Chapter six - They are too close

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Jason's POV: I can't believe this. Vanessa ditched me to be with Bailey. I don't understand why she would do that. She was always available for me. Once, I asked her to be with me, and she said no. I know Bailey has no fault, but it makes me angry. Vanessa is my friend. No matter that I have never told her. Honestly, I don't know what we are. I want to keep her close, but at the same time, I don't want her to fall for me. As I have said many times, I don't date. The reason is that I don't want to limit myself only to one girl. She believes that I will fall for someone this year. There is no way that this will happen. None of the girls in school is attractive enough. Some of them are not even worth the try. One of them is Bailey. I would love to try on her, but that is mission impossible. I'm sure she won't let me do it. Well, I don't care. There is a lot of fish in the sea. She is not the only girl in this school. After all, I have a side chick. I have to treat her better. She doesn't deserve my attitude. This reminds me that I have to talk with Dylan. She doesn't want me to do it, but I have to. He keeps treating her like that. I'm afraid he might try on her. We might have done it many times, but I was always careful. The reason is that I didn't want to hurt her. My friend won't care about that. He will be rough. Tasha might be used to this, but Vanessa isn't. I will never let him hurt her. Otherwise, we'll end up fighting. That is the last thing I want to happen. We are friends. I don't want stuff like that to be part of our friendship. Maybe I have to talk with Bailey as well. I want to know what Vanessa told her. If she has told her what the problem is, I can fix it. Well, it's not like she didn't tell me. Let's say that I want to hear it from someone else. I hope that she will agree to talk with me. Currently, I am in school. I plan to talk with Bailey on the lunch break. It will be a simple conversation. I won't do anything to her. She is not worth my time and effort. Hopefully, she will agree to that. For some reason, I think this girl is stubborn. I don't know why. Something in her attitude makes her different. Probably, it's because she is a nerd. I will never study as much as her. It's not like I have tried. That is too much effort. Also, I prefer not to waste my time with unnecessary things. I am in English. For good or bad, Bailey is in almost every class of mine. At least, this is my last year of high school. The teacher is speaking about something, but I don't listen. I texted Vanessa, but there was no answer. Please tell me she is not mad at me. I guess I have to talk with her as well. I have to have too many conversations today. The most important one is Bailey. I need to know what Vanessa told her. I'm sure she didn't tell me everything. At the end of the class, I waited for the nerd. - Hey. - Oh, hey, Jason. Do you want something? - Yes. Can we talk? Not here. - Then where? - On the field. - I don't have much time. - Don't worry. You won't be late if you tell me what I need to know. - I'm not sure about this. - It's important to me. - Ok, let's go. Both of us walked to the field. I noticed that she was nervous. Well, I'm famous here for a couple of things. We went there and sat down. As I see it, this won't be easy. - You can't calm down. I won't do anything to you. Let's say that you are not worth my time and effort. - Will you tell me why I am here? - Vanessa has talked with you. - Yes, she did. - I want to know what she told you. - What? - What did you two talk about? - I can't tell you that. She trusted me. - Please. I want to know what the problem is. - All I can tell you is that she cares about you. Stop playing with her and her feelings. She doesn't like you the way you think, but she cares about you. As I see it, she is ready to do everything for you. At least give her some respect. Also, she hates Dylan. Both of us agree that he is a horrible person. - I will talk with him about that. Why do you hate him? - Isn't it obvious? He always makes fun of me. Sometimes, you too. - Did she tell you something else? - If you care so much, ask her, not me. - Bailey said and left You have to be kidding me. I only asked a simple question. I guess I am not her favorite, either. It's not like I care. I took my things and walked to class. This time, Vanessa is with me. What surprised me was where she was sitting. She was with Bailey. I see how much she cares about me. On the lunch break, I went for food. I saw Dylan sitting alone. That is my chance. I quickly took something to eat and went to sit at his table. He looked at me and continued eating. - Can I talk with you? - Go on. - It's about Vanessa. - What about her? - he asked and took a bite from his food - I want you to stop hitting on her. She doesn't like it. This only makes her mad. You won't get anything from her. - Why do you care what I do? Do you care about her? - Does it matter? - It does since you tell me this. - Please. You have a girl, so you can do whatever you want with her, but not with Vanessa. - Let me think. Um, no. - Why? - Because I can't be with the same girl all the time. I need satisfaction. - There are many other girls. - The choice is mine. You can't do anything about it. - Hey, guys. - Avery said - Hey. - Dylan said - Is there a problem? Jason looks weird. - He will be fine. We talked a little. - Oh, ok. I finished my lunch and went inside. Vanessa was by her locker. I walked up to her. She was about to go away, but I grabbed her hand and kissed her. It's time for her to stop being mad at me. I didn't do anything. I don't know what she wants from me. The fact that she talked with Bailey and not with me is annoying. How can she trust her more than me? We have been together for more than three years. - Leave me alone. - No, I won't. I want to know what is going on with you. - Nothing. - Lies. You have talked with Bailey. Why? Don't you trust me anymore? - I don't know. You change your personality all the time. - What do you mean? - You are yourself only when you and I are alone. - I talked with Dylan. - I don't care. - He doesn't want to leave you alone. - I wonder what you said. - He defended you. Dylan is the problem, not Jason. I turned around to see Bailey. What the heck is she doing here? I don't want her to mess with this. That is between Vanessa and me. She has no right to be here. - Really? - Yes. No one can change Dylan. He likes to play by his rules. Whatever goes in his head doesn't go out until it's done. Jason did what he could. - I'm sorry, then. If you don't have plans, you can come home later. - Vanessa said, looking at me - I will, thanks. - I have to go now. See you later. - she said and left - Why are you here? - I asked, looking at Bailey - Because I know how much you care about her. I did it for her. She doesn't deserve to be with someone like you, but the choice is hers. I can't tell her what to do. - Bailey said and left After school, I walked with Vanessa to her house. She was quick to start something. I feel like we always make it until the end. It's not like I mind. She is good at this. I'm glad we sorted things out. When we finished, we went for a shower. This time, there was no round two, but only a make-out. It's more than enough for me. - Do you feel better? - I feel amazing. Thank you for that. - For you always. I can do it any time you want. - I wonder if you will do it for someone else. - Maybe. It depends on the person. - Bailey. - No, not her. Why do you always talk about her? - I noticed the way you looked at her. - What look? I was mad that she was there. It took her less than a week to steal you from me. - What are you talking about? We'll always be friends. - I never said we were friends. - So you don't want this? - Why do you share with her and not with me? We have been together for more than three years. - We are nothing, remember? Also, I can talk with whomever I want. I don't know why it bothers you. - Me either. It just does. - Do you want to take a nap with me? It might make you feel better. - Yes, I do. She slept for two hours. I couldn't stop thinking. Bailey has talked with her and helped me today. Well, she said she did it for Vanessa. At least both of us agree on something. She needs to be with someone else. I can tell her that, but she might understand me wrong. I don't want to get rid of her, but only to give her a chance to be with someone who likes her. There is a guy. The thing is that he won't do anything because of me. I know he will keep her safe. As I was thinking, I felt a kiss on my cheek. - Hey, you are up. - Yes. What have you been thinking about? - It's nothing important. Don't worry. - But I am curious. - If I tell you something, will you get mad at me? - It depends on what that something is. - Well, I think you deserve to be with someone better. Before you think about it, I don't want to get rid of you. The thing is that I can't give you what a real guy can. - Don't you want to be around me anymore? - I do, but you can't waste your life because of me. - I can do whatever I want. The decision is mine. - Are you sure about this? - Yes, I am. I have told you why I am with you. Why can't you accept it? - I do accept it. I only don't want you to have higher expectations. - I know you. The only thing you can surprise me with is if you start dating Bailey. - she said, chuckling - Not her. Why do you keep talking about her? - Because I know how much this annoys you. - It does. - She is not that bad. I like her. - Am I talking with Vanessa or with a zombie? - Why? - Because you are talking nonsense. - Very funny. - she said, sarcastically - Do you want us to go for dinner? - As long as we are alone, yes. You know what I mean. - Relax. He won't be there. Vanessa and I went to a small restaurant. I didn't tell Dylan or anyone else where we were. I don't want him to come here. He won't stop going after her. I don't know what he wants. She cut him off many times. In his place, I would give up. Soon, the waiter came, and we ordered food. - Can I know what you are thinking about? - No, because you will laugh at me. - I won't. I promise. - Bailey. - What? Why? - She hates me, but she helped me. Well, she said she did it for you. - Are you talking about the lunch break? - Yes. - She has asked me why I am with you. I have told her the same as I told you. - Why do you trust her so much? You two have never talked before. - Because I know she won't judge me. Bailey is not terrible. If you get to know her, you will understand that she is a good person. - Yeah, that won't happen. You two are too close. - What do you mean? I only have talked with her. - Is she your friend? - I never said that. - But you were thinking about it. - No, I didn't. I don't know why you hate her so much. - I don't hate her. Let's say that she is annoying. Also, she is the teacher's pet. - Which one? - All of them. - One day, you will change your mind. I hope it won't be too late. - Keep dreaming about it. - I will. Our food came. For the rest of the dinner, we kept talking. Later, I took Vanessa home. I know she can do it alone, but I wanted to walk for a while. My parents are probably home, and I don't want to talk with them. She invited me inside, but I denied it. I don't think her parents like me that much. It's not like they don't know what we do. That is not a secret. After that, I walked home. My parents were in the living room. I was about to pass by them, but my mom stopped me. - Hey. How was school today? - Boring. I will go now. - Hold on. Are you paying attention in class? - Maybe. - You know what will happen if you don't study. You won't get accepted at any university. Then you have to find a job because your dad and I won't give you money, so you can stay home and do nothing. - Yeah, yeah. I will go to bed. - Did something happen? You don't look much in the mood. - No, I only want to sleep. - Ok, good night. - To you, too. - I said and left I lied. I didn't want to sleep and only to be away from them. After ten minutes, I was already in bed. It's too early for me to sleep. That's why I texted Vanessa. She was online. Maybe I should've stayed with her, but I didn't want to deal with her parents. I don't think they will ever like me. It's not like I care. I do whatever I want, and they can't tell me anything. Also, that was their daughter's choice. I didn't make her stay with me. I will never do that. Honestly, I'm glad that she is with me. After all, she is the only person who can knock some sense in me. I hope we'll always keep in touch, even after we graduate.
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