Chapter fourteen - Changes

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Jason's POV: It has been a month since I started hanging out with Bailey. I have to say that she is not that bad. One thing is sure. I have to keep her away from Dylan. I still think about the party. I don't know why he did this to her. Now, she doesn't want to go on one again. Not if he will be there or Tasha. I can't understand what they want from her. She is not doing anything. The whole time, she talked with Vanessa. Then she chatted with Toby and Alice. Maybe he is doing it because of me. Honestly, I don't know why I helped her. I felt the need to do it because I made her come here. Her dad wasn't happy that I left her to go home alone. Luckily, he didn't do anything. Mostly, that was because Bailey told him that this was her decision. I didn't want to argue with her. Dylan tried on Vanessa, too, but she kicked him and walked away. She can take care of herself. The thing is that I want to keep her safe. Well, at the same time, I can't keep both of them safe. I mean, maybe if they are not together. Otherwise, I need a twin or someone to help me. I won't ask for help because this is my job. Maybe it's better if Bailey stays at home. She will save me the trouble. Apart from that, everything else has been good. That's how I saw Toby has been distancing himself from Dylan. I guess it's not only me. I expect Avery and Blake to do it, too. I have no idea why they are still with him. Initially, I thought he might hold them with something, but it's impossible. The boys have nothing to do with him. They probably haven't found out who he is. I mean, the person behind the mask. Since I started hanging out with Bailey, I have realized many things about the world around me. I might have been blind for some things. Also, I know that she always tells the truth. If she says something, she means it. I hope that being with her won't make me change myself. I don't want to be a good guy. Days pass like hours. For more than a month, I have been with Bailey. It's not a lie that I forgot about the bet. I better step on my game and do something. I can't lose Vanessa. She will hate me forever. The thing is that I don't know what to do. I don't care about this bet, but I do for her feelings. I can't hurt any of them. You see what she is doing to me. The teaching plan was horrible. I am close to her, but not the way I should be. I have to think of something else. Now, I am in my biology class. Last week we had to give our essays. This is the only subject I didn't expect to write this. The teacher graded them. I'm sure Bailey will get an A. I'll be happy to have a C. First, we finished the lesson. Later, he gave us our work. I was surprised to see what I saw. It was a B-. How is that possible? I'm not that good. I waited for everyone to go out and walked to the teacher. I want to know what is going on. - Excuse me? - Yes. - I think you made a mistake. - Why? - You gave me a B-. - Where is the mistake? - I'm not a teacher, but I'm sure this is not for a B-. - It's not. - Then why did you give me that? - Because for the first time, I saw some effort from your side. Usually, you never care about these assignments. This time, you wrote something and didn't copy it from the internet. I appreciate what you did. That's why I decided to help you. Well, you should know this won't be all the time. - Really? Thank you. Mom will be happy. - Studying won't kill you, Jason. - I know, but what we study here won't help me in life. - Why are you so sure? Don't you want to know how your body functions? - Even if I do, I still go to the doctor. It's useless. - If that is what you think. You are not right, but I won't argue with you. Go now, or you will be late for class. - Thanks again. - No problem. - the teacher said, and I left On my lunch break, I went to search for an empty table. I saw Vanessa with Toby. I guess he still doesn't feel comfortable being with Alice here. Honestly, they don't hide anywhere else. Their parents know about them. They only do it here. I was about to go to them, but Dylan and Tasha took my place. Later, Avery and Blake came as well. No offense to my friends, but I don't want to sit there. I saw Alice sitting alone and decided to join her. - Hey, can I sit with you? - Yes, sure. I see you are in a good mood today. - I am. I got my first B-. - Good job. Was it in PE? - she asked, chuckling - No, it was on my biology essay. - Did Bailey write it for you? - No, it was all me. I had a chat with the teacher about that. - Never do this again. - Why not? - They might think you don't want this high grade and will write you a lower one. - I never thought of that. - Keep it in mind. - I will do it for sure. Hey, are you ok? - Not really. - Why? - Look there. Vanessa was sitting with Toby. I understand Alice, but she shouldn't be worried. My friend will never cheat on her. That is impossible. I think she is doing it because of Dylan. - Relax. He won't cheat on you. - What? No, I didn't mean him and Vanessa. I was talking about Dylan. Toby said he would get distant from him. I guess it was a lie. - I think he is there because of Vanessa. Everyone knows that Dylan wants to try on her. Also, he might want to be with our friends. It's not a lie that we got distant. I don't know why they are with him. - I don't want to hide anymore. - You don't have to do it. - I do. Otherwise, Dylan will make fun of my boyfriend. I don't want this to happen. - Are you happy with him? - Yes, I am. - Then why do you care what others think? You are dating him, not Dylan. Stop thinking about this i***t and focus on your relationship. That is what you need to do. - I can see Bailey's traces here. - I know. That is the worst part. - Why? - The bet. It's getting a bit harder than I thought. - You don't have to do it. - I do. There is no way Dylan will have Vanessa. - Are you falling for Bailey? - What? No, I'm not. - Are you sure? - Yes, I am. She is nice, but not my type. - If you say so. Alice and I talked until the end of the lunch break. Maybe she is right. Bailey left some traces on me. I started acting like her. I'm not saying it's that bad. Let's say that I don't want to do it. Later, we walked for the rest of our classes. Lately, I have a lot of things in my head. I should complete the bet, but I can't break her heart. The problem is that if I do this, she might think we can be something. That will never happen. I still don't date. I don't know what else to do. After school, I walked home. I would love to talk with my parents about that, but I haven't told them anything. Also, they will get mad at me for that. I walked in and saw my mom in the kitchen. I wonder what she is doing here. She didn't tell me about that. I walked up to her and took a cupcake. - Hey, save some for later. - she said, chuckling - I didn't know you would be home. - I had a terrible headache. That's why I decided to work from home. I used the chance to make some cupcakes. - Before I forget, I have something for you. - I said and pulled out my biology essay - B-. Are you serious? - I am. This time, I did it all by myself. - So it wasn't that hard. - Yes, but I won't do it again. It's too much work. - Do I have to thank Bailey for that? - I don't know. She didn't help me with that. - Will she come today? - I don't know, I haven't seen her today. We had some classes together, but we didn't talk. - I'm sure she has an A on her work. - We talk about Bailey. She can't get something less. As we were talking, there was a knock on my door. It was my teacher. I let her in. Mom offered her a cupcake. It was visible that she wasn't in the mood. The first thing that came to my mind was the essay. It can't be that. Her work is always perfect. - Hey, are you ok? What happened? - Nothing. Can we start with the lessons? I have dinner plans. - Yes, sure. Do you want us to study here? - I don't care. - Ok, what is going on? What did you get on your essay? - An A as usual. - Then why are you upset? This is the best grade you can get. - But it's not an A+. - So? I still don't see where the problem is. - Ask my mom. She will tell you. - You have to be kidding me. Did she get mad because of that? It's ridiculous. Does someone have an A+? - No, I have the highest grade. There are two people with an A-. - So you are the best. Good for you. I don't understand what your mom wants from you. - Me either. Can we start studying now? - Yes, sure. I will bring my books. - I will come to help. - Ok, no problem. She didn't want to help. I asked her where she wanted us to study. There was no answer. I think she hides from my mom. It's not like she will do something to her. Baileys wants to hide her problems behind a smile. That is working, but not all the time. Before we grabbed the books, I had a small chat with her. She needs to calm down. After all, she is a human. We need breaks. I was thinking about talking with her mom. That might make things worse. I can't do this to her. - Everything will be fine. She will realize what she is doing. - I thought she had changed. She gave me a break after the party. I thought we finally made a step forward. It was all a lie. She keeps caring about my grades more than for me. I don't know what to do. I will never be good enough in her eyes. - But you are. I think you have to listen to your dad. He knows what is good for you. - I can't disappoint her. - That is what she is using against you. She found your weak spot. - Maybe I have to give up. - No, don't do that. You can find a way to talk with her. Make her understand that you don't feel good this way. - She won't do it. I have tried it before. It didn't work. - I see. Bailey and I studied for two hours. Then, I made her take a break. Let's say that I'm still not used to her intense studying. It will take some time for that. I know she cares about her mom, but that is too much. The woman is using her. I have no idea why she doesn't want to see it. I love my parents, too, but I will never let them do something like this to me. Well, I can make my mom talk with her. It's not like Bailey will accept. I think she wants to deal with this alone. I looked at her and saw that she had nodded her head. I slightly removed a piece of her hair and kissed her cheek. Why the heck did I do that? Bailey was quick to look at me. - Why? - I don't know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. - It's ok. I don't have the energy to argue with you about this. - That wasn't on purpose. I swear. - Forget about it, ok. - Do you want us to go out? One walk might be good for you. - No, I have to go home. - What are your plans for the night? - Why are you asking? - No reason. I'm curious. - We, um, will have guests. I promised to help my mom with cooking. - You, um, are a liar. - I said, chuckling - No, I'm not. - Bailey, you can't lie. - Yes, I can. I just did it. - So you admit that it was a lie. - Yes. Wait, what? - I got you. Not tell me what is going on? - I have to improve my grades. - How much? It's impossible. You have the best grades. Bailey, you are the top student. No one can beat you. - It's not about that. I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow at school. - I will send you to the door. - Thanks. I can't believe my ears. There is something wrong with this woman. Well, the job is not mine. I only want to be around her daughter. I have a bet to complete. Sadly, it's getting hard every day. The girl already has problems. I can't bring her more of them. The thing is that I have no choice. I have to do it. - Hey, can I help? - You want to help me. Where is the catch? - There is no catch. I want to distract myself. - From Bailey. - Yes. - Why? She is a good girl. - With many problems. - You can help her solve them. - That won't happen. She is only my teacher, nothing else. - Are you sure about this? - Yes, I am. - Since you want to help, you can cut these vegetables for me. - I think I will go out. - Thank you for the help. You are doing a great job. - Ok, ok. What else do you want? I can do this in five minutes. - Once you finish, put them in the pan over there. I will take care of the rest. - No problem. I wish I could tell my mom about the bet, but I can't. She is in a good mood. I don't want to ruin it. Well, I have to do it one day. She and my dad are the only ones who can help me. I have no idea how I got into this mess, but it's not something I like. Maybe I have to forget about it and move on. Running away from the problem won't solve it. I can't hurt Bailey. Also, I can't let Vanessa with Dylan. I guess I deserve it. I have been playing with girls for a long time. It's time for me to learn my lesson. The thing is that it might be painful. After all, I'm not used to such stuff. I hope that in the end, no one will hate me.
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