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- Amor? - I turned to look into his beautiful penetrating eyes, as well as his smile. - Yes ... Love," I whispered, smiling and moved closer and closer to him on our bed and ran my hands down his neck. - Are you still here? - he asked, running his hand over my face. - I was going back in time when we first met," I said and he looked at me sideways. - Oh, yes! I can say that it was one of the best moments of my life that I met my...goddess. - Really is ... your goddess? She must be one lucky woman," I commented, glued to his chest. I lean down to kiss his lips, while he brings our bodies even closer together and sticks his fingers in my hair, pulling them apart. - How lucky I am to have you, as well as our princess," he said, knocking me down onto the bed so that he was on top of me and pulled my legs desperately. I ended up laughing at his pressure and pulled his hair and kissed him, but his lips became rough and I knew what would happen if we continued like this, Arthur pulled my lips together and smiled crookedly. - Arthur, we'd better stop! Christina might end up in here," I say, needing to breathe and get off his lap. In the process I pulled back the cover and he held my waist mischievously. - She loves to leave her room and end up in ours," he says and we laugh, but soon the door was opened and long covered hair appeared with his curious little eyes. I turned my body to face her, who was just staring at us with a shy smile. - Mom, Dad! I can't sleep, can I stay here? - She asks in a sleepy voice without letting her eyes scratch. I gave her a sideways smile because of her sweet way that when she lost sleep or had a nightmare she came knocking on the door to sleep with us. - Only this time princess! Come on up - I said, knowing that it wouldn't be the last time, and she came closer, giving me her arms and soon jumped on the bed, coming straight to my lap, while Arthur ran his hands through her long hair. - You can't sleep, little flower," said her father, and she shook her head. She put her head between my breasts and I just watched my little girl who was one of the greatest treasures we have, I can say for myself and Arthur who looked at our daughter breathing calmly and shining. - Our daughter has grown so much, love," I said smiling and ran my hands through her hair, which was the same color as her father's. She had the same smile as his. She also had the same smile as his, her eyes, dimples and face were identical to mine - She was the most beautiful being in the world, a piece of me and my husband in this perfect mixture. - I agree love, when I saw her she was already three years old," he said smiling crookedly and came over and covered us (both of us) with the blanket. We stayed like this for a while in this comforting silence and I kept going back to my memories of the past and didn't even see when I fell asleep remembering. SECOND DREAM It had been a week since I had my first kiss with Arthur on our date and it was perfect, even more so because it was the moment we declared ourselves to each other. After that he made sure to leave it at home and I practically spent the whole night sighing like a teenager in love and still dreaming about him. After that day I talked to Arthur on his cell phone for long hours and at school the girls wanted to know everything, "especially Kathya," who said she had seen her cousin smiling like a fool around her aunt and uncle's house. Knowing this made me red with embarrassment, but smiling too much - I told them everything and they were hysterical about the kiss and the declaration, even though they said they already knew about it. I spent the day telling them everything in detail and during the break when we were going to the cafeteria, someone came to cover my eyes, however, I knew this hand "as well as the smell", it was Arthur. I guessed it by saying his name and he looked up smiling, to my surprise, hugging me without any shame about it, while, the girls smiled at the scene. After that everything had changed, we ended up being together more often, sometimes at lunchtime we would hide in the bleachers to flirt from the curious eyes, the same ones that soon found out about our "involvement", even the cheerleaders were angry when I was with him, "especially their chief leader", Jane cow-woman - she was crazy about Arthur and kept running after him. One time they had to complain to the coach because she tried to invade the men's room after him, and it turned out that this helped to improve the protection of the women's restrooms as well, "to keep the boys from spying. When she heard and caught a glimpse of us together she almost "literally" freaked out, but I didn't care about that, as long as she stayed away. Even though Kathya and Samantha were cheerleaders, "they were the opposite of them," and they looked at her like security guards with murderous faces. "They turned out to have some that were insufferable!" In the beginning of the relationship we had no problems, but that started to change - we were completing one month of dating, however, that besides being a day of celebration was also the most difficult to bear, because we had to do a dance rehearsal at school and the teacher seemed to have made the pairs to kill everyone's heart. Samantha seemed to be close to losing control by going after Vanessa who is a friend of Jane's and her boyfriend's date was proving to be an eternal gentleman pushing his partner away. I watched William near his dance partner, Iris, who was the sister of "cow Jane". "See the connections?" – It couldn't be just coincidence. Kathya almost exploded with anger wanting to pull the arm of the girl clinging to her boyfriend's shoulder - To make it even worse than it already was and "who was Arthur's dance partner?", to my misfortune it was Jane who was glowing beside him, as if she had won the mega lottery. As I imagined the i***t took advantage of the situation to grab him by the arm with her pulling him to the stage "I confess that it was hard to stand still". I just stared at the girl who is "stone crazy, literally", dragging my super confused Arthur and seemed to have time to look angrily in the direction of Cody who was next to me and seemed to be smiling for some reason "too happy". So the placements remained and you could feel the tension in the room, while, everyone stood around waiting for the rehearsal to start. Kathya was next to me and was so frustrated that she tapped her foot on the floor, Samantha crossed her arms tensely. When the rehearsal of the damn dance started, it was practically horrible to follow, while, I was having a vision of Arthur and wished I had the power of the Cyclops to pull Jane's hand out of my boyfriend's arms. She threw herself at him, who she tried to avoid at all costs, and I tried hard to stay still with myself, lifting Cody's hand all the time when he was out of line. I don't know when it happened or where I was until I had a glimpse of Arthur practically dropping Jane who ended up on the floor and came furiously to keep Cody's hands off me. "If looking could kill, Cody would be dead with the way my boyfriend was shooting him"
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