Chapter seven - He doesn't care

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Bailey's POV: I told the cheerleaders that I had talked with Vanessa. They didn't like it much. I don't know why they don't like her. According to her, Chelsea and her girls do it because she is with Jason. I think she is a good girl. I want to make her my friend, but I don't think she will do it. Just because we talked once, it doesn't mean we'll do it again. It's better if I stick to one group of people. That way, I won't have problems. Dylan talked with me yesterday. Mostly, he made fun of me because of my clothes. He thinks I am a teacher's pet. I wonder who else believes that. The fault that others don't study is not mine. Also, not every teacher likes me. Most of them got annoyed that only I paid attention. I'm trying to look at the positives. What I am scared of is that Dylan keeps trying on me. It's not like I will give him something. He doesn't look like the type of guy who cares about girls. This boy has a girl. I don't know what else he wants. Tasha might be used to him, but not everyone else. I don't want to end up getting hurt. I mean, physically. After all, I have some self-respect. I won't let anyone treat me horribly. I might not be perfect, but neither are they. I'm starting to think that I have done something. At least some people talk with me. It's better than nothing. Maybe I have to focus on my studies. That way, I won't think about anyone else. I was against my mom, but she was right. Well, I would like to have friends. Dad still wants me to socialize more. I'm trying my best. I never thought of a boyfriend, but it would be nice to experience it. I don't think it's that bad. Honestly, that depends on the boy. If he is decent, I'll be fine. As long as he is not someone like Dylan, I'm good. He doesn't deserve to have a girlfriend. I hope that I will meet someone nice to me. I woke up and went to get ready for school. I need to upgrade or change my wardrobe. What I mean is that I wear the same clothes every day. At least they are comfortable. It's not like the cheerleaders didn't make me try on a dress. We went to the mall again a couple of days ago. For the past month, I have been there more times than for the whole year. Let's say that I have nothing to do there. Sometimes, I go to the bookstore or Starbucks. That's it. The other stores don't fit my interests. When I was ready, I went for breakfast. No one was here. That made me check my phone. It was 6:30 am, which was weird. I woke up with my alarm. Now I realize what has happened. I set the alarm too early. Well, I can make myself something to eat. I made two toasts with butter on top. That is enough for me. I can make some for my parents, but they will get cold when they wake up. I left them a note that I was at school. After twenty minutes, I arrived. Not many people were here. I noticed Vanessa and Jason. I wanted to wave at her, but she was with him. It's enough that he doesn't like it when I talk with her. That was until she came up to me. - Hey, are you ok? - Vanessa asked - Oh, hey. Yes, I'm fine. - You don't look happy to see me. - He is there. - I said, looking at Jason - So what? He can't tell me what to do. - I can, but you won't listen to me. - Hey, Jason. - I said - It's a good morning. Good morning, nerd. - Jason! -Vanessa said - What? It's the truth. - Ignore him. Last night, he hit his head. - No, I didn't. You were with me until I went home. - Are you free today? - She has to study. - Let her talk. You know what? Go away. - No, I have the right to be here. - No, you don't. Go. - Fine. I'll see you in class. - Jason said and left - I'm sorry about him. - It's ok. I can't expect anything else from him. - I said, and she laughed - If you want, we can go out this afternoon. - I would love to, but I can't. I started distracting myself too much. I want to focus on my lessons. Otherwise, I will think about other things. That easy is better. - Can I study with you? - Sure, I guess. - Thanks. I'll see you after school. - Ok, I will wait for you. On the lunch break, I went to check what today's menu was. I only took the fruit, which was an apple. If I go to sit somewhere, the cheerleaders might come. No offense, but I want to be alone. That's why I went to the field. On the way there, I heard some noises in one of the rooms. Now, I hate that I am so educated. Judging by the voice of the girl, that was Tasha. The boy must be Dylan. I quickly walked away so they wouldn't hear me. I sat on a bench and ate my apple. Soon, someone sat next to me. - Hey. Why are you here alone? Did the cheerleaders ditch you? - he said, laughing - No, they didn't. I wanted to be alone. Why are you here? Don't you have friends? Maybe Dylan. - Yes, but I don't know where he is. - In a room making out with Tasha. - From where do you know? - I heard noises on the way here. It's disgusting, but I can't do anything. - They do it all the time, everywhere. - The school should make some rules. - Hey, the principal can't control everyone. - Do you know what a camera is? - If he puts some because of you, I will kill you. - Why? Do you have something to hide? - Even if I do, that is not your business. - I never said it was. Why are you here? You don't like me. - That is correct. - Will you answer me? - Are you annoyed? - A little bit. - Now you know. - Poor Vanessa. I don't know how she can stand you. - Well, I am good at some things. - You know this won't be forever. After high school, you two might separate. - That won't happen. I still have her phone number. - Ok, but she won't be your side chick. Well, if she is lucky enough to find a boyfriend. No offense, but you don't know how to treat her right. - Then why is she with me? - Because she cares about you. It's not a bad idea for you to start noticing things. You have no idea how much stuff you are blind to. - As if you know everything. - I never said that. Jason and I talked until the end of the lunch break. There was something different. It felt like I was talking with two people. One of them was the bad guy. The other one was good. Maybe that is what Vanessa meant when she said he is himself only with her. After school, I waited for Vanessa. This time, I invited Chelsea with us. I want to make them like each other. That might be a bad idea, but there is no turning back. All of us walked home. I walked to my room to change myself and to take some things. Later, I walked back to the living room. The girls were talking. I'm glad they are not fighting. - I see that you two are talking. - What else do we have to do? You left us alone. - Chelsea said - I'm sorry. - It's ok. You were right. She is not that bad. - Said from you means a lot. - Vanessa said - If you are ready, we can study. - About that. - Vanessa! - I was kidding. The girls and I studied for the next three hours. We stopped because they were exhausted. They have no idea how much I have to do it. After some time, my dad came home. By instinct, I grabbed a book. I thought it was mom. She likes to check on me. It was a relief that it wasn't her. He went to change himself and later came to see me. - Hey, kiddo. Oh, and girls. - Where is mom? - She has dinner tonight with some people from the company. I am in charge tonight. - Really? Can I take a rest? Please. - Sure. Will your friends stay for dinner? I will make it. - he said, proudly - I would love to. Your mom cooks well. I want to see your dad's skills. - Vanessa said - If you don't mind, I can stay too. - Chelsea said - I would be happy. - Great. I will call you when I am ready. Get rid of these books. Watching them gives me a headache. - my dad said, chuckling - Yes, sir. - I like your dad more than your mom. No offense. - Vanessa said - It's ok. I talked with Chelsea and Vanessa until my dad called us. I don't know what he cooked, but it's great. He is a great chef. I think he needs to do it more often. Mom will like it. I wish I could be with him more often. Usually, mom is in charge of everything. That includes me, too. I enjoy studying, but it's not my favorite thing. Honestly, I don't know what I like. I haven't thought about that much. I better stick to what I am doing now. That way, I won't get in trouble. It's not a lie that I have been thinking about my conversation with Jason. Well, I didn't tell anyone about this. It's not like there is something to talk about. He didn't say anything interesting. - The food is delicious. Your dad needs to cook more often. - Vanessa said - I will agree here. He is amazing. - Chelsea said - I'm glad that someone likes my food. - We all do, dad. Great job. - Thank you. What are your plans after dinner? - We don't have one. - Who wants to watch a movie with one man who is old? - Where is he? - Vanessa asked - I appreciate the compliment. I'm happy that Bailey has friends. It was about time. - Dad, please. - What? I'm telling the truth. Your only friends were books. - You know why. - I do. The girls and I ate peacefully. Mostly, they were talking with my dad. It's not a lie that he likes attention. Well, it depends on who he gets it from. I see he enjoys my friends. I don't know if Vanessa and I are friends, but I will say yes. When we finished dinner, I let the girls in my room. I wanted to help my dad with the dishes. - I'm here to help you. - Thanks, but there is no need for that. Go to your friends. They might need you. - I think they will be fine. The plan was to make them talk. - Why? - Because they didn't like each other. I don't know why. - Are you trying to be cupid? - What? No. Dad, they have boyfriends. - So? Don't force a friendship. That's all I will tell you. - I got it. When will mom come home? - I don't know. She didn't tell me. - Will you be mad if I send the girls home to be with you? - Yes, I will. - Ok, fine. I will go now. - Have fun. - Thanks. I walked upstairs to my room. Chelsea and Vanessa were laughing. I wonder what they were talking about. It's better if I don't know. As long as it's not for me, I am good. I sat down and looked at them. It took them a couple of seconds to realize I was there. I always have been invisible. Well, it's not that bad, but it's not something I like. - Hey, you are back. - Vanessa said - Yes, I am. If you want, I will leave. - What? No. This is your house, silly. - I know, but still. - You can stay. - I see you two are having fun. - We talked about something. Don't worry. It wasn't about you. - I don't care. I'm glad that my plan worked. - What plan? - Chelsea asked - I wanted to make you two talk. Both of you didn't like each other. I hope this has changed. - Did you set us up? - Kind of. - I should be mad, but I'm not. - Are you two friends now? - Hey, hey, hey. Don't rush. Just because we talked today doesn't mean she is my friend. I already have enough. - I have my things to deal with. It's better if you two stay away. - Vanessa said - Why can't I hang out with both of you? - No one said that you can't. - I mean all of us to be together. - I'm not sure about this. I don't want to disappoint you, but it's better if this doesn't happen. - Why? Because of Jason? - No, it's not that. He doesn't care about with who I am going out. - Then? - I don't want you two to mess with this. Please don't ask more questions. - Ok, fine. I won't say anything. The girls and I talked for a while. Later, both of them went home. I went to check on my dad. He probably got bored. Mom should be home soon. I walked downstairs and knocked on his door. Surprisingly, my mom was already here. I didn't hear when she came. I closed the door and sat on the bed. I like it when it's only my dad and me, but her absence is visible. - Hey, mom. How was your night? - It was good. Thanks for asking. - No problem. Did something interesting happen? - Not really. We talked about work. It wasn't that interesting. - Why don't you and my dad go out tomorrow? - Why? So you can invite someone? - No, I think I need a break from this. It started happening too often. I was good by myself. - No, you weren't. - dad said - At least I was alone. Talking about myself is not something I like. - No one said that you have to do it. - Maybe, but the girls ask questions. Like why I am at home all the time and why I don't go out more often. - They are curious. Every girl is. - For sure. I will leave you to sleep. Good night and sweet dreams. - To you, too. I had a good day. I can even say that I had a win. Chelsea and Vanessa were talking. They might not be friends, but it's something. I think that was enough for me. Since I started talking with people, I realized how good I felt to be alone. I was focusing on my studies and myself. Maybe I have to do it again. I like that people notice me now, but it was good when I was invisible. From now on, I will take care of myself. I have more important things to do than wasting my time. Mom is right. I need to choose my priorities. I can always find friends. The thing is that I can't go back in time and fix my grades. I hope that I will be successful in the future.
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