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I woke up feeling the sun on my face, I turned around rubbing my hand and found no small body, I smiled imagining that Arthur must have taken our daughter in the middle of the night to her room, afraid that one of us might hurt her in our sleep. I moved around the bed and sighed opening my eyes slowly and I could feel hands on my waist and legs, I turned my face to face someone sleepy and smiling. - Good morning! My love - Arthur said kissing my neck "his second favorite place", since he commented that the first was my lips. - Good morning, husband," I whisper, smiling, and we remained in this delicious caressing until I remembered the time and quickly got out of bed. - Baby! - Arthur complains and I laugh. - I have to take our daughter to school and on the way to work - I comment and soon Arthur was beside me looking for his pants. I lift pulling his head and kiss him with all my love, but I pull away seeing Arthur petrified and gave a mischievous smile. - After this kiss I want more - He said and I give a cry when he takes me by the legs and I get up straight to the bathroom. {***} - I found your lunch box, daughter," I shouted, and she came in her uniform all neat and tidy. I sat my pretty one on the highest chair and right on time Arthur came in all dressed up, becoming my handsome "Lawyer". - Good morning, Daddy," says Christina, wiping her mouth that was full and scolding her gently. - Good morning, my little princess," she says, kissing her hair. - Finish eating first," I ask before she starts chattering, and as soon as Arthur sits down I serve him his morning coffee. We ate with harmony even in silence that was filled by our daughter's laughter. As soon as Arthur finished he bent down kissing Tina's forehead and smiled kissing my lips chastely, we bid him farewell watching him leave with the car. - Are you finished, daughter? - I ask and she agrees. I take the opportunity to finish cleaning up and grab my purse, as well as her backpack. I go back into the kitchen to get the lunch box and hand it to Christina, I show her my free hand and she takes it all smiling, I put my little princess in the safety seat and as I didn't forget anything "something I do directly", I leave and go to my first destination. {***} - I am exhausted, but very happy," Kathya says with a smile, as she is back from maternity leave with her first daughter, Lillian. Kathya is an excellent "Fashion Designer" with her stores all over town. - I know how it is, but it is something inexplicable and wonderful," I say smiling, in love with my little princess and already missing her. - We have to have more of these women's lunch hours - Samantha comments smiling, being a lingerie designer with Kathya and they are partners in their own stores. - True Samantha, we have everything going for us as professional women, married women and mothers," Kathya bragged and we laughed at her. Kathya and William got married right here in California in a beautiful ceremony, recently just became parents to little Lillian their little angel - Samantha and Andrew, however, were "radical", and got married in Las Vacancies who at the time was pregnant with the twins Isaac and Diana. At that time, when talk of "marriage" was involved, Arthur wanted it to have everything I am entitled to, as well as being the day of my dreams, wanting it to be the way I wanted it to be, and as a man of my word I made it a reality. My husband and I got married on the beach with family members and the sea as witnesses - it was one of the best days of my life with my incredible long and light beige dress "I wanted to run away from white", besides the flower arrangement on my head with my worthy Arthur all in white and he wanted us to be barefoot with our feet in the sand with a view of the beautiful sunset. "Unforgettable and wonderful" - I think about the definition of my wedding and I can say that Kathya was right, we are accomplished women. I am an accomplished woman in many ways, but nothing could compare to having such a loving husband and best father in the world to our daughter, being my best companion and friend. I am a professional in what I do independently and I am still the mother who cries when her daughter makes tribute letters on "mothers day", I am the woman who worries and does everything to take care of her husband. "The woman who completes herself having her husband and our daughter always by my side" {***} As soon as I got home, Tina came by super agitated, wanting to watch her cartoon. I turned on the channel and sat her down and went to the kitchen to prepare our snack. We ate while watching her favorite cartoons and I just kept smiling, while, watching my daughter giggling with delight. - Now bath and nap - I spoke with my little one jumping up and down on the sofa and immediately picked her up and spun her around the room, clapping her hands and having fun. - Mommy... - Yes! My princess - I said holding her in my lap. - Aunt Kath had a baby, when mommy will have a baby in her belly - I almost hit my back against the wall with what she said, while, she swayed with her sweet talk about "wanting a baby to play with". However, it would be funny if she wasn't laughing with nervousness - This wasn't the first time she had made this request, and many times Tina would get together with her father to set up a compor, having to convince me about it. "I need to go over some things and points to discuss about this matter of having another baby with my husband" After I managed to calm her agitation I finally went upstairs with my daughter to her room, prepared her nice bath with bubbles and washed her long hair. After cleaning her up, I left her to go to the closet to get her pajamas with purple pants and slippers, I sat Tina on the bed to comb her beautiful hair that is just like her father's "I used to talk about it every day". This was one of the best sensations, these moments with me, taking care of our most valuable asset in the world, and since her hair was wet, I had to dry it so as not to get the flu. When she was ready, I took her to my room and put her on the bed to turn on the TV, while she stayed focused on what was going on so I could take my shower. I finished putting on my pajamas and as it was colder I got the long one, lying on the bed watching some movie and I didn't even pay attention since I preferred to hold my daughter in my arms, running my hand through her soft hair and with that I fell asleep, returning again to the past. {***} We were happier than ever, our relationship was great except for the times that Jane tried to get in the way, but as time went on it was diminishing, "maybe she realized that nothing could be done to affect us," although she still stared at us, showing her contempt. As for the rest involving my boyfriend, "it was evolving very well", however, Samantha was having problems when Andrew's ex-girlfriend returned to study at our school after she had left and by the way she looked, it seemed that she still had hopes of winning Andrew over again. - If she thinks she has a chance and tries something... you can be sure that I will strangle this girl. - If she tries, she will be knocked down," Kathya said with conviction and looked determined. She could understand Samantha, because if some ex-girlfriend of Arthur's showed up out of nowhere, she would "freak out even more", and if she showed that she would try to get him back - Luckily for me Arthur had two ex-girlfriends and they live far enough away to be quiet. - I can understand, Sam! Let's hope she doesn't try anything - I comment, grabbing my purse. We left in silence, since Samantha had her thoughts far away and although she didn't admit it, she was insecure. "No one could ever give her that adjective" - However, Andrew dated this girl for two years "that was a long time". Among the three of us the one who had an ex-boyfriend for the longest time was Kathya, since Sam had only a few boyfriends, in my case I have only one ex-boyfriend in the city where I lived with my mother. I walked into the next class room with Kathya and stood curling my hair on my finger, while, looking out the window. - If I were Samantha, I would be afraid," Kathya said, and I looked at her. - I confess that I would be too," I answer and after that we don't talk about this subject again until it's time for the break. I am not so surprised to see that Andrew's ex-girlfriend went to sit right away with the not-so-cool clique of Jane(cow) and company. "They deserve each other!" - I think, however, them getting together would be everyone's torment, especially Samantha and Andrew, who were sitting in their own world, avoiding looking where Luana was sitting. I looked at them both and turned to look at Arthur who understood anyway "those two together would be trouble", and it didn't take long for that to happen and that's when all hell broke loose. In the days ahead and in many ways, Jane and her new friend did a lot of mischief, doing everything to get in the way of Sam and Andrew's relationship. There were times when I could almost see Kathya going after Luana, as they played dirty and many times I could see Samantha controlling herself not to fall into their game, while Andrew tried to calm her down with sweet and caring words. I had no idea how long it was like this, until Sam had enough and ended up exploding and destroying the idiots. "I'm not one for fighting! Except if it's necessary," - He thought about it, knowing how hard Samantha was trying not to let that happen. "Which was a miracle, coming from her," - Plus that's what Jane and her g**g needed to leave everyone alone. "We weren't the only ones they made hell with." - This started a fight in the parking lot. - There is something you will never understand or feel in your lives," Samantha said as she let go of Vanessa's hair and started on Luana. - You can try to destroy it with your stupid plans! I may even fall, but just like my friends we will always rise with even more strength to bring you down. You unloved snakes and to you Luana - She finished speaking her name with contempt. - You haven't met the same Andrew I know! I don't believe you even know what his favorite dish was back then, so... - She paused as if she needed to take a deep breath in order not to lose control. - You can say whatever you want, because you won't be able to crumble my structures and you know why - Samantha let go of her arm that fell on the floor totally shaken. She watched the scene as she leaned against the car, hugged by Arthur and watched out in case Sam needed help, although at most she would separate, while Kathya smiled happily, slapping her hand on her leg. William just watched everything and we knew he didn't like conflict, but he didn't criticize his sister's decision, as he saw his twin sad and nervous around the house and knew how stressed Samantha was about it all. - I have the best friends in the whole world! The most understanding twin brother in the world and the boyfriend who shows all the time how much he loves me. Kathya would flood the parking lot with her tears if she could, with me, smiling at the force of nature that was our friend. - This you and no one can take away from me," she said serenely, and pushed Luana away from her and turned away. When out of nowhere, the students watching the fight clapped and whistled, showing that they were on her side for her courage in facing the snakes head on. As I imagined "it wasn't only us that they messed with", in the parking lot there was an euphoria of voices and clapping, with me surprised to get to this with Arthur clapping with the crowd, Kathya was overjoyed and ran jumping at Samantha. - We're all with you, girlfriend! It seems that almost all the students agree with you," I said, smiling. Jane and her class eventually realized that they were being belittled "something they seemed to take pleasure in doing to others," and hurried out of the school. This was our difference from them "we are stronger as a group", because, we support each other even if they try to get in the way, we will always have the group to help evolve. "I'm glad I made the decision to live with my father"
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