Chapter twelve - This is harder than I thought

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Jason's POV: It has been two weeks since I started studying with Bailey. I have to say that she is a great teacher. Since I understood something, it means we are going the right way. My parents are happy that I'm making some progress. It's not a lie that I forgot about the bet. I should've put my plan into action. Let's say that I got caught up with other things. She is a good girl. I wanted to do this, but now I'm not sure. We have no relations, so I shouldn't care. The thing is that she puts effort into teaching me. I can't stab a knife in her back. That's why my problem is Vanessa. I have to complete this bet. Otherwise, she will hate me forever. If I do that, Bailey might hate me. Things quickly got complicated. I don't have anything with her. I don't think she will mind. Here is how it will go. I'll do what I have to do and leave. That's it. I can't do anything else. I don't date girls. All of this is a stupid bet. I wish Dylan hadn't been like that. Honestly, I care only about Vanessa. I have barely talked with Bailey. She won't care. Even if she does, the problem is not mine. For some reason, I have the feeling this will be hard. Chelsea said Bailey didn't deserve it. It might be the truth, but I can't do anything else. If I tell her about the bet, she will quit. This means Dylan will automatically win because this girl won't talk with me anymore. Apart from that, I don't have other problems. It's not like I do much. Soon, there will be a party. I planned to invite my teacher. She will probably deny it, but it's worth a try. I can be convincing. If she accepts, I have to be a babysitter. Dylan will try on her, for sure. The thing is that if I am with Bailey, he might go after Vanessa. There is no party. My teacher doesn't need to know. Maybe, except if someone doesn't tell her. I hope that this won't happen. I don't have time to deal with her. Currently, I am at school. From time to time, I pay attention to what the teacher says. It will take me time to get used to this. I keep reminding myself that this is a bet. The thing is that I started being myself with her. Pretending is not a solution. This will take too much time, and I won't survive. Also, she is not that bad. I still don't like her, but not as much as before. Maybe I gave to keep things professional with her. The problem is that this way, I won't complete the bet. When my class finished, I went into the hall. I looked for Bailey. If she is not here, she is talking with a teacher. I want to know when the next lesson will be. The only person besides Vanessa who knows about this is Toby. I can't tell Dylan. Otherwise, he will take it the wrong way. Soon, the top student came. I noticed that she wasn't in a good mood. Maybe something has happened at home. There is one way to find out. I walked up to her. - Good morning, teacher. - Hey. - Are you ok? You look upset. - I'm fine. Can I help you with something? - I want to know when the next lesson will be. - We study together every day. - I know, but I want to ask. You might have plans. - I'm always free. - Ok, then. Where will we study? I mean, at your house or mine? - Wherever you want. - I'll wait for you after school. - Ok. It was visible that something was wrong. I didn't want to ask because she probably wouldn't tell me. I waited for Vanessa. Then both of us went to our next class. On my lunch break, Vanessa and I went to look for Bailey. She wanted to sit with her. Alice was already with her. Soon, Toby joined the girls. Hopefully, Dylan won't come here. We don't need his comments now. Vanessa and I took our trays and went to sit with our friends. Well, and Bailey. She might be my teacher, but we are not friends. - Hey, guys. - I said - Hello. Is Dylan with you? - Toby asked - No, I have no idea where he is. - Good. I don't want him here. - Bailey, are you ok? Hello. - Vanessa said - I kept talking because I thought she was listening. - Alice said - Bailey, will you go out with me? - I asked, chuckling - What? That will never happen. - Bailey said - Now, you listen. - I'm sorry. I have too many things in my head. - It's ok. If you want, you can take a rest this afternoon. - No, I'm fine. This has nothing to do with you. - Is there a problem with your mom? - Vanessa asked - I don't want to talk about it. - That means yes. What does she want from you this time? - Nothing. Please, don't ask me anything. I don't want to talk. - Ok, I won't say anything. - Thanks. - How are you two? There is a happy relationship. - Vanessa said, chuckling - We are good. I don't want to hide, but this is better. - Oh, no. Dylan is coming. - I said - He might not sit here. Bailey took her things and walked away. This time, it's not because of Dylan. There is something else. I walked after her and saw her going to the toilet. If she thinks that will stop me, she is wrong. I have been there many times. - Bailey, what is going on? You can tell me. I won't tell anyone. - What are you doing here? - It won't be my first time. Will you tell me? - Please, leave me alone. I don't want to talk. - I only want to help you. - Thanks, but no. I don't need anyone right now. - Are you sure? - Yes, I am. Please, leave me alone. - Ok, I will see you after school. - Thank you. I have no idea why I did this. I'm not supposed to care about her. Do you see what she is doing to me? We have been studying only for two weeks. This is harder than I thought. After school, I waited for her. I suggested going to her house. I think she will feel comfortable there. We walked to her room. She was quick to go to the bathroom. It's better if I go away. The thing is that I don't want to leave her alone. Soon, she came out. Her eyes were red. Was she crying? I made a mistake messing with her. - Is everything ok? - Yes. Let's start with your lessons. Pick a subject. - Is Math ok? - Sure. We can do our homework. I will explain everything. - If you don't feel well. - I'm fine. - You said it, not me. I don't want to say it, but it feels like soon she will start crying. I don't know what is bothering her. Maybe the problem is her mom. I talked with this woman for only five minutes, but it was enough for me to hate her. - Bailey, what is going on? You are stressing over nothing. - I can't do it anymore, ok? I feel like my brain will explode soon. - I understand. We can take a break. - No, you don't understand. I have to write the perfect essay. - Do you mean the biology one? I didn't even know we had one before someone told me. - If I don't do well, my mom will talk with my teachers. - Why would she do that? You are the top student. What else does she want from you? - I don't know, but I can't do this anymore. I keep disappointing her. - You are not disappointing her. She wants too much from you. Bailey, you are not a machine. I think you need a break. Otherwise, you will explode. I didn't plan to tell you this, but I will do it. - Tell me what? - There is a party this Friday. Do you want to come? - Why didn't you want to tell me? - Because I have to keep you and Vanessa away from Dylan. That is too much work for me. - Thanks, but parties are not something I like. - You can have fun and rest. Vanessa will be there. Maybe Chelsea, as well. - I appreciate it, but no. I can't do it. - You can't study all the time. Your body needs a rest. - I'm sorry. - You have time until Friday to think about this. Please tell me if you change your mind. I'll come to take you. - I will. Bailey and I studied a bit more. After that, I walked home. I wanted to stay more, but not because of the books. Maybe she and I have to study at home. Her mom won't be there. She can rest as much as she wants. I walked to an empty house. There was a note on the kitchen table. My parents will be out for dinner. In that case, I can go out with my friends. I texted Toby to see if he was free tonight. I told him to bring Alice as well. It will be only us. Well, Vanessa might come as well. I will invite her. After an hour, all of us were in a small restaurant, eating. I wish that Bailey was here. She needs to go out more often. It's not like her mom will let her. No offense, but she is treating her like a prisoner. - Jason, what are you thinking about? - Vanessa asked - Bailey. - Since when? - There is something wrong with her mom. I hate her. - Now we are on the same page. The woman is not that bad. The problem is that she wants too much from Bailey. - I think she will realize it one day, but it might be too late. - Toby said - I like her dad. He is chill. The man doesn't care about her grades that much. What she does is enough for him. - Why her mom wants so much? - Alice asked - I think she wants Bailey to be perfect. - Vanessa said - Isn't this impossible? The perfect person doesn't exist. - Tell this to her mom, not to us. - I said - You should've invited her here. - I did but to the party this Friday. She said no. It's kind of a relief for me. - Why? - Vanessa asked - Because if she comes, I should keep both of you away from Dylan. Do you know how much work it is? - Why do you have to keep me? - Ok, I will leave you alone. If Dylan tries on you, don't come to me. - That won't happen. - He had an eye on you for a long time. I think he will use every chance. - Toby said - Ok, I will stay with you. - I didn't say that you have to do it. - It's visible that you want it. - No, it's not. I can always find company. - Are you sure? - Yes, I am. You are not the only girl in the world. - I wonder when they will date. - Alice said - What did you say? - I asked - Nothing. - I'll pretend that I didn't hear that. - You two have something. I don't know what it is. - It's not what you think. I don't date. - He will date Bailey. - Vanessa said, laughing - No, I won't date the nerd. - I think it's time for you to stop calling her like that. She helps you a lot. - I didn't make her. I only do it because of the bet. - You don't want to lose, do you? - Toby asked - I can't. You know why. - Sadly, I do. - Is there something I don't know? - Vanessa asked - I don't want Dylan to call me out for the rest of the year because of this stupid bet. - No offense, but I don't think you can win. We talk about Bailey. She won't give in. Why didn't you bet on something else? - The idea wasn't mine. If I say no, he will keep bragging about it. - I don't think you have to do it. Bailey is a good girl. She didn't do anything to you. Why do you want to hurt her? - I have to do it. - Why? - Personal reasons. - You are not right. You know she might never talk to you if she finds out about the bet. - I don't care. We are not friends or anything else. I'm using the lessons to get close to her. - You will regret this. - It doesn't matter. We don't have anything in common. - So what? You have to break her heart. She trusts you. Maybe not at all, but she does. - Vanessa, stop. My head hurts from your talking. - Ok, I won't talk. When she cuts you off, please don't come to me. - Hey, these are my words. Anyway. How is the couple? - We are good. Still together. - Toby said - That's good. You deserve it. - Thanks. - Please, don't be like your idiotic friend. - Vanessa said - Don't worry. I won't bet on Alice. - Thank you. Otherwise, we are done. - Alice said All of us talked for two hours. It was good to be only with them. I see Avery and Blake are still with Dylan. It's about time for them to realize that he is no good. I have nothing against him, but his attitude is something I don't like. After dinner, I walked home. My parents were already here. Well, 10 pm has passed. I walked around before I came here. I went to check on them. Mom was sleeping on the couch. Dad was watching something. - Your date is asleep. - I said, chuckling - At least I have one. I wonder when you will bring a decent girl home. - Vanessa is decent. - But you don't date her. You use this girl. I don't know why she is still with you. - That is her choice. I didn't make her stay. - Maybe she sees something that no one else does. - I don't care. Why don't you put her in bed? - Since when do you care? - Then you ask me why I am not nice. - I said and left Sometimes, I feel like no matter what I do, no one will appreciate it. That's why I stopped. I do everything for myself. What people do is not my business. I want to finish this bet soon, but I can't. This will take me too much time. After all, we talk about Bailey. She is like a mission impossible. I don't even know if she trusts me. I can tell Dylan I did it, but he will probably ask her. That means she will find out about the bet and won't talk to me anymore. It's not like I care. The thing is that, then, I should give up on Vanessa. That is something I can't do. She will hate me forever. I hope that everything will end well.
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