
MOONSTONE ACADEMY: Mated to My Lycan Bullies

kickass heroine

Seventeen year old Ella Anderson's life plummeted to a different turn when she was sent off by her parents Alpha and Luna Anderson to a werewolf elite school, Moonstone academy as a long-standing tradition to strengthen the werewolf and Lycan alliances. The plan was very simple; remain there and hide her true identity from the rest of the high schoolers till she graduated. But fate had a whole different plan for her when a situation brought her to the notice of the most sought after trio which were equal parts the nightmare of the rest of the high schoolers— ‘The Caviers' they were the sons and heirs of the aristocratic Lycan provinces and they ruled the academy with iron fist. Nobody dared them. The Caviers ruled moonstone academy with iron fist and didn't hesitate to show the werewolves who were in charge, till she came along.

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I stared blankly at the ceiling, deep in thoughts. It was a few minutes until midnight. A few hours before I got into the back seat of the SUV that would whisk me away to hell. Yes, that's how I like to describe it, for lack of better words. My school, Moonstone Academy, was worse than hell. Hell was a mere illusion. It was horror wrapped in the eerie fangs of doom. Moonstone academy was an elite school originally meant for only the Lycans. Well, until the flag of peace was raised and the alliance of Werewolf was introduced. The school was built on the borders that separated the Lycans from the werewolves. It was like a bridge, a reminder of the legacy passed down by the Lycan kings and the Alphas before us. Each Alpha was expected to enroll at least one of their teens there. Unfortunately, I am of the Alpha's blood and his only child. I had no choice but to attend that school. The thought of schooling in that hell makes my stomach churn with the strong urge to puke. The first week of resumption in moonstone academy was always a frenzy of the fancy destinations they'd visited during the summer holidays, in the newly acquired private jet their parents had shopped. If there was one thing the students in moonstone academy swore by, it was vanity. And I wasn't ready for the chitty-chatty distractions during classes. What made this more worse was the fact that these wolves and Lycans all cower before the Caviers. They control the school and whatever they say stands. The Caviers were a nickname given to the three hottest guys in school. Roman, Christopher and Harper Larson. The Lycan triplet heirs of the moonstone pack. Yes, the most prestigious school in the whole of the provinces was named after their pack. They were the wealthiest and controlled the school with an iron fist. They were the major bullies but since the other students would give anything to be in their good book or even have the heirs glance their way, the Caviers never really did the dirty jobs themselves. No one could stand up to them, and if any student did as much as speak when they were in the same space, the student might have to kiss their normal lives goodbye. I rolled on my side, a small groan escaping my lips, as a knock sounded. I didn't want to speak to anyone, at least not now. I had a lot on my plate, resuming for senior high was the second painful thing on the imaginary list I made up in my head. The first being a wolf-less daughter of an Alpha. My father couldn't stand me. I could tell from his silence, his dismissive tone, the distance in his hollow eyes as he spoke to me, and the glaring look he shot at my mother the few times she tried to stand up for me. He expected more from me than just acing my combat classes and the rest of my subjects. I was seventeen and should have my wolf like the rest who had the Alpha blood running through their veins. It was every girl's dream to be blessed with a wolf and a mate. I still had three weeks till I'm eighteen, I could only hope it would turn out fine. “Ella, I know you're in there.” My mother's silky voice echoed from behind the door, jolting me from my deep thoughts. I reached for my pillow and covered my ears. Can't she understand that I just wanted to be left alone? “Ella, if you don't open this door right now—” A groan rumbled in my chest and I squashed it as I got down from my bed and pushed the door open to see her hands curled into a fist. I rolled my eyes. “Mom, that would've hurt.” She sidestepped me and entered the room. “Not as much as not seeing my pup a day before she leaves for school.” She propped herself against the bed and patted it gently. “Come sit Ella.” I wasn't exactly a pup. Pup being relative. I mean, I don't have a wolf yet and shouldn't identify with any wolverine tag. Plus I was a whooping seventeen year old. I didn't move an inch. For some reasons, anger and a mixture of pain coursed through me. How could I tell her I was going through the same fear that clawed at me during every resumption? I would look like a coward and that was one thing that I wasn't. Especially because I wasn't new to Moonstone academy. After much hesitation, I went to sit beside her. “You didn't come down for dinner. ” It wasn't a question but I knew she deserved an answer. “I wasn't hungry.” Silence. “Your father and I wouldn't be around by the time you'd be leaving for school. We have a pack meeting to attend to.” She tilted her head and studied me for a bit before she said, “Honey, I–” “Mom, I'll be fine.” I dismissed her. Her words had an underlying message beneath it. I perceived it before I heard it. Once, I'd tried running away from the pack and was caught. I don't even want to recount what I passed through as punishment. I had an averagely good life but my father made it hell for me. Constantly comparing the other high ranked wolves to me. I'd tried to build a wall of defense but it seemed Dad had mastered ways to pull it down and hurt me with his words. “I trust you to make sure of that.” Her voice was drowned in a note of helplessness? I didn't have the time to think it through before she stood up and walked towards the door. My heart twisted in my chest as the urge to go after her and hug her, filled my heart. Her hands curled around the doorknob before she turned to face me. “Ella, I want you to know, your father cares about you…so much.” I give my mother credit for that, she always defended that man even when it was glaring. She continued, “You're in your senior year and would pretty soon be done with highschool…” The rest of her words floated in the air. As soon as I'm done with highschool, I'm gonna try to run for the second and last time. Or maybe I didn't have to run, I was just going to leave. “Come here…” her words were calm but the tone was laced with authority. I squashed a groan that rested on the tip of my lips and dragged my feet to where she stood. Mom straightened my shoulders. “Anderson's don't slouch, even in the face of fear.” She quipped and enveloped me in a hug. “You'll do just fine, sweetie.” She sighed and stared at me with bleary eyes, “This year's going to be different, I can feel it. Perhaps you might get a wolf.” She placed a light kiss on my cheeks and walked out of the room. Since the school was located far from most werewolf provinces, we lived in the dormitory, a Palace-like suite that in my opinion was just a showoff for the Lycans. I slumped on the ground, an emotion I wasn't quite familiar with clawed at my insides. For a full term, I would be at that place filled with the most notorious, frugal, spoilt and materialistic Lycans bullies and even worse Werewolves wannabees. I bit hard on my lower lips as I clamped my eyes shut. “This is the last session and you wouldn't have to think about highschool after that.” I inhaled and exhaled sharply but that didn't do anything to my raging nerves. I am Ella Anderson, only child of Alpha and Luna Anderson and I loathed my inability to have a wolf as much as I loathed the moonstone academy.

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