Chapter eleven - First lesson

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Bailey's POV: Jason wanted me to be his teacher. I have no idea why I agreed to do this. My biggest concern is that this won't be about the lessons. I gave him some conditions. The thing is that I don't expect him to listen to me. We talk about the so-called bad boy here. My wish is for things to go smoothly. I told him everything was professional, but I don't think he knew what this meant. That will be interesting. I have never seen him with a book in his hands. I understand what his parents want. It's minimum effort. I wish my parents were like that. Mostly, I mean my mom. She is the one who cares about my grades the most. Dad is happy, too, but he doesn't pressure me that much. Honestly, I don't know why I do it. The university is the place where I am choosing a career. That will help me in life. All I want now is to have good grades. Well, for my mom, that is not enough. She wants me to have perfect scores everywhere. I passed the first tests successfully. I brought them home because they had to be signed by a parent. Dad has never signed a single test. Maybe only these on which I have mistakes. It might sound unbelievable, but my mom checks every question. That's why I have to be perfect. Otherwise, she will get mad at me. I want Jason and I to study in his house or somewhere else. He doesn't need to see what is going on at home. Mostly, that is because I think he will laugh at me. His comments are the last thing I need. Also, he knows the rules. I am only his teacher. We are not friends or anything else. One wrong step from him, and I quit. After all, I don't want to waste my time with his attitude. Maybe I should've denied it, but he looked desperate. Part of me believes he played me, but it's too late. I can't give up. Teaching him might help me. I hope he will act like a student who won't try on me. I don't want this to happen. Today is the day. I will have my first lesson with Jason. I am not happy about it. Mom wasn't either. She thought it was a distraction for me. It might be, but it's too late. I can't say no. Also, I don't want to do it. Otherwise, he will spread this across the school. The top student doesn't want to help the bad guy. I can't let this happen. Some people might understand, but not all of them. At least it will be temporary. Once I finish, he will walk away from my life for good. I woke up and went to get ready for school. Let's see if Jason will keep his promise. I don't want him to treat me differently at school. He has to deal with it. After all, he wanted that, not me. When I was ready, I went downstairs for breakfast. My parents were already eating. My mom and my dad look like they are in a rush. I sat down and took a waffle. Mom looked at me. I ignored it and continued eating. I guess she wants to tell me something. - What? - Will you bring him here today? - Who? - You know who. - I hope not. This is my personal space. It's enough that I have to see him every day. - You don't sound happy. - dad said - Because I am not. I had to agree. It's not like I wanted it. - You could've said no. - Do you know what will happen? The whole school will talk about this. I can't let it happen. - I think you are a little bit dramatic, but ok. I won't say anything. After breakfast, I walked to school. Jason was with Vanessa, Dylan, and Tasha. I have to talk with him. The thing is that I don't want to do it in front of them. Maybe I should use the lunch break for that. I have no problem with Vanessa. I wish I could say the same about the other two. I was looking at my phone when I noticed a shadow. It was Jason. - Good morning. How are you? - I have been worse. - When should we start with my lessons? - Today. It has to be at your house or outside. - Why? - Because my parents will be at home. - Ok, no problem. You can come home. - Thanks. - I'll see you later. Bye. - Bye. That was a lie, but he believed it. After all, it's not only him who can lie. His grades have been terrible since he came here. I don't think he needs a teacher now. Well, I'll join the game to see what will happen. I took my things and walked to class. On the lunch break, I went for food. Luckily, there was a small table in the corner. I don't want any company today. I sat down, and soon Alice came. This time, she was alone. I guess Toby got over her. Once a player, always a player. She smiled at me and left her food on the table. It looks like she is in a good mood. - Did something happen? I haven't seen you so happy in a while. - Can you keep a secret? - Yes, sure. What is going on? - I will tell you something, but you can't tell anyone. - Ok, I will keep my mouth shut. - I had a date with Toby. - she said, whispering - What? Really? I thought he got over you. - That was the idea. He doesn't want Dylan to know that he kept me. - So even his friends agree that he is the problem. - I guess. - That was unexpected but good for you. How was the date? - Simple but perfect. He came to take me with a rose in his hands. - Who knew that our bad boys could be soft? - I asked, and she laughed - Right? Honestly, I think Dylan is making them act this way. They are not bad at all. - Maybe. I will find out today. - Why? - You have to keep a secret as well. - Ok, what is it? - I will teach Jason. - Oh, god. Help her. - she said, and I laughed - He promised to behave, but I don't trust him. - Why did you agree? - So he doesn't tell the whole school that I denied it. - I understand. Alice and I talked during the lunch break. Toby is a nice guy. I'm sure he will treat her right. I only wish they didn't have to hide. Well, Jason and I do it too. I don't think he has told Dylan about it. Maybe that is better. I don't want to deal with his friends. When my last class finished, I went to my locker. I needed some things from there. Later, I waited for Jason. He might not be happy about that, but the idea was his. I have nothing to do with that. Soon, he came, and we went to his house. I don't want to go to his room, but I feel this is where he wants us to be. I walked after him without saying anything. After all, this is his house. Let's say that I don't have a word here. - Make yourself comfortable. I will go for a quick shower. When we finish here, I will go out. - You will leave me alone. - I will be fast. - Things are professional. - I know, but I won't have time later. - Ok, then. I will plan my t*****e. I mean, my lessons. - Oh, boy. I'm starting to regret this. - It's too late. I didn't make you do it. - I know. I'll be back soon. - he said and walked into the bathroom I pulled out everything we might need. Honestly, I don't know where to start. He is not the best student. It will take me time to raise his grades. After all, he doesn't want to study. Hopefully, he will make things easier for both of us. Soon, he came out, and I looked at him. I know what he thinks, but that won't happen. I'm not impressed. - You can sit down if you are done trying to impress me. We have work to do. - If you stop being sassy, I might do it. - I can quit. - Ok, ok. What have you planned? - From where do you want us to start? Choose a subject. - Let's say English. I don't hate it that much. - Good. Are you ready? - Do you want an answer? - No. That's how we started studying. Paying attention is one of the most important things. It took me some time to make him listen to me. The boy is not used to that. Once this happened, everything else was fine. He is not a terrible student. Let's say that he doesn't want to put in some effort. I don't know why. In total, we studied for three hours. I could go longer, but he was about to blow up. I forgot that he is not used to this. Now I realize something. I can use our lessons as a break. After all, he doesn't study as much as me. We can take breaks. Mom can't say anything about it. - Ok, that is for today. We can continue tomorrow. - I quit. - What? Why? - That is too much. I can't do it. - Come on. Don't be a crybaby. If you want, we can study for two hours. Is that ok for you? - We can do other things. - Don't you even think about it. You know the rules. - Yeah, yeah. - So I'll see you tomorrow. - Bailey, I can't do it. That is too hard. - Because you haven't tried. You can't give up. I won't let you do it. - Why? - If you put as much dedication here as you put for other things, you will be a good student. - I don't want to be like you. - Trust me, I won't let you do it. The top student doesn't have competitors. - I said, and he laughed - If you say so. - You have to put in some effort. Otherwise, things won't work. I know it's hard, but it's not mission impossible. - Talk about yourself. - Please. Will you do it for me? - Don't look at me like that. - Please. - Alright. Just stop. - That was easy. - I hate you. - I love myself, too. - What do you want us to do now? - I will go home. You can do whatever you want. - My friends and I will meet later. Do you want to come? - You are asking the wrong person. Will Dylan be there? - Probably, yes. - Then no. I won't come. - He is not that bad. - Keep defending him, and you might leave with no friends. - Why? - One day, you will see it. - I have no idea what you are talking about, but ok. - Bad for you. - Can I send you home? - No. I want to walk alone. - So you will push me away from everything. - I told you things were professional. What can't you understand from that? I don't want to have anything in common with you. - Ok, fine. You don't have to get mad. - Then don't make me. - So now it's my fault. - There is no one else in the room. - Great. Jason and I walked out together. I made sure he was not walking after me. That's why I picked the long way home. The difference is about twenty minutes. It's not that much. I checked my phone and saw three missed calls from my mom. This woman will kill me. I told her I had to study with him. What else does she want? I walked home and saw her in the kitchen making dinner. I was about to go to my room, but she stopped me. I don't want to know what will happen to me. It's not like I did something. - Hey. - Where have you been? - Outside. Technically, in a room. - You are supposed to study. - I am. I spent three hours studying with him. - Three hours? That is not enough. You barely covered the lessons. - Mom, he is not used to studying that much. I have to give him a break. - To him, not to you. Next time, you will be at home. I need to know what is going on. - What? I'm not letting him here. - The choice is not yours. Otherwise, the lessons will stop. Now you can choose. - That's not fair. I don't want him in my house. - It's my house. You don't own anything here. - But. - No. Final decision. - Why do you have to be like that? I didn't do anything to you. - Studies always come first. Everything else doesn't matter. - Yes, it does. I want to have a social life as well. - When you graduate, you can have it? - At least I have only a couple of months. - I meant after university. - What? I won't wait that long. Then, you will make me focus on my work. - You need to be perfect. - No, I don't. You aren't, either. - That's why you have to be. - You know what. I'm tired. I'm going out. - Where? - Far away from you. I took my jacket and wallet and walked out. I don't understand my mom. Why does she want so much from me? Why can't I be like the rest of the students? They study as well but have time for everything else. I will never be like that. I have no idea where I am going, but I know it's getting dark. I might go to eat somewhere. I was about to go to a diner when I saw Jason and his friends. No, that won't happen. I bought a hot dog from a fast food restaurant. Then I went to eat it in a park. I was eating when someone sat next to me. That was a jumpscare. - Don't be scared. I won't do anything to you. - I don't trust you. - Why? I think we can have some fun. What do you think? - Your breath stinks. - I can fix it if you give me something. - No way. - Are you sure? - he asked and threw away my food - Hey, I was eating that. - You can have me. - Dylan, leave her alone. - Look who is here. I have to go. Have fun. - Dylan said and left - Are you ok? - Jason asked - He threw away my food. - I will buy you a new one. Let's go. - I better go home. - Why are you here that late? - I argued with my mom. It's a long story. - Why don't we go for drinks? Later, I will take you home. - My day can't get worse, so ok. - Great. The rest of the night, I was with Jason. He bought me a new hot dog and a cup of hot chocolate. I wanted to give him money for that, but he denied it. I have no idea why he did that, but I appreciate it. Later, he took me home. Maybe we have to study at home. I can use him to help me with my mom. It's not like she will listen to him. I don't know what to do with her. She doesn't want to listen to me or anyone else. Dad has tried many times. At least I have my student as a distraction. It's not helping me much, but it's better than nothing. I hope that we'll keep things professional.
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