Chapter five - She seems broken

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Bailey's POV: One week has passed since the beginning of the new school year. Nothing interesting happened. I walked out with the cheerleaders once again. I don't know why they do it, but I'm happy. For now, I plan to stick with them. Mostly, that is because I don't have other friends. The girls didn't make it official, but I assumed it was. Of course, my mom wasn't happy about it. She doesn't like that I waste time outside. As if it's not enough that I study after dinner until I go to bed. Sometimes, I can't understand what else she wants from me. I am doing my best to be the perfect daughter she wants. No matter that this is impossible. I feel like I will never be able to make her proud. She is lucky that I don't date. Boys want attention, too. After all, when you are in a relationship, you should spend time with the boy. Look at Chelsea. She and her boyfriend spend a lot of time together. Mom won't let me date anyone. It's not like I will ask her. That is my decision. I don't know why she keeps telling me what to do. I am not a little girl anymore. It's probably because she knows I will do everything for her. I don't want to disappoint her. That is my weakness. I am starting to think that she might be using this against me. Maybe I am imagining things. Mom will never do this to me. It's better if I keep an eye on her. At least I can always talk with my dad. He will listen to me and tell me what to do. That's why he is a parent. Dad is happy that I started going out more. This is where he and my mom have differences. One of them wants me to socialize more. The other one wants me to study. I can try to do both, but it might be a disaster. Well, I can teach someone. Stacy said she might need my help. This will be a good start for me. I need to talk with people. I hope that I will have luck with that this year. Currently, I am at school. I came a bit early this morning. The thing is that I woke up one hour before my alarm. I was tired last night and went to bed at 10 pm. I had nothing to do at home, so I came here. Well, some of the cheerleaders were here. I still can't understand why they hang out with me. They are popular and pretty. I am nothing compared to them. Also, sometimes the boys from the football team join them. It's not a lie that I feel awkward. I don't mind them, but I feel out of place. It's as if I don't belong there. Now I have Math. The students in the last two rows don't pay attention at all. At least Dylan is not here. No offense, but he is annoying. It's a public secret that I don't like him. He always makes fun of me. I wish he could stay with his girl and leave me alone. I am trying to stay away from him as much as possible. In this class, I am with Vanessa and Jason. She seems off these days. Maybe something has happened. It's better if I don't know. Also, it's not my business. - Ok, class. Who will solve the problem on the board? Someone different than Bailey, please. I need volunteers. If no one wants, I have to pick. - Can I do it? - Bailey, I don't want to talk only with you. How about Vanessa? Can you solve it? - I can try. - Ok, come here. - Here you go. - Let me check. Surprisingly, that is correct. Good job. - Thanks. After this class, I walked to the hall. What caught my attention was Jason. He was alone. Usually, Vanessa is always with him. It's not like I care. Well, I might care for her. She was nice to me in the mall. I always was negative-minded about the girls handing out with the bad boys. Maybe I was wrong about her. She doesn't seem that bad. I haven't talked with her, so that is the only thing I can say. I don't know what to tell her. During the lunch break, I changed the books for my next class. I was about to go and eat when I saw Vanessa going to the field. For some reason, I feel bad for her. It's visible that she is not in the mood. I looked around to make sure there were no cheerleaders around. I know they don't like it when I talk to one of these girls. Later, I walked after her. She was sitting on the benches alone. I sat next to her. It took her a couple of seconds to realize someone was beside her. - Bailey? - Hey. How are you? - I have been worse. - What happened? You are not in the mood for the past few days. - You have noticed that? - Yes, I did. You don't have to share it with me. After all, we are not friends. - It's Dylan. - Did he do something to you? - No, but I expect it to happen. I have the feeling he wants to try on me. - Have you talked with Jason about it? After all, they are friends. - I did. It's not like I expect something to happen. - Why? - I asked him to change his friends. He won't do it. - Maybe he likes them. I don't know. - Me either. - Can I ask you something? - Sure. - Why are you with him? Jason gets in trouble, too. - I know, but he is not like them. I mean, even if he will never admit it. - What do you mean? - He cares. That is the main difference. For some reason, he tries to be someone he is not. I don't know why he does that. Jason has a good heart. I know it. I'm staying because he cares about me. Dylan wants to use me. Things are not the same with Jason. We are not dating, but I know that if I have a problem, he will help me. None of his friends will do this for me. - I'm sorry. - Me too. I wish he could ditch them. - I don't think he will do that. - He won't. I already asked him. It's his last year of high school. Jason doesn't want to search for new friends now. That will happen when we graduate. - It might sound weird, but do you want a hug? - Really? - Yes. - Thanks. I need one. - she said, and I hugged her - Do you feel better? - A little bit. Thank you for that. - If you want, we can study together at home. Well, if you won't be with Jason. - I don't need to be with him all the time. I would love to come. - Great. We can go after school. - We have a plan. - she said, chuckling Vanessa and I talked until the end of the lunch break. Later, we walked for the rest of our classes. When they finished, I waited for her. I noticed how she walked by Jason. Something is going on between them, but I don't know what. It's not like I need to know. Both of us walked home. I offered her to go to my room. - You have a great house. - Thanks. - I bet you never leave her. - There is some truth in this. - I said, and we both laughed - People don't bite. - I know. I'm sorry about the cheerleaders. - It's ok. I don't care. Can I know why you are with them? - Because they like me. I don't know when this will happen again. - They don't like me because of Jason. If they knew me, they wouldn't talk like that. - Maybe. No offense, but you seem broken. - Because I am. I don't know what I want to do anymore. I don't even have an ordinary life. - she said with tears in her eyes - Why? Did someone hurt you? - It's because of Jason. - Do you have a crush on him? - No, it's not that. It hurts me that when we are alone, he is himself, but when we go out, he is the complete opposite. I don't know why he does that. I want to keep him as a friend, but I don't think he wants the same. - What I can tell you is talk to him and tell him how you feel. - I have tried that. He doesn't want to listen to me. - I'm sorry. I don't know how I can help you. - Forget about it. After all, I came here to study with you. I don't know anything, and you will help me. - You did well in math class. - I saw the solution in the textbook. It was one of the solved examples. - she said, chuckling - Now I get it. Don't worry. I am here. - Thanks. Vanessa and I studied for the next two hours. Mom and dad came home. She was glad to see me with the books. It's not like I have a choice here. Now Vanessa will see what my life is. I managed to convince my mom to let her stay for dinner. I was surprised that she agreed. According to her, that is a distraction for me. When she left, Vanessa looked at me. - Is she always like that? - Yes. That is my life. I have to study day and night. - No offense, but your mom is insane. - It's not my first time hearing this. - I said, chuckling - I feel sorry about you. - Don't worry. I am used to this. - But you shouldn't be. Tell her how you feel. - I have tried. I will disappoint her if I don't have a perfect score everywhere. - She needs some parenting lessons. - Tell this to her, not to me. Vanessa and I went into the kitchen. Mom has already put the food on the table. Dad was here as well. I expect my mom to ask Vanessa many questions. She wants to know if she is distracting me from my lessons. I don't want this to happen, but I can't do anything. Let's say that I can't win against my mom. - Vanessa, right? - mom asked - Yes. - How was school today? - It has been worse. - Do you have a problem with a teacher? - Oh, no. I am doing well in my classes. - So you are a straight-A student as well. - Not like Bailey. From time to time, I have A's. Most are B's and sometimes C's. - Oh, ok. - my mom said and looked at me - Mom, that doesn't matter in life. When you apply for a job, people want skills, not grades. - That's true, but they check your diploma. - I'll study more. - Vanessa said - I'm sure your parents are proud of you. - I said - They are glad I'm working hard and don't give up. There were times when I wanted to do it. - Don't do it. That is not worth it. If it's because you know who, you shouldn't do it. That won't change anything. Ignore what is going on, and keep your head up. After some time, you will see results. Take care of yourself. That is what you need. Your parents might be here with you, but if you don't believe in yourself, nothing can help you. I know this. - Thanks. Said from you it means a lot. - I mean it. After dinner, Vanessa and I walked to my room for a movie. That's what I told my mom. Honestly, I only wanted to talk with her. She might hang out with Jason, but she is nothing like him or his friends. I have no idea why the cheerleaders don't like her. Maybe that is because they haven't talked much. - Can I ask you something? - Sure. Go on. - Why you and the cheerleaders don't like each other that much? Did something happen between you? - They think I am an a*swhole for sleeping with different guys. The thing is that I have done it only with three. One of them is Jason. Honestly, I have done it with him the most. - Why did you agree to do that if you knew he would use you? I'm sure he has told you. - Because I wanted to know what it feels like. He was my first. I was only fifteen. - Really? - Yes. Just because he is my first doesn't mean he will be my last. Well, I would like it if we could have a friendship. - So he is nothing to you. - No, why? Do you like him? - No, it's not that. I was about to say that it's sad. He is playing with you. - Kind of. - Don't you want to be with someone permanently? Maybe at least in a relationship. - I would love that, but not now. You know, high school is when you do dumb things that you regret later. - Yes, but I want to have a good time, not be heartbroken. - You do it your way, I will do it my way. - I can't disagree with that. - I said, and she laughed - I don't know why Dylan makes fun of you. I mean, there is nothing wrong with you. After all, you are a decent girl. - Thanks. It's nice to hear it. - I mean what I just said. Both of us talked for a while. It feels good to do it with someone who will understand you. Around 10 pm, Vanessa went home. It's too late for me to study. I will do it tomorrow. Mom probably didn't like my company. It's not like I care. Like every person, I want to have friends. I was about to go to bed when there was a knock on my door. It was my mom. - Are you going to bed? - Yes, why? - Don't you think you have to study? This girl wasted your whole time. You can't go to school unprepared. - Mom, I'm fine. I have been studying all the time. Can't I have a rest? I think I deserve it. - What you deserve says me, not you. Read something. - I want to go to bed. I'm tired. - You wouldn't be if you had done your work on time. - I did. Why do you want me to study so much? - Because I want you to be successful. - I am still eighteen. I have a lot of time for this. - No, you don't. Study and go to bed. - Fine. Good night. - I'll see you for breakfast. - mom said and left Sometimes I don't understand my mom. I think there is a reason why she puts so much pressure on me. It's my last year in high school, not at university. I have plenty of time to study. I can make dad talk with her, but I don't want him to mess with this. After all, this is between my mom and me. Maybe I can have a conversation with her. There will be no arguments, only talking. I will appreciate it if she listens to me. I don't want that much. First, I need to think about what I will say. Everything else is easy. It would've been better if I didn't have to do it. I hope that this will end well.
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