good guy. I like his company. The thing is that this is hard to believe. Something tells me not to trust him fully. It's better if I don't think about this now. I don't want him to get mad at me. As we were walking, I noticed some guys. They looked drunk. Then, a flashback from the party came. I quickly grabbed his hand, which made him look at me. - I'm sorry. - It's ok. They won't do anything to you. I'm here. - Can I ask you something? I hope you won't get offended. - Go on. - Am I talking with the good guy or the player? - Why are you asking? - Because the player is a good actor. - Well, he appreciates the compliment, but no. You are not talking with him. - Thanks. It's good to know. - I can bring him back if you want. - No, thank you. I like this version more. - I'll do whatever you say. - If you say so. - Don't you trust me? - Please, don't ask me that. - Ok, I will stop bugging you for today. - Relief. - I said, and he laughed Jason and I walked for about an hour and a half. Later, he took me home as he promised my dad. I have to say that it was good spending some time with him. I don't know how long the good boy will be here, but I will enjoy his company. He is better than the player, for sure. I still don't understand why he doesn't want to be like that all the time. Many girls like bad guys. Well, maybe, except for me. They might look good, but that's it. I don't want to get in trouble thanks to a boy. That's why I stay away from them. Jason is an exception. I hope that all of this is real.
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