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ELLA'S POV As the car came to a halt in the parking lot, I stepped out and headed towards the entrance of the manicured academy structure. I'd barely walked one step into the hallways when someone screamed my name. “Ellaaaaaaaa! Ellaaaa Anderson!” I'd barely had enough time to balance myself when Liya crashed into me and enveloped me in a tight hug. “Hey Liya!” I greeted the ginger-haired Lycan. Liya pulled away from me, grinning from ear to ear. “I missed you so much Ella.” “Me too Liya.” I said before she went on, rambling about her holidays in the Netherlands and how she'd sprinted in her wolf from through the thick woods of Luparia. She splayed her hands over her chest. “Oh, I can't wait to visit the Netherlands again. Perhaps, my mate would be in one of their packs.” she uttered dreamily. Liya was one of the few Lycans that was down to earth and didn't bully unlike the rest of her kind. We’d become close last year when they'd paired us during combat classes. Even though she had the opportunity to change into her wolf form, Liya had objected to fighting with bare hands. Even though I'd whooped her, we became inseparable and were one of my best friends, speaking of which. I looked around as we held hands heading towards the class. “And where's Rio?” Liya stopped in her tracks. “He told me he was—” she barely finished speaking when a loud squeal erupted from one of the students standing by the staircase. “The Caviers are torturing someone at the Den.” My heart skipped a beat. This was strange. The triplet Lycans didn't resume school early and definitely not on the first day. I and Liya exchanged worried glances as we headed for the Den— a place meant for strenuous training and— for torturing preys, by the Lycans. Holding hands, I and Liya trailed behind the fleet of students that were curious to feed their eyes. To the Lycans, it was a game of dominance and power. They took pleasure in subduing the werewolves as they believed we ranked lower than them. As we stepped into the huge arena, a crowd formed at one corner of the den, jeering and cheering for the Lycans to finish off whoever their prey was. I edged closer, panic and another emotion I didn't have a name for rattled my insides. We trudged through the crowds as three towering males came to view. The Lycan triplets were identical down to their wolves, the only feature that set them apart was their hair, when they were in human form. Roman Larson, the second son of the Lycan king was the first I saw from the thick crowd. His shiny blonde hair was the first to notice. His hands were curled in a fist, his knuckles bright red from punching whoever their victim was. He was a renowned playboy and the IT girls of the school had their turns with him. To Roman, it was just a fling, nothing more. From the shadow crossing his face, I could tell he was mad at whoever he was staring down at. I looked down and my breath got stuck in my throat when I saw the familiar back frame of someone on the floor. I edged closer, ignoring the hiss and Snickers from the students. “Get up and fight, you weakling.” Harper spat. Harper Larson… The best footballer in the entire school. Brown hair, razor sharp jaw, his wolf was the fastest and he could sniff out any rat— the werewolves. Harper had the rare ability to heal and teleport. Seeing Harper for the first time, he looked too innocent one would never suspect there was a dark side to the three time trophy winner. One step, two steps and I was in the frontline where everything was on full display. The person on the floor was so familiar, his curly brown hair, his shirt. Their prey was a male shifter, I could tell from his bulky physique. He slowly made to stand up when a heavy punch landed on his face and he fell back. Rio. My pulse quickened and rushed forward when two hands held me back. I didn't have to look to know that it was some of the triplets underlings. “Let's see what you've got huh, big boy.” Christopher spat. The first thing you'd notice about Christopher Larson was him. Yes. He exuded a high level of Lycan behavior, his face, so perfect could pass for a Greek god. His shoulders spread across his training suit and his sport shorts, flaunted his perfectly built muscles, that would make any girl weak to her knees. His other brothers had something that set them apart, but everything set this Lycan male apart. His jet black hair looked like a fortune was spent keeping it so permed. His charisma, his Lycan vibes that resonated with every step he took. Christopher Larson was the perfect definition of an all-rounder. Rio's face was swollen as blood pumped from the corner of his eyes and lips. I stared with hinged breath when Christopher towered towards him, grabbed him by his shirt and hurled him against the basketball pole. The other Lycans parted like a red sea as Rio crashed into the pole with a loud impact. He groaned and fell limp against the floor. “Finish him off!” one person shouted and the rest joined in the chants. I needed to save my friend. I needed to do something, fast and now. “Enough!” I screamed at the top of my voice and the room fell in silence as the entire students including the eighteen year old Lycan triplets turned to face me. Someone needed to put these bullies in their place. I was fueled by the anger I'd tried suppressing for three whole years of my life. I'd watched in horror as these people play god over the rest. They picked and tortured their prey till the latter tapped out and seek to leave the school. “I've had enough of your bullshit!” I began. “Who the hell do you three think you are, that you bully the werewolves like they mean nothing!” My voice was gaining momentum with each word I spoke. I knew I should stop but the fuel of frustration ignited a fire in me and would only quench if I said a piece of my mind. “Ella, please stop.” I heard Liya's small voice from behind me. I couldn't even if I wanted to. “I don't give a flip if your family founded this school and you're the wealthiest pack in the entire province. You stupid jerks think the world revolves around you and you can do what you please, taunting students? You're just privileged to be where you are and need I remind you…” I pointed a finger at all three of them. “All three of you are nothing but childish, spoiled, short-tempered losers!!!” By the time I was done, I felt light and a bit fuzzy. The den was so silent I could pick out the faintest sound. Everyone, including the Larson brothers all stared at me in shock. Slowly, I dragged my now heavy legs to where Rio was lying helplessly. I crouched by his side and stared at him, he looked lifeless. Tears stung the corner of my eyes as I tapped him. “Rio. Rio, please get up.” my voice could pass for a whisper. His eyes slowly fluttered open, a bitter smile crossing his lips. I helped him sit up straighter and he spat out blood. Rio’s face was covered in blood but I could see the appreciation covering his entire face. “Ella, you shouldn't have.” He looked over my shoulders. “They're going to come for you.” “Shut up, let's get you to the infirmary.” Liya approached us and sat on her knees. “Rio are you okay?” He nodded slowly. “Thanks to Ella.” The triplets were the first to leave before other students started exiting the hall one after the other till it was just three of us. Liya and I struggled to get Rio to the infirmary and we waited till he was asleep before leaving for class. The Lycan triplets will not let me go like that. I was sure of this.
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