Chapter thirteen - Party with the bad boy

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Bailey's POV: Jason invited me to a party. I immediately said no. I can't go there. One of the reasons is Dylan. It's enough that I have to see him every day at school. The other reason is the party itself. I don't go to such things. I don't have fun there. Once, I went to a party. After an hour, I was at home. Let's say that I got bored. My interest didn't fit the theme. It's not like there was one. Maybe this time, it will be different. I don't believe it. Also, I don't want Jason to take care of me. Honestly, I can stay with Vanessa. I'm sure she will be there. That's what he said. I don't trust him completely, but I can do it for this thing. What I can do is go to the party for a while. That way, someone can see me. Then I will go home. One of the problems is that I don't want to go home alone. I'm not scared of the dark but of the drunk people I can see. It's better if I don't go at all. I told my parents about it. Mom said no. It's not like I expected something else from her. Dad got excited. He wanted me to go. According to him, all I have to do is call him, and he will come to take me. That's why I don't want to do it as much as I appreciate this. People might call me boring, but I don't care. At least I will be safe at home. No one knows what can happen at this party. Mostly, I talk about Dylan. I am still scared that he might do something to me. I have never seen him drunk. Well, I don't want this to happen. It's enough that I have to face him every day at school. On the other side, he might be busy with someone else. I shouldn't let my fears ruin my life. I have to be braver. Vanessa will be there. I think she will help me if something happens. Unlike Jason, I trust her. I hope that there won't be any problems. Today is the party. After three days of debating, I decided to go and see what would happen. It can't be that bad. The worst thing that can happen is if I run up to Dylan. Hopefully, that won't come true. He is the last person I want to see there. I'm sure he would try on me. Mostly, that is because he keeps making fun of me. I don't understand what he wants. After all, I am a nerd. He shouldn't be messing with me. I think that is the reason why he does it. Currently, I'm in class. After that, it's my lunch break. I don't plan to eat today. I want to be alone. I might go and check if they have fruits today. Jason and Vanessa are in this class with me. Stacy is here, too. She said she might ask for help. Well, she hasn't done it yet. Maybe she found someone else to help her. It's not like I mind. Right now, I don't have much time for her. When the class finished, I walked to my locker to leave my books. Then I went to the cafeteria. We have apples today. I took one and went to the field. Soon, the football team came, and I had to move. I walked to the back of the school. I was eating when someone joined me. It was Jason. That's for my lonely break. - How did you find me? - Simply. I followed you. - Why? - Because I wanted to know why you are here. - I wanted to be alone. I guess I won't have luck today. - Did you decide about tonight? - I will come for a while. If I get bored, I will go home. - That's good. I'm sure you will have fun. Also, it's confirmed. Vanessa will be there. This means you won't be alone. - Ok, I guess. - You don't look happy. - Let's say that I'm not enthusiastic about it. - Can I help you with that? - Thanks, but no. I'll be fine. - Is this what you will eat? - Yes, why? - I don't think that is enough. You need solid food. - It's enough until I go home. - If you say so. Jason and I talked until the end of the lunch break. Later, we walked for the rest of our classes. He said he would come and pick me up for the party. Mom won't be happy about it, but I don't care. I can't stay at home all the time. When my classes finished, Jason and I walked to his house. I offered to give him a free day, but he denied it. That is his choice. I have to say that there are some results. He started understanding what I was talking about. As usual, we were in his room. - With what do you want us to start? - That was a lie. - What was a lie? - The studying. I don't want to do it. - Why didn't you say that from the beginning? - Because I want you to come here. - Why? - To have a rest. Your mom keeps controlling you at home. She doesn't know what you do here. - I appreciate it, but I can't do it. If you don't want to study, I will go home. I have a lot of work to do. - Ok, I will do the homework. That's it. - What will you do next? - If you agree, I will watch a movie with you. If you decide to go home, I will take a nap. - The second one is more likely to happen. - I don't mind. I will come to take you to the party. - I'll wait for you. Both of us wrote our homework for about an hour. This time, it wasn't that much. Later, I walked home. I'm trying to keep things professional, but most of the time, I fail. I like this version of Jason. He is good to me. Also, he doesn't make fun of me like his friend. I appreciate that a lot. When we finished the lessons, I walked home. I went to take a shower. After all, I have to look good at this party. Honestly, I don't know why I put effort into this. There is no point. No one will notice me. It's not like that is not what I want. In total, it took me an hour and a half. I left my hair to dry naturally. I dried my hair at the end. My parents were at home. Mom is still not happy about that. I understand her. Well, I can't stay at home all the time. I want to go out and do things. Soon, Jason was at home. - Are you ready? - I am. We can go. - Boy, I want you to bring her back home. She can't walk alone. - dad said - No problem. Both of us walked out. Hopefully, I won't regret this. We walked in silence. I'm a bit nervous about this. I haven't been to a party in a while. I don't want to have problems. As we were walking, he grabbed my hand. He didn't realize it. I guess he is thinking about something. It feels nice, but it can't happen. I quickly pulled away. - What? - Keep it professional. - Did I do something? - Never mind. - I'm sorry. I didn't realize it. - It's ok. Please, don't do it again. - I promise. Soon, both of us arrived. The house was already full of people. I noticed Dylan and Tasha. Hopefully, they won't see me. I looked around for Vanessa. Instead, I found Toby and Alice. I have no idea what to do now. I thought Jason would leave me, but no. He grabbed my hand and dragged me through a group of people. - What do you want? This is punch. I won't offer you alcohol. - Is there water? - I don't think so. You can try this. I think it's a cherry one. - Ok, thanks. - Let's go now. Vanessa is over there. Vanessa and I talked for a while. I feel a bit awkward. I have nothing to do here. I have left my cup on the table. I was about to get it, but Jason came and grabbed it. What the heck was that? All I wanted was to drink. That's it. - What was that? - Tasha was here. She switched the cups. There is something in this one. - What? - Relax. Nothing happened. Here, take this one. I poured it. - Thanks, but no. I prefer to be thirsty. - Don't you trust me? - It's not that. Is there a toilet here? - There is. Come with me. Jason showed me the toilet and left. I stayed there for a while. The thing is that I don't want to go out. I can't believe someone tried to poison me. Honestly, I'm surprised that Jason saved me. He could've left me to drink it. Maybe I have to go home. No, I can't let that ruin my night. I'll try to have fun. I can stick with Vanessa. I walked out of the toilet and saw Dylan. Great. He is the last person I want to see. I tried to move, but he didn't leave me. - Hey, can you move? - Why? I want to have some fun with you. - But I don't. Move. - That won't happen, princess. You are mine now. - he said and grabbed my hand - What are you doing? Let me go. - I can do that, but I won't. First, I want to have some fun with you. - I don't care. Please, leave me alone. - Well, that won't be today. He was about to lean in when someone tapped his right shoulder. Of course, he turned around. Someone quickly took my hand, and we ran away. It was Jason again. I don't know what is going on with him. He has never done such things for me. It's not like I go to parties every day. I have my reasons for that. - Are you ok? Did he do something to you? - No, he didn't. Thank you for saving me. Again. - It's ok. For now, you will stay with me. - Look, I think I will go home. - Why? It's still early. - I'm not welcome here. - That's not true. - These two won't miss a chance to make fun of me. - I said, looking at Dylan and Tasha - I will talk with them. Please, don't go. Try to have fun. Look. Toby and Alice are there. You can go to them. - That is a temporary solution. - Try to enjoy the night. - Ok, but if something happens, I'll go home. - Deal. I walked to Toby and Alice. They talked with me. I don't want them to feel obligated to stay with me. Well, I have nothing else to do. After some time, Alice and I were alone. I still don't think she and Toby have to hide. It's not like they have a choice. As usual, Dylan is the problem. I'm glad that he is not bothering me now. Remind me not to speak too fast. He came up to me and grabbed my hand. I tried to go away, but his grip was tight. He dragged me into a room. It's visible that he is drunk. Sadly, I know why we are here. The worst part is that I can't defend myself. It's not a lie that I'm scared. He can do everything. - You are mine now. - No, I'm not. - I said and kicked him - You will regret this. - he said and pushed me to the bed - No! You have to leave me alone. - That won't happen. - Yes, it will. Soon, Dylan fell to the ground. That was close. Luckily, nothing happened. That's it. I'm going home. I don't want to stay here. If it's not Dylan, it will be Tasha. How am I supposed to enjoy this? Look at everything that is happening. I can't wait until the worst thing happens. I walked out of the room and went downstairs. - Bailey, wait! Don't go! - Jason said - Are you kidding me? How am I supposed to stay here? No, I'm going home. - I'm sorry, ok? I won't take my eyes off you. Will you stay? - No. I want to go home. - Hey, guys. Is everything ok? - Vanessa asked - I'm going home. - Why? What did he do? - Nothing. It's getting late. I have plans tomorrow. - Ok, I will send you home. - Jason said - No, you will stay here. I want to go alone. - But I told your father I would take you home. - I don't care. I want to be alone. - You won't go home, will you? - I will, but the long way. I want to walk for a while. - That is not a good idea. Take a taxi. - I can take care of myself. - I didn't say that you can't. - Stay here. Take care of Vanessa. - I'm good, thanks. - she said - Are you sure about this? - I am. Have a good night. I'll see you on Monday. - Ok, if that is what you want. - Bye, Jason - Bye, Bailey. - he said, and I left I wanted to walk for a while. Too many things happened today. I was sure I wouldn't come here. Well, I had to listen to some people. From now on, I will trust only my mom and myself. She knows what is good for me. Maybe she wants me to stay at home so I can be safe. It's not about studying. I know she will take care of me. I walked around, and then I went home. Mom was in the kitchen, making herself a cup of tea. She drinks one only if she is tired. - I'm home. - You are here early. - Next time, I will listen to you. - I said and hugged her - Did something happen? - No. - You can't lie to me. - I don't want to talk about this now. Next time, try to stop me. - I will do it, but I don't think there will be a need. I hope you learned your lesson. I only want to keep you safe. - Yes, I did. Thank you for that. I'll go to study before bed. - As much as I would love it, you can't do it. Go and take a rest. You will study tomorrow. - Are you sure? - Yes. - Thanks. Good night. - To you, too. With that, I walked into my room. Mom gave me a break. I had to take it before she changed her mind. I spent the rest of the night watching videos online. At least it will take my mind off the party. Before bed, I got a message from Jason. He apologized for everything that happened. It's not his fault, but I appreciate it. Honestly, I have to thank him. The boy saved me three times. I don't know what I would've done without him. Maybe the change is possible. I still have concerns about him. They are not as much as before. I hope that nothing like this will happen again.
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